iPhone 5 Camera Question


Nov 26, 2011
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@Massie: one other thing I dislike about KitCam (and even sent them feedback about) is the size of text they use in the GUI. I have good vision but have to put drug store glasses on to read the text below the icons.


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Feb 9, 2010
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Actually, these pictures were taken with Camera+ which is my default camera app on the home screen. I have an entire page of other camera app that are all related, including KitCam, but so far Camera+ seems best to me. KitCam is probably second, and might jump into the top slot if I ever take time to play with it and learn it better. I just bought it a couple of days ago.

But to answer your question...no, these noisy photos were simply taken at Camera+ default settings. I know I should experiment more with the features of both Camera+ and KitCam but I just haven't done so. I'm sure if I did, I'd be a lot happier.

My next project is finding a good editing suite (short of PhotoShop) that is "EASY" to use but still handles things like noise reduction well. I tried the touted Snapseed desktop app, but even though it was supposed to have noise reduction, I couldn't find it in the tools.

Well, the focus/exposure controls in Cam+ are simple: just tap the + sign in the corner of the focus box, and a separate exposure control ring will appear; drag that around until you get the exposure you want:


Of course, if you're looking for desktop apps to reduce noise, you really may just want to get a point-and-shoot. If you feel like it's that bad that you need to do post-processing to every low light shot.

As for Snapseed, while it does have Sharpening, I don't believe I've ever read about it having a Noise Reduction option (in fact, a few reviews make a point of wishing it did) but there are other apps that do offer it: Photoshop Express and Perfectly Clear are two off the top of my head, but I can't vouch for quality as I haven't used either. Hope that helps!


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Nov 26, 2011
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Of course, if you're looking for desktop apps to reduce noise, you really may just want to get a point-and-shoot. If you feel like it's that bad that you need to do post-processing to every low light shot.

Thanks, Massie. Actually, I have a Canon PowerShot SD 780/IS Elph which takes really great pictures indoors, but I think the iPhone beats it for outdoors scenery shots. And as they always say...the best camera in the world is the one you have with you :) I'm just trying to do a compromise here and in retrospect, I should be taking the one-chance photos on planned trips with the Canon...it's almost as small as the iPhone.

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