iOS 6.1

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Dec 8, 2012
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There are still problems with iPhone 4S connecting to WiFi networks. Apple MUST fix this problem because it wasn't fixed in 6.0.1 although it was announced. One Antennagate, one Mapsgate and a EiFigate is too much.
The problem is massive and so I think we have to wait another couple of weeks.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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There are still problems with iPhone 4S connecting to WiFi networks. Apple MUST fix this problem because it wasn't fixed in 6.0.1 although it was announced. One Antennagate, one Mapsgate and a EiFigate is too much.
The problem is massive and so I think we have to wait another couple of weeks.
I'm having a difficult time accepting what you're saying. I, as well as many other users, have NEVER had a problem connecting to ANY Wi-Fi network and I purchased my 4S a week or so after it was released. I've been able to connect to a variety of Wi-Fi networks, both open & encrypted without a problem AND with every iOS update to date. Having said that, it is hard for me to accept that the problem is "massive" or that it is an iOS problem. I'm not saying that it is not, however, could the problem be on the network side and not the device?
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Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Hi JustMe'D
thanks for your reply.
You're quite welcome, my friend.
Here in Germany as well as in US it is a big problem.
The article states that "some" users are having a difficult time connecting to Wi-Fi networks. It didn't say a majority or even give a percentage of users that are having the problems so to say it is a "big" problem is hard for me to accept. What is bothering me the most is why certain users are having the problem and others are not and that is why I am questioning whether or not it is an iOS problem and not a network/wireless router/firewall problem. Of course, I have no proof to support either.
As the circumstances even for professionals are not clear and there is no reproducible workaround so on my point of view it is a big problem for Apple.
I somewhat agree, but only from a perception standpoint.
iOS 6.0.1 didn't solve it what is not Apple like. Look here

Thanks and have a nice day.
I sure hope this issue gets resolved for the people who are having these problems because everyone should enjoy their devices to the fullest. Anyway, thank you for responding, my friend. Take care and enjoy your day and upcoming weekend. :D
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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2012
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Thanks JustMe'd
It was a great pleasure to discuss with you even it was a bit hard for me as German is my native language.
On my wish list for 2013 are REAL discussions in the forum and not the endless speculations about questions like
Will iPad 23 will get a nuclear reactor to replace the old-fashioned battery?

Bye for now.


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Jun 23, 2010
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iOS 6.1 GM In Final Testing, Could Be Out For Devs By Monday [Rumor]

Alex Heath (1:12 pm PDT, Jan 11th)


Apple issued the first beta of iOS 6.1 to developers back at the beginning of November. Since then, the software has undergone four beta revisions. The latest version was seeded on December 17th.
A new rumor from German blog iFun claims that the final iOS 6.1 GM (the same version that’s released publicly for everyone) is in the final internal testing stages, and the software is about to be released to registered devs. Apparently the iOS 6.1 GM could ship as early as today or Monday.
iFun merely cites “a reliable source,” so we’re chalking this one up to a possibility, not definite news.
Apple usually times big iOS software updates with press events, and the company could very well hold an event in the coming weeks like it has done in the past. iOS 6.1 isn’t necessarily a huge update, but it does pack some interesting additions. There’s the ability to order movie tickets with Fandango via Siri, added security for iCloud, and a new Maps frameworkfor developers that allows other apps to search for locations based on points of interest.

Read more at iOS 6.1 GM In Final Testing, Could Be Out For Devs By Monday [Rumor] | Cult of Mac


Retired Moderator
Mar 9, 2009
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Considering all the betas appear to be releasing on Mondays now, a GM would sound realistic to release this up coming Monday. *Keeps fingers crossed*


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2012
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It is said that the golden master of iOS is almost done and will be given to developers by Monday. My guess is that it would be out before February?


Trusted Member
Jul 8, 2011
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It is said that the golden master of iOS is almost done and will be given to developers by Monday. My guess is that it would be out before February?

Now, I'm just speculating:). But if that's the case with 6.1 being released by Feb for everyone OR in March, it would make sense with the iPad 5 and iPad mini rumored to be released in March. That would mean they would be released with the new iOS.

Again, it's just a thought process I had - I have no insider news :p


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2011
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Now, I'm just speculating:). But if that's the case with 6.1 being released by Feb for everyone OR in March, it would make sense with the iPad 5 and iPad mini rumored to be released in March. That would mean they would be released with the new iOS.

Again, it's just a thought process I had - I have no insider news :p
Well except they launched the mini and ipad 4 without a new OS
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