ios 5.1.1 jailbreaked and I can?t reset to factory defaults. I have spyware installed !


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Oct 25, 2012
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First of all, sorry for my english.
I have a iphone 4s jailbreaked on ios 5.1.1
I have installed a spyware called ownspy.
I need to restore my iphone to uninstall it and here I have the problems.

I can?t use "Erase setting" from ios settings, to back to ios 5.1.1 unjailbroken, because it never starts. I have read this option is not available with jailbroken phones. OMG, this will be my salvation.

I can?t use iTunes because apple don?t sing 5.1.1.

I don?t save the shsh when I must do it and now I only can download it from cydia. I tried to restore with Redsnow and Tinyumbrella, but the shsh downloaded from cydia dosn?t work with the ipsw 5.1.1 downloaded from


The only solution I can find is restore to ios 6.0 but i will lose the JB.

Can you help me? Any idea?

Thanks and sorry for my english again.

PD: Si alguien habla espa?ol y sabe, ser?a m?s f?cil, ehh !


Sep 21, 2012
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If you have TinyUmbrella installed on your computer, go to advanced tab and make sure it is set to restore from Apple, not Cydia on exit. Then close TU. Close iTunes. Reboot computer. Open iTunes, connect your iPhone, click "Restore" and let iTunes do it's thing. Requires high speed internet connection. The ipsw file is around a GB in size. Use original carrier sim to activate. Jailbreaking has nothing to do with your restore not working by the way. Hope this helps to clarify.

U can also put you're phone on recovery mode then connect it to iTunes and restore.... If you don't know how to put ur phone in recovery ... All you do is hold you're home button a few seconds before you connect USB and continue to hold another second or two.... Make sure iTunes is already opened on you're computer.

Best wishes!


Sep 21, 2012
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Spanish translated version...

Si tiene TinyUmbrella instalado en su ordenador, vaya a la ficha Opciones avanzadas y aseg?rese de que est? configurado para restaurar de Apple no, Cydia en la salida. A continuaci?n, cierre TU. Cierre iTunes. Reinicie su ordenador. Abre iTunes, conecta tu iPhone, haga clic en "Restore" y dejar que iTunes haga su cosa. Requiere conexi?n a Internet de alta velocidad. El archivo ipsw es de alrededor de un GB de tama?o. Utilice SIM soporte original para activar. Jailbreaking no tiene nada que ver con su restauraci?n no funciona por cierto. Espero que esto ayude a aclarar.

Tu tambi?n puedes poner ur tel?fono en modo de recuperaci?n luego conectarlo a iTunes y restaurar .... Si u no saben c?mo poner ur tel?fono en la recuperaci?n ... Todo que necesitas hacer es mantener pulsado el bot?n home unos segundos antes de que tu conectes el USB y siga sosteniendo uno o dos segundos .... Aseg?rese de que iTunes ya est? abierto en la computadora.


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Oct 24, 2011
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Turn off your iphon. Turn it on again but hold down the volume up buttom. This should open iphone in safe mode. delete ANYTHING that may be causing problems.


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Nov 6, 2011
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i must be confused... it seems to me this fella wants to restore his 4s to 5.1.1
so all he needs is the latest redsnow, and tiny umbrella....
i however do not agree with the "ease" of a 5.1.1 to 5.1.1 restore.... i had a heck of a day today just getting my phone back...


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Oct 25, 2012
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In this moment I have my iphone 4S with 5.1.1 and jailbreak.
iTunes only restore my iphone and install ios 6.0. I don?t want ios 6.0 because it can?t be jailbreaked.
If I try to apply "erase and restore" with iphone "Settings" with out iTunes, it never start and doesn?t restore.
I tried to restore my iphone with the last versi?n of Redsnow, but when it is restoring a problem happened.

I don?t want ios 6.0
I can?t restore by Iphone settings.
I can?t install 5.1.1 ipsw with the last versi?n of Red Snow.
I have ssh boolbs 5.1.1 of my iphone downloaded by cydia not previous saved.

When I try to restore with RedSnow it says me:

It seems the APTicket flashed on the device cannot be reused to this hack.
If the current firmware is installed via an OTA update or at the factory its APTicket contains the wrong data for this to work.



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Nov 6, 2011
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How did you update to its 5.1.1??
Also NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER (I could go on) erase all content and settings on a jail broken iPhone!!!!

More importantly, my first question! How did you update to ios 5.1.1????

Also, you can get iFile and root around the file system for this ownspy crap.
Or use iFunbox, then you won't have to restore.


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Oct 25, 2012
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First of all, thanks for your reply.
I can?t remember exactly how I update to ios 5.11 , but I think it was by iTunes.

The second problem is that I don?t know where is the spyware installed and I don?t like the idea that it is installed and is still spying on me.
Only for this reason I want reinstall ios 5.1.1 and to sleep calmly.

I would like to have the safety that erasing certain files the spyware would remain rendered useless but I don?t know what files must I delete.

Thanks you again and sorry for my poor english.


Oct 28, 2012
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It seems the APTicket flashed on the device cannot be reused to this hack.
If the current firmware is installed via an OTA update or at the factory its APTicket contains the wrong data for this to work.""""

Same problem here. Waited for Absinthe jailbreak to come out several months ago and then updated to 5.1.1 in Itunes, then did jailbreak. Now I have a 4s on 5.1.1 jailbroken and I want to go to back to 5.1.1 UN jailbroken and I get the same above response using the latest redsn0w. Sure, I can safe mode and remove what i want, but I thought there was a way to go back to stock 5.1.1 if cydia said my blobs were saved. Is this true or not?
Thanks for your help


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Nov 6, 2011
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I'm confused by your response... You isn't get it OTA if you update via iTunes...
It's only OTA if you went into settings on your phone and updated that way... You wouldve gotten a big apple 5.1.1 screen and had I select update and im pretty sure accept all sorts of agreements...
Anyways... I do not have a 4s so I can't speak from experience in that, HOWEVER I think that it is possible to restore from 5.whatever to 5.same whatever so long as you have your blobs saved AS LONG AS YOU UPDATED VIA ITUNES....
However I think this only works on a5 devices... Ip4s and ipad2.... I do not think it is possible to restore to a similar firmware on a4 devices, however it is EASY to downgrade on said devices....

So my understanding is that you are in a 4s an on 5.1.1 so in theory you can restore to 5.1.1 as long as you updated to this from iTunes.... If those thre things are true, get your blobs, use redsnow 15b to build a custom switched firmware then start redsnow go to more, even more, restore and follow directions....
And let us know how that all goes!!!
I'm curious. I tres to restore my ip4 from 5.1.1 to 5.1.1 and it was a NIGHTMARE!
In the end I upgraded to 6.0, then downgraded back!


Oct 28, 2012
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Thanks for the response. Was ignorant to what OTA meant and I did update through Itunes so there is hope and I'll try again in a couple of days. Thanks again


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Oct 25, 2012
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I can?t remember if I updated to 5.1.1 by itunes or by OTA.
Is there any way to check it?

Try to update on 6.0 to downgrade later to 5.1.1 seems very dangerous, if later dosn?t work you can say bye bye to jailbreak.
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2011
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I can?t remember if I updated to 5.1.1 by itunes or by OTA.
Is there any way to check it?

Try to update on 6.0 to downgrade later to 5.1.1 seems very dangerous, if later dosn?t work you can say bye bye to jailbreak.

oriori you should in no way shape or form update to 6.1 because you cannot downgrade... currently it is said that redsnow 15b can "re-restore" your device if you have your blobs and updated through itunes, i dont know how to check how you updated....
but definitely dont go to ios 6.0


Oct 28, 2012
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It is a no go for downgrading back to 5.1.1 from jailbroken 5.1.1 several times for me. Been reading other sites about the same problem and they are sure it wasn't an OTA update. Going to have to just hang with 5.1.1 jailbreak for now it seems.


Oct 28, 2012
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It is a 4s, but unlike others that can swear they updated with Itunes and still can't downgrade, I can't be positive mine was not OTA.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2011
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Sorry dude. You might be out of luck until a new jailbreak exploit is known.
I'm not even sure these "re-restores" even work!
I know it didn't work for me and I know I have only ever updated through iTunes!

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