iCloud vs. Google Sync


Oct 14, 2011
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I want to throw this out there and to make sure I am doing this the right and most efficient way:
I have a gmail account, I use microsoft outlook on my pc, and I use google calendar sync to sync my emails and calendar appointments. I recently bought an iphone 4s(which is by far the best phone I have ever had, previously being palm pre & evo 4g) and now I have gmail and google calendar setup with my iphone account.
I add something to microsoft outlook, I then right click on google sync for it to sync with my google calendar, then I go to my calendar in my iphone and refresh and its there. Also vice versa if I add it to my iphone first.
So I guess my question is everything seems to be working for me, but is there a more easier/efficient way to be doing this? Thank you in advance for your advice!


Oct 14, 2011
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I do not have a domain.. so I am not sure what you mean? sorry.. just tried it and it was asking for a username and password, which I do not.. am I missing something?


Oct 14, 2011
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ok, got the gmail setup as an exchange, pretty instantanious awesome! Now for the calendar, is there an option for my events to get pushed from outlook to iphone w/o having to rightclick on google calendar sync everytime.


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Jul 13, 2008
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...no, but to be honest, why not just simply use the web version of GMail? That way you don't have to do a thing.

Once you enter a Calendar item, or Contact in GMail online, it will AUTOMATICALLY show up on all SmartPhones that have an Exchange account setup, i.e. iPhone, iPad, or Android :)

ok, got the gmail setup as an exchange, pretty instantanious awesome! Now for the calendar, is there an option for my events to get pushed from outlook to iphone w/o having to rightclick on google calendar sync everytime.


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Jun 14, 2007
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So far I do not see any duplicates of contacts and I am running both. It gives you an option to merge or not merge contacts ..... and remember iCloud is there for a backup, which is different then what google is for. Google syncs between all devices, cloud from what I have seen will only do this with apps, music, and books.

Not true. It will sync bookmarks contacts, calendar, and reminders. It needs a me.com email address to sync notes though. no idea why.


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Oct 26, 2004
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I converted most things to icloud now. Still using gmail for email. Made another gmail account to backup me.com mail (autoforward). We'll see how it goes.

I basically have ipad, iphone, laptop, work PC, and home PC. Outlook and icloud control panel on computers. Along with gsyncit (Fieldston Software - gSyncit - Sync Outlook and Google Calendars, Contacts, Notes and Tasks - Toodledo - Evernote) to sync one way to google for backup purposes..contacts, calendar. This was used to move everything to icloud.

Gsyncit is the only way i've found to subscribe to any google calendars as well. My daughter's school calendar for example. One way sync from their calendar to outlook which goes straight to icloud.

This works for me. I use Outlook religiously though. So perhaps not for others.


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Jun 14, 2007
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I converted most things to icloud now. Still using gmail for email. Made another gmail account to backup me.com mail (autoforward). We'll see how it goes.

I basically have ipad, iphone, laptop, work PC, and home PC. Outlook and icloud control panel on computers. Along with gsyncit (Fieldston Software - gSyncit - Sync Outlook and Google Calendars, Contacts, Notes and Tasks - Toodledo - Evernote) to sync one way to google for backup purposes..contacts, calendar. This was used to move everything to icloud.

Gsyncit is the only way i've found to subscribe to any google calendars as well. My daughter's school calendar for example. One way sync from their calendar to outlook which goes straight to icloud.

This works for me. I use Outlook religiously though. So perhaps not for others.

I have a Mac at home which can natively connect to google's cloud. What it can't do right now is connect to iCloud because I don't have Lion installed.

How well does the iCloud handle meeting invites via gmail?

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