From Android to iPhone 4S


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Sep 25, 2011
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I have had an Android phone since the G1 came out, and have been fanatically loyal. I just purchased the iPhone 4S, and I am really surprised with how much I like it. The only thing for me is that I am having a hard time really browsing apps and finding ones that didn't exist on Android.

Also, I was a tinkerer with my Droid X. I had it rooted and overclocked with the MIUI ROM running on it. I miss the tinkering, and know that guys are working on jailbreak methods for the 4S. Any suggestions for a newbie to iOS for apps and some good tinkering?


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Jul 31, 2011
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Welcome to ios. I won't pretend to be an expert, but I have had plenty of android phones and plenty of iPhones. It's in my experience and from what I've heard, you're out of luck there. That may be one of the only things you're always gonna have a better experience on android with. Tinkering is really not the apple way. I always say that android is to ios as Linux is to os x. While os x is unix based, and you can do some things that you could do on Linux with the right tools, it's still that locked down feeling. I'd suggest maybe hanging around the JB/Cydia crowds. Maybe a couple Ric channels. You'll get some great advice in #ios. Good luck friend

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Sep 7, 2010
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The "tinkering" you enjoyed on the Android will not, at least in the foreseeable future, be the same on the iOS device...once the untethered jailbreak hits the world, you'll have MUCH more customization available to you, and it may satisfy your needs...personally, having an EVO and my 4S, and having "tinkered" with the EVO (rooting it and such), I've personally not found much in the customization department that i couldn't do on the iPhone that made a substantial difference to me...then again, i personally can't stand clutter on my home screen and the Android phones "feature rich" home screen tends to give me a migraine, so i didn't do much with it honestly.

Let the jailbreak come forth, see what you can do and then come to a final opinion of the tinkering abilities of the iPhone, i think you'll be pleasantly surprised and satisfied...especially knowing that even with the customization, the iPhone still runs smooth as butter.


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Jul 31, 2011
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The "tinkering" you enjoyed on the Android will not, at least in the foreseeable future, be the same on the iOS device...once the untethered jailbreak hits the world, you'll have MUCH more customization available to you, and it may satisfy your needs...personally, having an EVO and my 4S, and having "tinkered" with the EVO (rooting it and such), I've personally not found much in the customization department that i couldn't do on the iPhone that made a substantial difference to me...then again, i personally can't stand clutter on my home screen and the Android phones "feature rich" home screen tends to give me a migraine, so i didn't do much with it honestly.

Let the jailbreak come forth, see what you can do and then come to a final opinion of the tinkering abilities of the iPhone, i think you'll be pleasantly surprised and satisfied...especially knowing that even with the customization, the iPhone still runs smooth as butter.

good ponts. you will be pleasantly surprised.


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Jan 12, 2011
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Here is a link to Cydia. Jail breaking is no where near rooting. Browse around.
Home ? Cydia
Also start reading this section of the Forum: Jailbreak and Unlock Help and Discussion Forums

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