
Well-known member
Aug 19, 2012
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Since there are, so far, only 3 pages in the iOS 9 forum, I am taking a leap for mankind and demanding a feature.

Apple Devs, App Store Security Officers, and Apple Wellness Managers,

Sitting in the dark right now on my MacBook Pro 13" with F.Lux installed.

My Samsung TV has dimmed itself to dark mode, and my Mac is a beautiful Amber tint--even a tad bit brighter than the TV.

However, the Mac I'm staring at right now is not affecting my eyeballs and my upcoming night's sleep. The dimness of my TV is great, but the ever-changing Amber to tungsten color of my screen on my Mac makes it a very easy tool to use at night, after the sun goes down.

I've been picking up my iPhone 6 every few seconds--27 y.o., but I'm still interested in Instagram. Not to mention, I have my iPhone's wifi off, constantly picking her up to check safari and send a test message to myself--awaiting the cellular data issue on my public beta 9 software to arise again.

I cannot explain to you how hard it is for me to do what most humans do, pick up their phone and put it between their face and their computer screen.

The "blue" light of the iPhone screen, although the screen brightness is all the way down and both the "darken colors" and "reduce white point" options are on, makes it next to impossible for me to use. It has been like this for years, and it's begun to grow on me.

I love Apple. I love my Mac, my iPhone, and all of the accessories, apps, and personalization that comes along with them.

However, it boggles my mind, in the most respectful way possible, that I must jailbreak my iPhone in order to install an application.

Whatever is baring the App Store from allowing the app F.Lux to be a downloadable, even purchasable application must be changed--if not just for that one app.

Or, please, buy them out, and put the feature into our phones.

While I love my iPhone, it is extremely hard for me to use at night, especially when my computer is a completely different color.

I understand how harmful it is for my eyes to adjust from a dim blue screen to an amber screen every few minutes, or every half hour, or every couple of seconds, if I'm having a texting conversation.

For the same reason I'd love for you to tell me that I am able to receive messages on my computer, even phone calls and FaceTime, I'm here telling you that there's no reason F.Lux should not be as accessible on my iPhone as it is on my Mac.

It is with utmost respect for F.Lux, Apple, and iMore that I try my hardest to get the most useful tool/app/thing I've ever used--and for years when I had a PC before I even had an iPhone 4 or a Mac--onto my iPhone.

I can download a police scanner, a themed keyboard, and even an extra password protection for messages and mail, but I can't download a feature to change the actual color of my screen instead of just dimming the brightness of the blue?

Jailbreaking is not an option for me. It is not an option because I do not see it fair that F.Lux can only be installed on a jailbroken iPhone.

I was not sent here by anyone except my own two eyes, who are helping with their input through your Feedback app on the public beta, but straining to write this message each time they adjust to my phone and then my Mac...again, and again, and again...night after night after night...

I've done all I possibly could by writing to your on your own website's feedback/suggestion pages.

It just makes no sense that the tool has operated flawlessly, through multiple software updates on my Mac, but is, if you will, and illegal app on my iPhone.




I've asked nicely.

I hope I've left enough time before September.

I thank you in advance,


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2012
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Already copied and pasted link of this page to them. That will by my 29th time sending them a message through Apple's feedback page.

30 will be a picture of my next phone that has a color-changing night time feature, which I assume will not be an Apple.


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Aug 19, 2012
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I kindly ask you to copy and paste the link of this page into their feedback as well, as both an enhancement and a software/hardware compatibility feedback.

So you're aware, the message I left them looks like:

"You've (Apple) finally released a public beta, I have it installed on my iPhone 6. I look forward to the official release later this year. *9 is not an option in "which version" below, but I have 9 installed on my phone.

I have requested, through this feedback portal many times, accessibility for F.Lux on my iPhone without a jailbreak. It has been installed for years on my Mac, even on my PC's before I had an iPhone 4 or MacBook. Jailbreaking is out of the question for the simple fact that I do not see it fair to jailbreak my iPhone when the Mac needs no work done at all to install such a useful tool.

Please follow this link and read my letter to Apple, on the iMore forums.


Thank you,

Thanks for any help you can provide!


Oct 2, 2013
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If you want something easy on the eyes, try using invert colors. It's ok for reading. Images look weird. But a lot can be done with it. I wish they would offer a system wide dark theme option. There's several apps with a dark theme. I use as many as I can. TapaTalk, Tweetbot, Super Calendar, BeWeather 2, Super Contacts and others. The folks at CloudMagic plan a dark theme for their email client app, CloudMagic, soon. I like their app, but it's hard to see with all the low contrast text and brightness. A dark theme email client would be great. Apple is not going to add what you want. Not enough users demand it.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Thanks--but I want F.Lux. No reason why I shouldn't be allowed to have it. The invert is still a "blue" light shining in your eyes...


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Aug 19, 2012
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About all you can do is leave a feedback request. Use the link above.

Yup, have been for over a year...

There are millions of applications that sit dormant hidden deep inside of the app store, but luckily were approved to be in the app store. It should not matter how many people request or not. It should be about personalization, ease of use, and accessibility.

But, I come here for opinions and I do still value yours. As a member of the community, help me do all we can to get apps into the system. If I am not mistaking, there is some "security barrier" within the app store that will not allow flux to be inside the store. That's bull.

To me, my Mac is an environment in which I need stability and maximum security, as opposed to my...phone. If I can download it through the Internet as a dmg on my computer, I should be allowed to do the same on my phone.

I can only imagine the millions of other TOOLS out there that are being blocked from entrance into the App Store.

It's time Apple changes that, and I've continues to do all I can to initiate the change.

Search flux for iPhone on google and you will easily come across pages and pages full of people dying to have the TOOL on their phone.

All I can do is hope. I can do it on my own...but what's one million requests from me versus one million requests from others. A million is a million, no matter which way you look at it.


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Aug 19, 2012
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I thought I saw online where it has a jailbreak tweak.

Like I said, why should I have to Jailbreak my iPhone for such a tool that is easily downloaded on my Mac?

You can most definitely Jailbreak and install F.Lux, but there's no reason why Apple cannot allow F.Lux in the App Store.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Apple's funny about many things. I'd like to know their reasons for not allowing it.

Explained to me by the makers of F.Lux, I loosely understood the issue being a security feature within the App Store blocks the app from being able to be uploaded.

Or, I can only assume, the "downloading and installing" from the App Store is not able to bypass something within the software which would allow changes to be made to the parts of the software that control the screen. If you understand what I mean...

But according to you--not enough people have requested it, so that's their main reason!



Oct 2, 2013
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Explained to me by the makers of F.Lux, I loosely understood the issue being a security feature within the App Store blocks the app from being able to be uploaded.

Or, I can only assume, the "downloading and installing" from the App Store is not able to bypass something within the software which would allow changes to be made to the parts of the software that control the screen. If you understand what I mean...

But according to you--not enough people have requested it, so that's their main reason!


Apple doesn't care how many have requested it as far as the 3rd party app goes. They approve it if it meets their rules and guidelines. Apparently there's reasons for them to decline it, be it for security or whatever. It seems to be one of those things they would do themselves. And that's where lack of requests come in. If enough users demanded it, they would find a way.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
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Do you understand that it directly contradicts the base API of the SDK? Apple will have to change the terms (which I doubt is happening) to allow this app or alternatively buy the company and use the feature as stock.

If you are really looking at that kind of customization the current options are either JB or Androids. I am assuming that Apple is not going to release this app through the app store for a while.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2012
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Do you understand that it directly contradicts the base API of the SDK? Apple will have to change the terms (which I doubt is happening) to allow this app or alternatively buy the company and use the feature as stock.

If you are really looking at that kind of customization the current options are either JB or Androids. I am assuming that Apple is not going to release this app through the app store for a while.

I'm not voiding my warranty when I have this app running flawlessly on my Mac.

When Blackberry runs android flawlessly, I will be switching back over. Too many limits on Apple, and the new iOS9 is no different. No reason why I can't have landscape home screen on my iPhone 6, or multitasking. No reason.

I need something more powerful again, not just for instagram.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2012
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Apple's funny about many things. I'd like to know their reasons for not allowing it.

Quite simply, they don't have APIs available to support an app like this. Jailbreaking allows you to run un-signed code, basically allowing apps to do whatever they want. But they need to do this without the use of APIs, which leads to unstable code. Apps in the app store need to use published APIs, and there's nothing even close to allowing an app to take over and filter your entire screen.

To be honest, this is a super niche thing that next to nobody would care about. Anyone who thinks Apple is going to create an entirely new set of APIs just to allow an app to be developed that basically nobody cares about, is extremely deluded. Apple gets tons of requests for niche features. When the requests amount to something more than a drop in the bucket, they usually look into implementing the feature (keayboards, widgets, etc).


Oct 2, 2013
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Quite simply, they don't have APIs available to support an app like this. Jailbreaking allows you to run un-signed code, basically allowing apps to do whatever they want. But they need to do this without the use of APIs, which leads to unstable code. Apps in the app store need to use published APIs, and there's nothing even close to allowing an app to take over and filter your entire screen.

To be honest, this is a super niche thing that next to nobody would care about. Anyone who thinks Apple is going to create an entirely new set of APIs just to allow an app to be developed that basically nobody cares about, is extremely deluded. Apple gets tons of requests for niche features. When the requests amount to something more than a drop in the bucket, they usually look into implementing the feature (keayboards, widgets, etc).

I would be happy with a system wide dark theme option similar to what we see in TapaTalk and Tweetbot. Invert colors and Grayscale are both stupid. I've never seen the Flux thing and don't know much about it. I'd just like another option besides bright white with low contrast text. Us folks over 55 have trouble with that.

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