Recent content by forgot

  1. F

    Forgot to buy AppleCare You've got 30 days from your purchase date. You'll need a Genius appointment, purchase order, and shipping order.
  2. F

    No NFC

    I've been hopeful on NFC ever since rumors starters their rounds last year. An NFC chip, and an accompanying API, would open up all kinds of possibilities. I know it's already on some Android devices, but whenever Apple brings it to their products, it will gain near instant worldwide adoption by...
  3. F


    What specifically is slow? The interface? The data connection? Everything? ;) Is it jailbroken? If so, an you've got lots of tweaks installed, there's a chance one of those could be slowing it down, although I've never personally had that issue in the past. If not, have you tried rebooting the...
  4. F

    iCloude is next to useless when things like this...

    Do you have your iPhone set to backup to iCloud? If so, you could restore your phone to your last backup, and have your note back.
  5. F

    How did you start Obj C programming?

    I know I'm way late to the party,but I adopted a pile of gently used Objective-C books from a friend, and just started working my way through them. If you want some great tutorials to go through, take a look at iPhone Tutorials . I keep it bookmarked, and refer back to it often. There's so much...
  6. F

    Welcome to iMore! Introduce yourself here!

    Hello everyone, figured I'd finally get around to posting some stuff. I've technically been a member for about two years, but I've mostly been a lurker. I've decided that its about time I become a little more active. If anyones interested, here's a little of my backstory: I got into mobile...
  7. F

    Official iMore for iPhone app feedback thread

    Also having issues logging in via the app. Server issues?
  8. F

    iWork printing

    I don't own any of the iWork apps, but my understanding of the 3.2 OS is that you can do exactly that. New applications written to work on the 3.2 OS can take advantage of the ability to "share" files. For example, if you have one of the new printing, PDF, or file storing apps, and you receive...
  9. F

    How will you carry your iPad around? Man-purse?

    I've gone the sling bag route, using an "old" net book bag I own. It allows me to carry my BT keyboard, charger, and various other things. My father-in-law calls it a gadget bag, my wife calls it a murse. :-/ I've resigned myself to the fact that I have a need to be mobile almost 100% of the...
  10. F

    iphone calendar -> google -> saisuke?

    Although it takes a bit more time, you can add each of your calendars as a CalDAV account. This allows the calendar to sync both ways over the air, but updates are not pushed as in MobileMe, you have to open the calendar and then it will sync while the app is open. Not as convenient, but it...
  11. F

    iphone LED notification light

    The thought actually hadn't occurred to me. I usually keep my phone either on me, or next to me, so it's very rare that I miss something. That said, I know not everyone does that. It would be handy, but it wasn't on my "wish for" list in 4.0 .