need advise please... updating and jailbreaking


Aug 19, 2013
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ok so i found a 32gb ipod touch with ios 4.1 on it... amazing this thing has never been updated. i believe its a 3rd gen but not positive. (no cameras or bluetooth)

Now i want update this a lil bit so i can get the notification bar, delete functions and more... but i also dont wanna screw my self like i once did with my 4thgen touch. this is not my first time jailbreaking ive learned my lesson already and im not a noob. pretty much know how everything works now ...

itunes says the latest available update is 5.1.1 wich is right around what i wanted anyway. and im sure there is a stable untethered jailbreak for this version. if anyone has any input on updating please lettme know before its to late..

now for my real question.. how to be safe about this..? just in case **** hits the fan i really want to know how to correctly back up the firmware i have now and before/after i jailbreak this. and i also have about 20+gb of music on the ipod i really really dont want to loose if anyone knows a easy way to backup music..


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Sep 13, 2012
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There isn't any backing up the firmware. If things go poorly, just restore. That'll re-install the factory firmware.

Any songs you have only on the ipod and not on your computer won't be saved. You'll want to find a way to save those first.


Aug 19, 2013
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yes i know this but the restore also updated my other ipod so now i cant jailbreak it as easly...(exactly what i dont want to happen) theres got to be a way to backup seeing how i can load older firmware into itunes for upgrading by holding the shift key..

that and i asked about a easy way to backup songs, duh its going to get lost when restoreing... since apple blows and wont help only way ive done it before made me loose most the track & artist names and itunes renames all the files to like LDZS.m4a


Aug 19, 2013
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Thanks for no help guys...... ended up using ifunbox to back up the purchased apps(that i didnt buy with my appleid) and all of my music.. you can give up on just about any other program that claims to be free... all a load of crap.. apple jus need to stop being gay and actually backup everything.

updated to 5.1 using gaytunes, jailbroke with absinthe, reloaded my libary + the music that was already on it, lost alot of app data but got the apps themselves to install no problems with ifunbox


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Sep 13, 2012
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Thanks for no help guys...... ended up using ifunbox to back up the purchased apps(that i didnt buy with my appleid) and all of my music.. you can give up on just about any other program that claims to be free... all a load of crap.. apple jus need to stop being gay and actually backup everything.

updated to 5.1 using gaytunes, jailbroke with absinthe, reloaded my libary + the music that was already on it, lost alot of app data but got the apps themselves to install no problems with ifunbox

You got all the help you needed. Your ipod you talk about is newer. The device you're looking to jailbreak cannot get an iOS newer than 5.1.1. The problem you whined about doesn't exist. You can't update to an iOS that isn't jailbroken. You can restore to 5.1.1

If you're going to be impatient and pout about the help you're given, you might not want to expect much of a reply in the future. If your goal was to get us to talk you through maintaining your stolen apps, I'm sorry we can't all be as cheap as you are.


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Oct 30, 2012
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You got all the help you needed. Your ipod you talk about is newer. The device you're looking to jailbreak cannot get an iOS newer than 5.1.1. The problem you whined about doesn't exist. You can't update to an iOS that isn't jailbroken. You can restore to 5.1.1

If you're going to be impatient and pout about the help you're given, you might not want to expect much of a reply in the future. If your goal was to get us to talk you through maintaining your stolen apps, I'm sorry we can't all be as cheap as you are.

I already knew the answer to the OP's question but the line that said that he "found" it made me not post a reply cause most likely the device was stolen and on that note a mod should delete this thread so other people don't copy the "answers" the OP found


Aug 19, 2013
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ok i didnt know thats as far as you can update the 3rd gen.. sorry for being dumb but there is a way to backup and protect your jailbreak just took me a week to find what i was looking for... and lol wtf is the point of having a forum about how to jailbreak hack and mod if you cant give them good advise on how to install apps that apple doesnt want you to have? dont make much since retards. cant even say anything about the music forreal and my main goal was to not loose any songs. you guys can keep wasting your money on apples ****. ill just stick to android where i can simply install apps from anywhere without hassle and copy my own ****in music whereever i please. ... oh and its my buddys uncles ipod. **** you i didnt steal anything and i will never buy a damn thing from itunes or the applestore.


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Sep 13, 2012
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Retard. There are jailbroken apps and pirated apps. The two aren't the same. Many of the hacks and mods apple doesn't want you to have are legitimate apps from the jailbreak community. If you're unable to figure out Cydia, you shouldn't be using a smartphone.

"Latest update available." Is that a foreign language to you? How did you not know that was as far as 3rd gen could go when you were the one who told us it was the latest update available. 6.x has been out for a long time. If the 3rd gen could get it, 5.1.1 wouldn't be the latest update available. I'm sorry this simple concept is confusing for you.

There isn't a way to "backup and protect" your jailbreak. There's ways to restore to other firmwares on older devices. There's ways to backup your data. There's ways to get music from the device to your computer. On the 3rd gen, there isn't even a "need" to protect your jailbreak. The iOS you can restore to has been jailbroken for a long time. It'll remain jailbreakable.

If you'd have dropped your whiny attitude, we'd have been glad to point you in the right direction in much less time than a week. Everything you wanted to do legitimately could have easily been done with freeware and required all of three links to handle.

I'm going to guess you typically have a hard time getting help. It's not everyone else. It's you.

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