iPhone 7 Plus - an average users perspective


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Mar 23, 2011
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I have been thinking about this for a while so I thought I would throw it out here for discussion.

More than likely if you are on this forum on a regular basis, you are more into tech or at least the iPhone than the average person. We look at the hardware and OS in more detail and notice every little upgrade or change and either are excited about it or upset about it. What about the average user that upgrades every two years and just wants the latest iPhone? What about the average user that updates to the latest iOS only when prompted? How much do "normal" people really notice or appreciate the changes?

We all have significant others, family or friends that fall in the "normal" user category. What has been your observation? Do they notice/appreciate the changes?

I will start with my wife. I recently upgraded her from the iPhone 6 Plus to the 7 Plus. She was so excited to get a Rose Gold phone. That was the big deal for her. She has had it about 2 weeks now so I asked her last night what she thought. Her response was "it's very nice, works great". I asked if her 6 Plus wasn't working so great and she said "no, that worked great too, but the 7 Plus has a better screen." She is noticing the improvements that Apple has made with colors. Anything else? 3D Touch - She didn't see a need for it. Is the phone any faster? Maybe a little. Camera - She likes the 2x zoom. New Home Button - took her a few days to get used to but it's fine. Stereo speakers - hadn't noticed.

I had a very similar conversation with a client of mine a few days prior and my neighbor about a month ago. They like that their iPhone works, period. That's really it. They will upgrade in 2 years to the next one and not really think about it until then.

I guess as someone that has been into tech and phones for as long as I can remember, it is difficult to look at all of this from the "normal" user perspective. If you can think of things from their perspective I think you will understand and appreciate what Apple does, why they do it and when they do it.

I'd would be interested to hear others experiences with family and friends. Are they similar to mine or different?


Feb 6, 2012
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For the average I'd imagine it's just a phone that lets them get on facebook, check email, take pretty pictures and play games. Honestly...that's the majority of what it is for me. I really don't pay attention to the small changes made if they don't affect how I use my device. Most of my family has very little idea of the capability of these devices and many times I point out small features they didn't know existed.


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Nov 12, 2013
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For my wife, who isnt a techie, she loves apple because its familiar, easy to use, looks pretty and always works. Most of the time she spent with my Androids, she claims they're not as easy to use and dont look at nice (UI) but its likely due to familiarity more than anything. However it didnt help when my android phones would hang up or freeze while she was using it, jokingly make a remark such as "Wow, great phone! Why wouldnt i want to leave iPhone?" (sarcasm). I think the same could be said about Samsung fans and why they stick with the brand, they are familiar with the layout, how it works and just want to use the apps they want. We, who enjoy tech, like fessing around about the ins and outs (as you've mentioned).


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May 6, 2009
I got my dad an iPhone SE in July. He's not really into smartphones at all. He just likes that the dialer has bigger buttons, and he can take better pics. I previously got him a Windows Phone b/c it had a bigger screen and it was less expensive than an iPhone. He told me recently he liked his Windows Phone better. He liked the live Nascar tile I put on it. That's basically the only "smart" feature he's even used on either phone. He also liked that I set the Phone, Camera, and Nascar tile to be bigger than the others b/c they were the only ones he used. He hates when he gets major updates b/c he feels like he has to learn how to use it again. TBF he's a below average user because he only wants a full screen phone b/c his eyes aren't so good anymore. He doesn't even know how to use the Internet on a computer, much less download apps, check his email, etc. on a phone. He doesn't really care to learn either.

On the other hand I have a coworker that recently changed from iPhone to Android, and she hates Android. She says it's more confusing to use, and she loved how easy it was to use her iPhone.

My sister switched from Android to iOS a few years ago, and I'd guess she's the definition of average user by today's standards. She knows how to use all the basics really well, but doesn't bother with features like 3D Touch. She loves iOS b/c it gets out of the way and lets her use FB, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. smoothly whereas her Android phone stuttered when scrolling. She also loves iMessage.

Most of the average users I know tend to just stick with what they started with. Most people don't care what OS is on there as long as they know how to use it. One thing I've noticed most though is people who shell out for an iPhone tend to stick with it afterwards. I kinda think it's because they used less expensive Android phones before that had issues with lag, bad camera, or some other issue from cheaper hardware.

I've rambled enough, but find these discussions really interesting, especially when I break it down into demographics to see what kind of patterns I find.


Dec 25, 2011
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I wish I could get my dad to switch to iPhone. iOS works better for the average person and I'm constantly having to fix things on his LG G5, and continuously show him how to correct regular issues. He refused to switch to iPhone though because he "knows" Android. As others have said, the non techies don't really care about all the tech stuff as long as their phone works to their satisfaction without much hassle.


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Mar 23, 2011
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I got my dad an iPhone SE in July. He's not really into smartphones at all. He just likes that the dialer has bigger buttons, and he can take better pics. I previously got him a Windows Phone b/c it had a bigger screen and it was less expensive than an iPhone. He told me recently he liked his Windows Phone better. He liked the live Nascar tile I put on it. That's basically the only "smart" feature he's even used on either phone. He also liked that I set the Phone, Camera, and Nascar tile to be bigger than the others b/c they were the only ones he used. He hates when he gets major updates b/c he feels like he has to learn how to use it again. TBF he's a below average user because he only wants a full screen phone b/c his eyes aren't so good anymore. He doesn't even know how to use the Internet on a computer, much less download apps, check his email, etc. on a phone. He doesn't really care to learn either.

On the other hand I have a coworker that recently changed from iPhone to Android, and she hates Android. She says it's more confusing to use, and she loved how easy it was to use her iPhone.

My sister switched from Android to iOS a few years ago, and I'd guess she's the definition of average user by today's standards. She knows how to use all the basics really well, but doesn't bother with features like 3D Touch. She loves iOS b/c it gets out of the way and lets her use FB, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. smoothly whereas her Android phone stuttered when scrolling. She also loves iMessage.

Most of the average users I know tend to just stick with what they started with. Most people don't care what OS is on there as long as they know how to use it. One thing I've noticed most though is people who shell out for an iPhone tend to stick with it afterwards. I kinda think it's because they used less expensive Android phones before that had issues with lag, bad camera, or some other issue from cheaper hardware.

I've rambled enough, but find these discussions really interesting, especially when I break it down into demographics to see what kind of patterns I find.

Great post. You hit on the key demographics out there. I have noticed that I am migrating more into the demographic of just wanting the OS to get out of the way and let me get my stuff done. I will always have an interest in all tech, but I really appreciate iOS just getting out of the way and just working.


Trusted Member
May 6, 2009
Great post. You hit on the key demographics out there. I have noticed that I am migrating more into the demographic of just wanting the OS to get out of the way and let me get my stuff done. I will always have an interest in all tech, but I really appreciate iOS just getting out of the way and just working.

I was there I thought when I got my 7 Plus. No other phone appealed to me enough to want to change. Then the S8+ came out. I wasn't even really that impressed until I saw it in person. That display just dragged me in again. I'm really hoping that the next iPhone will bring me back to iOS for good so I'll just go back to upgrading once a year. We'll see I guess.


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Mar 23, 2011
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I was there I thought when I got my 7 Plus. No other phone appealed to me enough to want to change. Then the S8+ came out. I wasn't even really that impressed until I saw it in person. That display just dragged me in again. I'm really hoping that the next iPhone will bring me back to iOS for good so I'll just go back to upgrading once a year. We'll see I guess.

I can understand that. I have had the chance to play with the S8 and S8+ a few times. The screen is amazing. No question about that. In the past, I would have let it draw me back in, only to return to the iPhone in the fall. It just isn't worth the hassle for me anymore. I just can't justify the expense either. Plus I really like my 7 Plus. As good as the S8 feels in the hand, I still think the 7 Plus feels great. I don't look back at my 7 Plus and feel like it's outdated at all like so many reviewers have said.

Enjoy that S8+. At least until the next iPhone comes out. I know I am looking forward to it. I will have stuck with the same phone for an entire year for the first time in many years.


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Feb 27, 2011
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I've actually been on my iPhone 6s Plus since Dec. 2015. Before that I changed phones pretty much every month. At this stage in the game, I just want consistency. Consistency in the OS. Consistency in updates. Consistency in performance. Etc. The S8+ is beautiful. I'm hopeful that Apple will put something out that isn't just a rehash of the last 3 years. But I can't get myself to pull the trigger on any Android phone anymore. No matter how pretty and shiny they are.


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Apr 6, 2016
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Even back in my 'Droid days, I have two types of friends / family:

1) - It works and they won't even look at another device for a couple of years

2) - Upgrades devices about every 12 months but always sends me a 12-page email of how they are currently using their current device and wants me to look at their 12-page email and compare the latest device to how they are using their current one.

Luckily I've had to enlist the services of a financial planner lately with all the consultation fees I'm now charging. :)


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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With the exception of one of my brothers and an uncle, the rest of my family who uses an iPhone simply enjoy its simplicity. They don't pay attention to it or use its functions in the manner that I do.


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Nov 12, 2013
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With the exception of one of my brothers and an uncle, the rest of my family who uses an iPhone simply enjoy its simplicity. They don't pay attention to it or use its functions in the manner that I do.

So you prefer iPhone or android?


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2017
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I'm the resident techie among my mom friends. Most of them use an iPhone because it just plain works out of the box and could care less about the latest and greatest. They're not really into all the features or customizations nor have they setup much on their phones. Since I recently joined the bandwagon with my first iPhone after holding out all these years I've been telling them about certain features on the phone and they look at me like I'm speaking another language. Now mind you most of them have been using an iPhone for years but now I'm helping them setup certain things on their phones that I thought they already knew so much about being that I'm a newbie. I have to say it's been fun teaching them a thing or two about how their phone works. Now I see the appeal of iOS and why so many stay with it.


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May 2, 2017
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One thing that has always been compelling about Apple, they are really great about keeping the OS up to date even on older devices (not controlled by the carriers) That alone is golden.



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Jan 15, 2017
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I have been very technical. Have always had an interest. I began with Blackberry Tour and from there onto Android and always had Samsung. Made the switch to Apple on a personal level Jan 11th. My company uses the ipad and have had that exp for 5 years since they brought them into the stores for managers to use. I am pleased with the iOS and how fluid it is.
I do wish I could customize some things but all that iOS is makes up for it. I appreciate all it can do. My best friend is still on Samsung and she and her husband upgraded to the S8. She had the Note 4 prior. She is having problems with getting used to the screen and the new changes made to the phone. I told her she should go to a class held at one of the Verizon stores so she can become better familiar. I would help her but she is in CA. She has never used a smartphone to its fullest capabilities and it would make her life easier if she did. I told her when she is out here I will gladly help her . I told her she should use the phone's features because it will help keep her business records and appts. she has to schedule a lot easier and not lose information. I like helping when asked.
The smartphone has made my life easier. No more pieces of paper. The one thing I do miss about my Note is being able to jot a note down on the screen if I needed quickly. I would love the iphone to have that option. But all in all I am very pleased.
So much so I have my own ipad...the 12.9 pro and I dumped my HP for a Mac Pro.


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Apr 13, 2017
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I have a friend that I keep trying to convert from Android phones to iPhone. I think she would have much fewer issues. But she's "so used to Android". Yeah. I was too. And then I got my iPhone 6. And now it would have to me an extremely amazing Android phone to get me to switch back. I'm sure I don't use my iPhone 7 Plus to its full potential but I am also fairly certain I know more "tricks" concerning iOS than my husband and he made the switch to iOS about 2 years before I did.


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Nov 12, 2013
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Coming from android I can just appreciate not having to constantly watch the OS and fix minor battery hogging apps. My 7+ has been very consistent since day 1, the simplicity is such a relief.


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Mar 23, 2011
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Coming from android I can just appreciate not having to constantly watch the OS and fix minor battery hogging apps. My 7+ has been very consistent since day 1, the simplicity is such a relief.

I never really had big issues with my android battery life, but there is no question that the 6S Plus and 7 Plus have the best battery life I've ever had.


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Nov 12, 2013
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I never really had big issues with my android battery life, but there is no question that the 6S Plus and 7 Plus have the best battery life I've ever had.

I honestly dont do many things on my phone, very average user. LG performed the best in all my experiences, but the OS wasn't very stable over time. Their G4 camera was high quality but boot loop freaks me out. The 6P was ok, for its artery size it underperformed...but it seems pixel fixed that.

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