Ready to ditch lifelong Android usage.... For the iPhone 7 plus! Help me!


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Nov 6, 2012
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I've owned EVERY model ever made of iPhones, Galaxy's and Notes,,, I almost bought the Note 7 but decided to go with the iPhone 7 instead.
I keep coming back to iPhones because they play so nice with my 13" iPad Pro and iPad Air 2, and the iPhone 7 series camera finally caught up with the Samsung cameras for the most part.
Never say never but I think I'm going to be sticking with iPhones from now on.
Another big thing for me is I shoot lots of video stuff and use iMovie to do all my editing, shooting video with my iPhone is a perfect match to edit with iMovie on my iPad Pro.
Android has yet to come out with a video editor as good as iMovie, Samsung's also shoot video in the MP4 format which is not iMovie friendly.
Just my random thoughts and opinions in favor of going to the iPhone and ditching Android.


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Jul 1, 2014
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After doing the wireless cha cha dance between Android Blackberry and Apple for way too long, I finally grew a brain and went Apple all the way.
Best decision ever, because my tech knowledge is um... slightly below room temperature lol.
So, now I have an iPad Pro 9.7 and an iPhone 7 Plus.
I did have a MacBook Air 2012 but I retired it, now it's just iPad and phone and it's perfect, certainly more than enough for my needs.

I look at people using Android and while some bells and whistles are cool, mostly they always have too many issues to make it worthwhile, I have no desire to go back.

I haven't had a single issue with any Apple device since IOS8, it's been ridiculously smooth sailing.



Oct 22, 2016
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Longtime android user here I just switched to the iPhone 7 plus due to the note 7 having to be returned.. I have no regrets not going to the pixel thus far and trust I wanted that to be the move ... what sold me ? iOS stability I've always known iOS was good and have used it in the past but not as a daily driver , long term apple support the iPhone 5 received ios10 something to think about , the hardware build is second to none as well

Hendri Hendri

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2015
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Well, I did it.... I went to Best Buy, and they had ONE silver 256GB iPhone 7 Plus in stock. It's now mine!

I look forward to this adventure!

I love this community already!

In few days, you will have questions "why can't do this, can't do that"

Congratz with your new phone, it's a nice and long term usage phone


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Oct 22, 2016
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I went from the 6P as well and I have no regrets. Minor things I ant do but again, not a big deal. I wanted a phone that just works. I have used both at the same time for the last 5 years. Android for personal and iOS for work.

The Pixel is more like a small bump from the Nexus 6P. I had issues with the 6P even after a replacement and factory reset.

Congrats on your new phone. I love my iPhone 7 Plus.


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Sep 29, 2015
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I was a long time Samsung user. Now I own a 256GB silver iPhone 7 Plus and I absolutely love it. I had a Note7 before this, and an S7 edge before that, and I must say, I prefer the iPhone over either of those devices. It's so quick and snappy and the apps look so much better on it that I don't even miss Android. I toyed with the idea of trading in my iPhone 7 Plus for the Google Pixel XL, but I just couldn't do it. There's too much on the iPhone that is so great, both hardware and software, that blows the Pixel XL out of the water (heh, which the Pixel XL couldn't handle, getting dunked in a tank of water).


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Oct 22, 2016
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I know the Android can do more but the iPhone is stable. It just works. I made a review about it a few threads down. I was a Android fan and never liked iOS but since iOS8 or iOS7, it started to grow on me.


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May 29, 2009
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I'm so glad you mentioned the Pixel... YUCK!!! I could go on a long, winding road of a tirade on that blatant iPhone Copy but I won't!

I was about to defect back to the iPhone (the last one I had was the iPhone 4) until I got the OnePlus 3, but that's another story.

In your adventure over to iPhones, I would say to realize that you won't be able to Background Download while the screen is off. This is something I do everyday on my OnePlus 3 as I download tons of files at once (mostly around 5-10 and I've done over 100GB of mobile data at one point) and unfortunately if and until Apple implements it on the iPhone, I just can't consider them at all. The other reason I don't think I can leave is Viper4Android with Dolby ATMOS sound. WOW!!! :cool:

But I still love you guys! Awesome forum!

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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I'm so glad you mentioned the Pixel... YUCK!!! I could go on a long, winding road of a tirade on that blatant iPhone Copy but I won't!

I was about to defect back to the iPhone (the last one I had was the iPhone 4) until I got the OnePlus 3, but that's another story.

In your adventure over to iPhones, I would say to realize that you won't be able to Background Download while the screen is off. This is something I do everyday on my OnePlus 3 as I download tons of files at once (mostly around 5-10 and I've done over 100GB of mobile data at one point) and unfortunately if and until Apple implements it on the iPhone, I just can't consider them at all. The other reason I don't think I can leave is Viper4Android with Dolby ATMOS sound. WOW!!! :cool:

But I still love you guys! Awesome forum!

Good luck with everything! The OnePlus 3 is an awesome phone.

Hendri Hendri

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2015
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You're just trading one headache for another headache. I never understood why people "tweak" their phones to make it work. I've never had to "tweak" any phones I had in the past whether it was a android or iphone. It just "worked" out of the box.

You think iphone is so perfect watch this.

Fiuh .... one hour video full of complaint and frustration, in some stage , I even thought he would cry ....


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2016
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All i can tell you now is that is iphone 7 plus works better and our performs any flagship Android that I've ever owned - by a landslide. Even the new pixel that I had the unfortunate experience of playing with for a few days.

With Android, I would get a new phone and say "wow, it can do this and that and his as well. Wow." Then after a day, I installed my 3rd party home screen launcher and it was just constant resizing widgets for the next 4 months until I got bored and moved to the next phone.

I have no desire to change anything about the iPhone.


Oct 27, 2016
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If you are truly tired of tweaking your phone then IOS will work just fine for you. I was over it and this is my 1st iPhone and it's working just fine for me.
Also " fragmented OS" will not be an issue for the Pixel as it will be the phone that the OS is designed for. Google will not care if OS updates are pushed to other phones. Why, because if people don't like it then they can buy a Pixel. :)

I own a Pixel and I am returning it. It's still an Android experience. Poor optimization and some lag is still present. The apps are horrid also, going back to Android for a few days just made me appreciate iOS that much more.


Oct 27, 2016
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Hey, All...

OK, I've been on Android since day one, and I tend to hop to new devices or three times a year. I'm currently on a Nexus 6p, and it's the best phone I've ever owned as far as stability, speed, and fluidity of the user interface.

I took a step back and realized that 97% of the time I spend on my phone is trying to tweak it, rearrange it, and make it perform better. I'm getting tired of this wasted time. I pretty much do everything on my phone, so I want it to be efficient, reliable, and powerful. If there's something I simply can't do on my phone. I simply jump to my laptop.

The iPhone 7 Plus is the first time I've really considered an iPhone.

I was offended With the release of the Pixel XL and the death of the Nexus line as the Pixel is priced as a premium flagship, yet I KNOW it will still succumb to the lag and fragmented OS issues that have always plagued Android. I don't want to pay $800+ for anAndroid phone THAT I KNOW won't be able to live up to that price and promise.

Please give me words of encouragement and positive points.....and if it works, I'll be picking an i7p up as soon as the local Apple store gets one in Stock. I'm on Verizon, for what it's worth.

Also, I'll be honest - I always considered myself a power user on Android and there wasn't anything I couldn't do.... Video editing, sound editing, document editing, zipping, raring, uploading, file management, whatever.... I could do it. I liked being able to say that.

Is it possible to be a "power iPhone user?" that is, is the beautiful ecosystem too locked down to the point that you can't be as efficient and usable, or am I looking at this in the wrong way?

One example, if I want a new ringtone on my Nexus, I go to any website from my mobile browser and download a wav or MP3 file, trim it in an app, go to my file Explorer app, then click on the new audio clip and set as my ringer. From what I understand, it's not that easy on iPhone and I have to use a computer and iTunes.... I feel like that dependency takes away my freedom and ability to do what I want, and I kind of embarrassing - especially since I have been bashing Apple for so long about this very simple process. Please convince me other...

Im ready to join the Apple Gang!

Ok. So you're completely correct. The reason I say this is because I have gone through the exact same thing and now I am sticking with iOS for that exact reason. The OS is amazing, and its incredible knowing that when I unlock my device I know I will not experience crashes or some stupid lag. However, the change will be hard, especially since you've been with Android for so long. There will be things that you think you cannot achieve with an iPhone but if you just research and keep to it, you'll find there is always a way. Think of it this way. You have the best of both worlds. Every Google service is available on iOS and honestly, they preform better than on Android, as crazy as that sounds. They look a little cheap and outdated but they are blazing fast. I have Google Business Apps and they work amazing with iOS. The comment re the iPad Pro is spot on. I would suggest looking into this as well to increase your productivity experience if thats what you are looking for. As far as I am concerned, Apple behind with hardware and programming, however, slow and steady wins the race. The Google features included in iOS 10 work better than on Google phones. Apple devs are just killing it! Good luck man!

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