Obama will go down as an exceptional president

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Jan 4, 2014
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Premiums have INCREASED in all but 6 states: Now There Can Be No Doubt: Obamacare Has Increased Non-Group Premiums In Nearly All States - Forbes

And what happened to ""premiums will decrease by $2500 per year"? Another lie.

Insurance cost have increased every year since who knows, again I stated that the rate of increase the year over year of increase was lower this year.

ACA plan cost were cheaper than existing plans in almost all states.

I never claimed that insurance cost would go down , in what year has insurance cost ever went down even prior to ACA , please understand the statistic


Jan 4, 2014
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Obama will go down as exceptional president

What planet are you from? And,what about the lies?


The one where 41 states have lower rates with an ACA plan, eat it buddy, your wrong, you want Obama to fail. It doesn't actually matter if he is wrong or right just as long as he fails. Thank god OBama was focused on Doing the right thing for the country not beating the GOP, beating the GOP is just a bonus.

"When was the last time we saw insurance premiums experience an annual increase of less than 5 percent? I cannot remember such a time and doubt that you can either."

And this was numbers from a conservative study, lol!!


Jun 14, 2011
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Key Study On Obamacare 2015 Premium Rates Is Out And You Won't Believe What's Going To Happen - Forbes

The one where 41 states have lower rates with an ACA plan, eat it buddy, your wrong, you want Obama to fail. It doesn't actually matter if he is wrong or right just as long as he fails. Thank god OBama was focused on Doing the right thing for the country not beating the GOP, beating the GOP is just a bonus.

"When was the last time we saw insurance premiums experience an annual increase of less than 5 percent? I cannot remember such a time and doubt that you can either."

And this was numbers from a conservative study, lol!!

All I see there is that premiums are going up for 2015. I saw nothing about 41 states having lower rates. So, eat it buddy, you're wrong.
You continue to deflect or ignore the questions about the lies (keep your doctor, keep your plan, $2500 lower premium, etc.). Plus, who can pay a $10,000 deductible?


Jan 4, 2014
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He only had one scandal. Obama has had about 8 scandals. Thing is, take away Watergate, and he was a great president. Especially on foreign policy.
Why didn't you laugh at Bill Clinton with a B? What about Monica and the others? He had his scandal too.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5.

Lol 8 scandals, you mean like Benghazi where the republican led which hunt found out nothing happened . Please let me know when they impeach Obama because he had so many scandals. Like everything else it comes to when dealing with the bubble. These things only exist in the minds of GOP supporters.


Jan 4, 2014
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Obama will go down as exceptional president

All I see there is that premiums are going up for 2015. I saw nothing about 41 states having lower rates. So, eat it buddy, you're wrong.
You continue to deflect or ignore the questions about the lies (keep your doctor, keep your plan, $2500 lower premium, etc.). Plus, who can pay a $10,000 deductible?

I guess you didn't read the part where it states that this is the lowest rate of increase in quite sometime. Premiums will go up every year no program will stop that , it's controlling the rate of increase ... Unless you want to get a much younger nation this is unavoidable , we are an aging nation

for people buying on their own increased by 9.9 percent in 2009, 10.8 percent in 2010, and 11.7 percent in 2011. To give you a comparison


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Dec 18, 2012
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Here's a crazy thought, make everyone pay their fair share of taxes. That's a crazy thought isn't it?

We are suppose to have a progressive tax system, meaning the more you make, the more you pay. For some reason that seems fair to me, but maybe it seems fair to me because I am a liberal. Our current tax system starts our progressive, but then becomes regressive, meaning the more you make, the less you pay. That doesn't seem fair to me, but maybe it's because I am a liberal.

A secretary named Debbie Bosanek pays a higher tax rate than her billionaire boss, that doesn't seem fair to me. It must be because I am a liberal.

Swiss bank Credit Suisse helped 22,000 Americans hide $10 billion of income. That doesn't seem fair to me. If I hid income from the IRS, I would be thrown in jail. Are the 22,000 Americans who hide $10 billion of income get thrown it jail? That doesn't seem fair to me, but it must be because I am a liberal.

I think I need to start praying to the bourgeoisie as the true deity.
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Jun 14, 2011
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I guess you didn't read the part where it states that this is the lowest rate of increase in quite sometime. Premiums will go up every year no program will stop that , it's controlling the rate of increase ... Unless you want to get a much younger nation this is unavoidable , we are an aging nation

for people buying on their own increased by 9.9 percent in 2009, 10.8 percent in 2010, and 11.7 percent in 2011. To give you a comparison

What about those lies? :confused:


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May 30, 2011
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He only had one scandal. Obama has had about 8 scandals. Thing is, take away Watergate, and he was a great president. Especially on foreign policy.
Why didn't you laugh at Bill Clinton with a B? What about Monica and the others? He had his scandal too.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5.

That's the most stupefying logic I've ever heard. Hey, I hear Ted Bundy was an ok guy aside from murdering all those women....


Oct 2, 2013
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That's the most stupefying logic I've ever heard. Hey, I hear Ted Bundy was an ok guy aside from murdering all those women....
Apparently you don't know much about Nixon. My grading was based on accomplishments, not scandals. Had scandals been figured in, all but Reagan would have received a lower grade. Nixon got us out of Viet Nam. He actually accomplished quite a bit for our country. But Watergate will forever define his presidency and no one will remember the good things he did. History will remember Obama as the first black president and the one who nearly doubled our National Debt. Obamacare will be seen as something he forced down the throats of the American people that turned into a huge scourge on our nation. He has no real accomplishments that I can see. I guess I should change his grade to an F-.

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Jan 4, 2014
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Obama will go down as exceptional president

Apparently you don't know much about Nixon. My grading was based on accomplishments, not scandals. Had scandals been figured in, all but Reagan would have received a lower grade. Nixon got us out of Viet Nam. He actually accomplished quite a bit for our country. But Watergate will forever define his presidency and no one will remember the good things he did. History will remember Obama as the first black president and the one who nearly doubled our National Debt. Obamacare will be seen as something he forced down the throats of the American people that turned into a huge scourge on our nation. He has no real accomplishments that I can see. I guess I should change his grade to an F-.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5.

Reagan tripled the debt during his presidency you don't remember him for that now do you. Really he has no real accomplishments Obama, do I need to go through the list again. By way remember when the country hated Medicare , yeah, me neither ... I guess those senior citizen republican voters need to be fighting to get rid of it. Oh wait .... They don't they now yell how the government should keep their hands off their Medicare. Also Obama still hasn't doubled the debt.

1) ended recession in 6 months taking office, U.S. economy has grown every quarter since June 2009, last quarter was strongest growth since 2003. Irony of the day Obamas recovery statistically has been better than Reagan, and Obamas recession was 3xs larger than reagans.

2) got Osama

3) saved us auto industry

4) passed a healthcare plan that people complain about it, yet people even republicans who have an ACA PLAN, 75% overwhelmingly are happy with it

5) highest Dow and s&p in US history

6) has lowered the deficit every year since 2010

7) record corporate profits

8) got out of two deficit killing wars

9) unemployment the lowest it's been since 2006, on target to be 4% by end of his presidency , 5%, he regained every job lost in the recession by end of 4 th year becoming a net job creator

10) managed to succeed inspite of fierce opposition from a right who would rather derail the U.S. Than see him succeed


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Nov 15, 2010
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#1- Ended recession? Where have you been?It's still going on. Economy is growing at slowest pace ever. NOT TRUE. NOT ENOUGH BUT THERE IS IMPROVEMENT. WE WERE IN A REALLY BAD PLACE REMEMBER? SEE GW ERA.

#6- And has increased the debt more than ALL other presidents combined. THIS IS GW ERA. Pres doesn't spend congress does. Except war initiation. THIS WAS WHERE YOU SHOULD POINT TO GW.

#8- Bush had already made the agreement to leave Iraq. Afghanistan? Obummer is now talking about increasing troops there. HE ALSO DECLARED VICTORY. OBAMA CALLS TROOP ORDER. YOU CANT TAKE THAT AWAY.


" how the country loved him"- 39-40% approval rating does not equal love. :). THE DISRESPECT FOR THE OFFICE IS EMBARRASSING AND UGLY. THANKS TEA PARTY AND LATER GOP.

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Nov 15, 2010
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You are pitiful. So blinded by this lying administration.

Let's be civil please. This thread is actually using examples and even if nobody has any hope of changing any one else's mind at least it's been civil.

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Nov 15, 2010
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What lies. Here is the kicker the program's success isn't measured on how it was passed, it's measured whether it's worked or not.

There are books documenting overreaching of Pres power that happens in each administration. It's just like voter suppression. The problem is politics take priority over policy.

It's a bipartisan problem and wrong all around. It's usually too technical for most to care. It can make a great sound bite from an opposing side if they can make it stick.

I didn't like when GW bended the rules for interrogation and suspending H.C. It got covered but not enough understood it or cared. See connection of Cheney to Nixon.

The methods should absolutely matter. The end does NOT justify the means.

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Jan 4, 2014
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Obama will go down as exceptional president

There are books documenting overreaching of Pres power that happens in each administration. It's just like voter suppression. The problem is politics take priority over policy.

It's a bipartisan problem and wrong all around. It's usually too technical for most to care. It can make a great sound bite from an opposing side if they can make it stick.

I didn't like when GW bended the rules for interrogation and suspending H.C. It got covered but not enough understood it or cared. See connection of Cheney to Nixon.

The methods should absolutely matter. The end does NOT justify the means.

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And I'm saying historically the methods give way to results. Also, historically Obama uses less power then most presidents , but when he does , he makes it count. See Obamacare and now the immigration issue. His response was the right one, don't like it, pass a bill. Notice the GOP has been silent.

Also, there is no debate on recession, the U.S. Has not been in recession since July 2009, also the jobs argument is debunked, the jobs being created are sustainable long term employment, and the Gdp growth this year are growing at 4% which is one of fastest in industrialized world. And as measured by economist Obama has done better by objective measures than Reagan did with his recession. You can't have record stock , unemployment in 5% range, record profits, and try and remotely say economic trouble still exists it doesn't.


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Jan 16, 2013
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And I'm saying historically the methods give way to results. Also, historically Obama uses less power then most presidents , but when he does , he makes it count. See Obamacare and now the immigration issue. His response was the right one, don't like it, pass a bill. Notice the GOP has been silent.

I can't believe what I just read....Very Disturbing when circumventing the constitution is acceptable...This ?is what happens when one is power-hungry and he (Obama) wants to take it all.. The president has constitutional powers, and we have shared governmental responsibility between the Senate and the House and the courts and the president, and that division has worked very well in our history. So suddenly you?ve got somebody who is power-hungry and he wants to take it all. There?s no question there?s got to be a challenge to this.


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Nov 15, 2010
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I can't believe what I just read....Very Disturbing when circumventing the constitution is acceptable...This ?is what happens when one is power-hungry and he (Obama) wants to take it all.. The president has constitutional powers, and we have shared governmental responsibility between the Senate and the House and the courts and the president, and that division has worked very well in our history. So suddenly you?ve got somebody who is power-hungry and he wants to take it all. There?s no question there?s got to be a challenge to this.

It's not any more then other admin or in the least just like the last one. Getting all up in arms this time only is playing politics.

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Jan 4, 2014
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I can't believe what I just read....Very Disturbing when circumventing the constitution is acceptable...This ?is what happens when one is power-hungry and he (Obama) wants to take it all.. The president has constitutional powers, and we have shared governmental responsibility between the Senate and the House and the courts and the president, and that division has worked very well in our history. So suddenly you?ve got somebody who is power-hungry and he wants to take it all. There?s no question there?s got to be a challenge to this.

Who circumvented the constitution. aCA was passed by congress, the question is not whether the constitution was circumvented , the issue was about if people understood the inner workings and felt they were lied to... The workings being that basically healthy people were subsidizing non healthy people by having a mandate, by the way this mandate is a gop request, and goes back to heritage foundation and bob doles plan against Clintoncare, in fact, most of aCA implemented ideas from the conservative groups 90s approach... It's ironic that it's an issue when Obama agreed with previous GOP ideas it became a problem.

The question of immigration again this is a question of getting something done,GOP always welcome to pass a bill. The GOP played there game we won't work with you because of you succeed we will lose future elections. He played his ill use whatever power available to get things done in spite of you.

Obama has not expanded the powers of president and in fact, wields his authority less than former presidents, if he did he would have been impeached already, you honestly think the GOP would let him nor play by the book, the fact is he found a at to not be the limp d... President hey wanted to portray him as rember ... The first year oh he's the do nothing president... Now it's the he's the do too much president ... Come on use your brain this is all political rattling
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