Obama will go down as an exceptional president

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Nov 15, 2010
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Didn't live up by what standard, as quantitively measured he was better than Reagan wirh his economic recovery, and this including the fact he had a recession that was 3xs larger than the Reagan recession. But Obama didn't do enough? Compared to who, what planet are you on.

Obama didn't stop the divide? Number 1 the uS has always been divided, if people can't even admit racism exist how could you possibly end it, people can't even admit that how they view Obama is through the lens of race. Who and when did Obama say he was going to end the racial issues this country has. Oh wait he is "black" so that's the expectation and measure you decided he must accomplish.

The bottom line I can make a litany of points about what any president hasn't accomplished. And what they did accomplish, and if you look at Obama through the same lens as other presidents , he's exceptional by comparison, period. And I'll say it, if he wasn't black this wouldn't even be a discussion but of course because how we collectively are taught to view blacks admitting he wasn't this failed experiment of "white guilt" would go counter to that biased belief system.

Those were specific things that he promised. I am happy for many things about what got done but by the standards of his own promises he did not live up to everything.

The points at the bottom like race are about how long term how the presidency will remembered. The list of unmet promises was separate.

On the race thing. I would bet that when we look back and recognize that our first black president was not the instant end of racism. And that in fact class and race continued to be an issue. In a thread about how the pres will be regarded long term I think it's relevant. As is a list of campaign promises that were not met.

I saw a post the other day that said I wish every president could 'fail' this well. I agree. A lot got done. And a lot of opportunity was missed. But I'll take it.

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Jan 4, 2014
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Obama will go down as exceptional president

Those were specific things that he promised. I am happy for many things about what got done but by the standards of his own promises he did not live up to everything.

The points at the bottom like race are about how long term how the presidency will remembered. The list of unmet promises was separate.

On the race thing. I would bet that when we look back and recognize that our first black president was not the instant end of racism. And that in fact class and race continued to be an issue. In a thread about how the pres will be regarded long term I think it's relevant. As is a list of campaign promises that were not met.

I saw a post the other day that said I wish every president could 'fail' this well. I agree. A lot got done. And a lot of opportunity was missed. But I'll take it.

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Who said the first black president would be or was required to be the end of racism. This is something that has existed forever in humans but you think it would end because Obama was elected. The idea itself is ridiculous. Moreover why is it your expectation for him to end it? ?? Who said this was his job? It would never end when people can't even recognize what it is, and any real dialogue people become defensive.


My point on the promises, what president has ever accomplished everything they said they would , if this is the standard that you hold Obama then you should hold every president in history to the same, and you would find there are no exceptional presidents right back to Washington, now, if this is not the standard and we measure presidents by how we measured the first 41, how much they accomplished, Obama is pretty darn exceptional. Period.
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Nov 3, 2010
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And yet every single one of you hasn't commented on the points in the OP's post....save for Osama....in which he WAS killed under his watch. The hate for this guy is unbelievable. Makes you think that he opened your front door, drank out of your milk carton, and took a massive dump on your kitchen table.


He might as well have.:p


Oct 2, 2013
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Ironically, this further illustrates my point, did anyone say geez Bush didn't pull Hussein out of that hole so how can he get credit for "mission accomplished"?

Yes. Bush started the ball rolling with the search for and investigation of Bin Laden. The Obama administration continued that plan. In the end, Obama made the right call. I give him credit for that. But no, it wasn't all his doing. Much had been done before he arrived at the White House. I don't hate Obama. I just don't like what he has done as president.

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Nov 15, 2010
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Who said the first black president would be or was required to be the end of racism. This is something that has existed forever in humans but you think it would end because Obama was elected. The idea itself is ridiculous. Moreover why is it your expectation for him to end it? ?? Who said this was his job? It would never end when people can't even recognize what it is, and any real dialogue people become defensive.


My point on the promises, what president has ever accomplished everything they said they would , if this is the standard that you hold Obama then you should hold every president in history to the same, and you would find there are no exceptional presidents right back to Washington, now, if this is not the standard and we measure presidents by how we measured the first 41, how much they accomplished, Obama is pretty darn exceptional. Period.

I hold all presidents to their promises yes. I see nothing wrong with that. The whole point is a lot of us bought into hope. And what we got was good and some missed.

I think you missed my distinction between what his presidency will be remembered for verses what he is responsible for. I think it's important to know that there are those not better off right now vs 8 years ago.

And on race I would have hoped he would at least have been more of a leader in this regard. The presidency power is limited despite what we lay on it good and bad. Some leadership on class and race couldn't hurt. That is something a president can do.

I am a huge fan but try to be objective when I can. One broad brush good or bad for any president isn't warranted. No reason to ignore what could have been. So holding him to his own stated standards is entirely fair. I had hope. I am thankful for what was accomplished. But I can lament what wasn't.


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Jan 4, 2014
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I hold all presidents to their promises yes. I see nothing wrong with that. The whole point is a lot of us bought into hope. And what we got was good and some missed.

I think you missed my distinction between what his presidency will be remembered for verses what he is responsible for. I think it's important to know that there are those not better off right now vs 8 years ago.

And on race I would have hoped he would at least have been more of a leader in this regard. The presidency power is limited despite what we lay on it good and bad. Some leadership on class and race couldn't hurt. That is something a president can do.

I am a huge fan but try to be objective when I can. One broad brush good or bad for any president isn't warranted. No reason to ignore what could have been. So holding him to his own stated standards is entirely fair. I had hope. I am thankful for what was accomplished. But I can lament what wasn't.


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Agreed, I just want to point out objectively in comparison to other presidents he's done a good job, and how disjointed his record is with what people feel his record.

I mean if people can present you a graph showing job creation and then ask if you he added or lost jobs, and you answered lost, how can you reconcile the belief. This was an actual study. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

As for what could have been, again no one is perfect, and comparatively he's done an excellent job. And I just can't see how people can't stand up and acknowledge this, but mark my words the minute he's out of office just wait. It's like Serena Williams and the Williams sisters as a whole , americans don't seem to recognize how ridiculously exceptional they are as players, and this idea that there will be a next ... And people are still like Serena could be so much more. I just laugh


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May 30, 2011
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Yes. Bush started the ball rolling with the search for and investigation of Bin Laden. The Obama administration continued that plan. In the end, Obama made the right call. I give him credit for that. But no, it wasn't all his doing. Much had been done before he arrived at the White House. I don't hate Obama. I just don't like what he has done as president.

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So, who exactly did you think did a good job as president? Please be honest because I think I know the answer....


Oct 2, 2013
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Obama will go down as exceptional president

So, who exactly did you think did a good job as president? Please be honest because I think I know the answer....
They have all made mistakes. None have been perfect. By grade:
John F. Kennedy - A
Ronald Reagan - A
Richard Nixon - B
Bill Clinton -B
George W. Bush - C+
Jimmy Carter - D+
Barrack Obama - D

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Nov 15, 2010
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Obama will go down as exceptional president

They have all made mistakes. None have been perfect. By grade:
John F. Kennedy - A
Ronald Reagan - A
Richard Nixon - B
Bill Clinton -B
George W. Bush - C+
Barrack Obama - D

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5.

I like this:

John F. Kennedy - A (I wasn't born but wth)

Ronald Reagan - B- (anti Union ruins him for me, first really big spender)

Richard Nixon - F (he got kicked out)

Bill Clinton B+ (high tech and stocks were great, no deficit)

George W. Bush - C- (wars, fin crisis, civil liberty points off)

Carter - C inflation, Iran

Barrack Obama - B- (was hoping for an A)

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Apr 10, 2013
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This logic is so flawed that it borders on lunacy!

If, as you and other 'birthers' like to assert that he was NOT born in the USA. Does it not follow that the power-that-be that sanctioned or allowed his run are actually the real power in this country and Obama and any other President are just figure heads?

If you sincerely believe that there's actually a difference between Right and Left, I have a several bridges and and some beach from property property to sell you.


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May 30, 2011
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They have all made mistakes. None have been perfect. By grade:
John F. Kennedy - A
Ronald Reagan - A
Richard Nixon - B
Bill Clinton -B
George W. Bush - C+
Jimmy Carter - D+
Barrack Obama - D

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5.

Yeah, like I said, I already knew the answer. The fact you scored Bush anything above a F, gives me all I need to know....


Oct 2, 2013
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Obama will go down as exceptional president

Richard Nixon gets a B????



He only had one scandal. Obama has had about 8 scandals. Thing is, take away Watergate, and he was a great president. Especially on foreign policy.
Why didn't you laugh at Bill Clinton with a B? What about Monica and the others? He had his scandal too.

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