Would the new Mac mini base model fit my needs?


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Jan 28, 2014
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Would the new mac mini base model fit my needs?

I have been using my 2010 macbook for too long as my desktop (hooked up to a monitor). I need a desktop that does very light gaming (starcraft 2, half life type games, etc), but mainly work and web browsing. Programs I always have open: Tweetbot, notes, Msoft word, spotify, itunes, mail, messages, clear, chrome (when plugged in, safari on battery), 1 password, etc. I have read several posts saying that the 4gb base model mac mini isnt powerful enough for most peoples needs, and while I would like to have 8gb, if its a major price difference then ill just go with the 4. I only have MAYBE 10 tabs at the most open in chrome at any given time, other than that its just a handful. My budget is $400 max (college student) and im looking to immediately crack it open and put an SSD boot drive and a 1tb media drive in (I think ifixit sells the kits to put 2 drives inside)

Long story short, if the newer base model minis would not fit my needs (as described above) what would you recommend? I am 100% not opposed to buying used and normally browse ebay for these types of things but I know that cowboom also has pretty good deals on these.


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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The new mini, even the base model is out of your price range at 499. And you are aware it comes with NOTHING. You need to supply the monitor which is sounds like you have, BUT you will also need a mouse (or trackpad) and keyboard. That will run you at BEST another 50-75 if you go non apple or more like 100-150 if you go apple products.

After market might be a good way to go, via amazon (getting LAST year's model, NEW but discontinued) or ebay even getting the latest model from someone who upgraded to something better.

I DO think it would suit your needs. IF you could somehow get the next model up, besides the bump in RAM to 8 you also get a bump in CPU speed and HD space, so that model on the after market would be cool too. Keeping in mind that one retails for 699.

If you are a student, or work in government you can get a small discount (probably 20 dollars off) if you DO decide to go full retail from Apple. (I just checked the government store and it's a 20 dollar discount on the mini, MIGHT be more for education)


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2013
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I know this is a little over a month old, but I bought my daughter a 2008 MacBook (in 08). Fully supported on campus and highly recommended. Well the first semester, her first math course, she was required to go on line to some website and do homework. Website used, (sit down for this) Active X. Yea, you read that right, Active X. So she goes to the computer lab, gets on a workstation and... You got it, still can't do her homework, cause who in their right mind enables active X on their machines.

IDK what they're doing now, but this supposedly a rouge professor. Just something to toss out there.
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