*Will the iPhone 5s make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?


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Mar 12, 2013
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

Definitely not. Being a former Android "Fanboy" I was initially thrilled with the prospects of being able to customize my phone into oblivion. This thrill soon gave way to the fact that I was spending more time tweaking my phone than actually being productive with it. I've since moved over to my 4S and have not looked back. Like many have said in this forum, what I like is the tight integration between my various platforms (iMac, iPad and iPhone). Without question, the quality of the iPhone is head and shoulders above any of the Samsung products in fit and finish.




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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

For me it comes down to what the iPhone 5s will bring. If its only a minor upgrade from the current 5 I "may consider" the S4 or HTC One(probably not though, I just like having other options). I love iOS and my iPhone. I currently have a 4S and the 5 was not enough of an upgrade for me to spend my money on it. I'm hoping Apple really does something with OS 7 and the hardware to keep me around. I'm not bored with my iPhone by any means, I just want to see Apple step up a little and come out with some newer features that other phones don't have, or even some similar features. I'd love to have NFC and LTE. We will see in the next coming months.


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Mar 12, 2013
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

I love Apple products, I have a Macbook and I cherish it! I've never had an Iphone but back in November I was due to upgrade and really was looking forward to getting the 5, then I thought maybe I should wait till after Christmas and see what happens, I wasn't absolutely totally sold on the Iphone at the time because of the OS, It's old and not really "mindblowing" I wanted a new phone that had a new user experience. What sold me on it though was the camera, and the design of the phone! A really great hardware phone, although I disagree with the increase in screen height without width increased. That was a terrible mistake on Apple's side (I find that alot on my sisters I5). So to jump on Galaxies side, I looked into it to, great specs, great screen, great display, though with only 306 ppi.. wasn't sold on that, the hardware again, fantastic, just like the Iphone's, but my trouble started with the user experience of the device, once again.. an old OS, buggy, laggy, I dont like the OS in general, prefer IOS much more but that's my opinion.. so long story short I fell in love with the Z10 from BlackBerry and haven't looked back.
Would I buy an I5S, sure, would I buy a SGS4, sure, as long as they bring a long better user experiences, I don't care about apps, I want something that doesnt get boring!


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Nov 14, 2010
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

I don't think I could ever go back to an android phone. I tried with a Galaxy SII but only lasted a week before becoming annoyed and missing my 4s. I now have the iPhone 5 and love it. I have played with my mothers SIII but it really is to big for me and the volume buttons are way to easily pushed. I will get an iPhone 5s or whatever comes next, but never android for me again no matter how awesome it might look and what features it might it might have.


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Apr 1, 2011
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

No. The S3 was/is a great phone and I'm sure the S4 will be as well. I've tried a lot of Android phones and always come back to the iPhone. Fortunately, I've realized that the iPhone works best for me. I am very happy with my 5.


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Jul 3, 2010
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

I do see what he was trying to say, but I think they way it was said was lost by the delivery. Even iMore's very own Rene Ritchie saying (The "iPhone 5s" problem | iMore.com) that Apple needs to bring more, much more to the next iPhone. The issue isn't one of Samsung being better or HTC knocking it out of the park but that Apple has become complacent with an annual release of their iPhone with an every other year minor upgrade cycle. The competition whether you want to admit it or not has in fact caught up and is now starting to pass Apple. Drop the high and mighty plastic vs aluminum argument because I am just as comfortable with a GS3 and I am with my new iPhone 5 I got on Saturday, yet I miss the screen size of Android, but love the benefits of iOS, see my issue here.

The GS4 will bring new technology, new benefits and will push Apple even harder. The iP5S or iP6 (which ever it is this year) will sell tens upon tens of millions out of the gate, so what. Its not entirely about the numbers sold as Apple buyers will buy Apple no matter what. Its the fact that there are Apple buyers who are seeing the innovations OTHER companies are offering and it is drawing them away. Apple has been known for innovation and for Apple to continue it highly successful path they cannot afford to the every other year upgrade cycle. That is something that is accepted in the automotive world since it costs hundreds of millions if not more to design, launch and release a new car, retooling ain't cheap.

I am not saying Apple has to change the design every year, but they need to WOW the world every year and Siri was not a wow for me and neither was maps or passbook (which still has what 20+ apps that work with it, wow that is impressive). Apple turned the SMARTphone world on its head in 2007 and 6 years later we are still waiting for that to happen again. They can do it, they need to do it, and they should put a real battery into the iPhone while they are at it.

Apple can get away with the the same physical design 2 years in a row like a car company, but even BMW makes changes year over year that generates a buzz.


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Mar 27, 2005
Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

I do see what he was trying to say, but I think they way it was said was lost by the delivery. Even iMore's very own Rene Ritchie saying (The "iPhone 5s" problem | iMore.com) that Apple needs to bring more, much more to the next iPhone. The issue isn't one of Samsung being better or HTC knocking it out of the park but that Apple has become complacent with an annual release of their iPhone with an every other year minor upgrade cycle. The competition whether you want to admit it or not has in fact caught up and is now starting to pass Apple. Drop the high and mighty plastic vs aluminum argument because I am just as comfortable with a GS3 and I am with my new iPhone 5 I got on Saturday, yet I miss the screen size of Android, but love the benefits of iOS, see my issue here.

The GS4 will bring new technology, new benefits and will push Apple even harder. The iP5S or iP6 (which ever it is this year) will sell tens upon tens of millions out of the gate, so what. Its not entirely about the numbers sold as Apple buyers will buy Apple no matter what. Its the fact that there are Apple buyers who are seeing the innovations OTHER companies are offering and it is drawing them away. Apple has been known for innovation and for Apple to continue it highly successful path they cannot afford to the every other year upgrade cycle. That is something that is accepted in the automotive world since it costs hundreds of millions if not more to design, launch and release a new car, retooling ain't cheap.

I am not saying Apple has to change the design every year, but they need to WOW the world every year and Siri was not a wow for me and neither was maps or passbook (which still has what 20+ apps that work with it, wow that is impressive). Apple turned the SMARTphone world on its head in 2007 and 6 years later we are still waiting for that to happen again. They can do it, they need to do it, and they should put a real battery into the iPhone while they are at it.

Apple can get away with the the same physical design 2 years in a row like a car company, but even BMW makes changes year over year that generates a buzz.

I don't think Apple simply has a 5S planned though... think there will be more to follow.


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Jul 3, 2010
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

Jeremy I certainly hope Apple does, I would like to actually have a reason to upgrade a phone that may be only 5-6 months old which I know will hold its value well enough. Only time will tell.


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Apr 16, 2011
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

Thank you all for the replies. Tonight we will see what's in store. I do expect Samsung will take advantage of Apple coming up with the iPhone 5s with a spec upgrade. Time will tell.


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Aug 18, 2012
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

If I understand, the processors that Samsung uses are usually outperformed by Apple devices by about 20% looking at the previous trends. GPU, from the iPhone, will kill any competition using the current trends. So specs are kind of worthless, least you add in other gizmos.


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Dec 3, 2011
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

I have the SG3 and it's okay, but I am going to jump to i5 and if I can wait, the i5s. I do agree that the SG3 feels almost cheap, I always have a case because it's so light and too thin. The i5 is just perfect, the SG3 is in my opinion too big for me, I have to reposition it in my hands to drag down notifications.
So to answer the question of the thread, I will be not be purchasing the sg4. Apple will take my take my money on my next phone.


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Apr 20, 2010
Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

I have the SG3 and it's okay, but I am going to jump to i5 and if I can wait, the i5s. I do agree that the SG3 feels almost cheap, I always have a case because it's so light and too thin. The i5 is just perfect, the SG3 is in my opinion too big for me, I have to reposition it in my hands to drag down notifications.
So to answer the question of the thread, I will be not be purchasing the sg4. Apple will take my take my money on my next phone.

Dan I love my i5...I think you will as well.


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Jun 11, 2009
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

You know i feel like this thread is being biased. Now let me explain before all the great and smarta** comments come along :). I love iOS and android they are both amazing and pretty solid os's, now with that being said iOS takes the cake, in terms of usability and just being a clean straight forward OS. Android on the other hand gives you major functionality you get with iOS but not until after you jailbreak. I think android has come leagues ahead of what it used to be.

This lag your speaking about maybe so, but an average consumer not "geeks" "nerds" "phone junkies" like us would notice. I love iOS again it's clean and just plain usable, but I love android for the crazy amount of stuff you can do right out of the box. Widgets have never been my fancy but roms, themes, over-clocking, just tinkering in general is something I adore about android. Now I'm not trying to start something, I'm just giving my opinion. I own a htc evo lte and ever since STOCK PLUS GOODIES rom came out with 4.1.2. It is an amazing rom and utilizes the phone to its full potential, rant done lol.


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Jan 8, 2012
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

You know i feel like this thread is being biased. Now let me explain before all the great and smarta** comments come along :). I love iOS and android they are both amazing and pretty solid os's, now with that being said iOS takes the cake, in terms of usability and just being a clean straight forward OS. Android on the other hand gives you major functionality you get with iOS but not until after you jailbreak. I think android has come leagues ahead of what it used to be.

This lag your speaking about maybe so, but an average consumer not "geeks" "nerds" "phone junkies" like us would notice. I love iOS again it's clean and just plain usable, but I love android for the crazy amount of stuff you can do right out of the box. Widgets have never been my fancy but roms, themes, over-clocking, just tinkering in general is something I adore about android. Now I'm not trying to start something, I'm just giving my opinion. I own a htc evo lte and ever since STOCK PLUS GOODIES rom came out with 4.1.2. It is an amazing rom and utilizes the phone to its full potential, rant done lol.

Your reply was well-stated and deserving of its place within this thread. Furthermore, a lot of people will agree with your assessment. Enjoy the rest of your day...:)


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Jul 3, 2010
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

If I defect from iPhone (owned them since original 2007, only skipping the 3G) it would more likely be to a BB10 device - Z10 or Q10 or ?10.

The only Android phone I'd consider is a Nexus, but not one made by Samsung or LG. HTC or Motorola only.

BUT - if the 5S blows the doors off the competition with something revolutionary I'm sticking with iPhone. :)


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Feb 2, 2012
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

Unless its a TV, i'll never own a product made by Samsung. Nor will I ever own a device that runs Android.

Tappin and Talkin from my iPhone 5


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Jul 3, 2010
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

Unless its a TV, i'll never own a product made by Samsung. Nor will I ever own a device that runs Android.

Tappin and Talkin from my iPhone 5

Why I bought a Sony TV :)


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Oct 26, 2004
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Re: *Will the iPhone 5S make you switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4?

Android is ok. With Samsung though, it becomes something else. A Samsung/Android OS. Just as the Kindle Fire runs something Amazon altered to the point it's not the android you want anymore. It's not about being able to choose different form factors and sizes by all the OEM's then. Each one is too different.

The mainstream doesn't really care though. It's a GS4 (credit samsung's marketing). It's a big screen. Must get. There's no doubt in my mind that Apple is losing a lot of sales because they've waited so long to join the big screen phone party. A bigger screen = more premium for a lot of people. I think Apple knows this but it's not so easy to do with iOS and not an easy choice with just one phone or brand. With the iphone contributing the most to their revenues and profits, they want to be careful.

A crazier prediction: iPhone Plus is real, and huge – Marco.org

At the end of Jan 2013, this was making the rounds and lot of people seemed to agree such as Gruber.
Its 640 ? 1136, 264 DPI screen would measure 4.94? diagonally

All the math makes sense and it's something Apple could do. But they'd get hammered if they came out with this. The GS4 is 441ppi. The HTC One is 468ppi. Both are 1920x1080.

Such a choice would make Apple's big iphone the LOWEST ppi phone on the market for the most part. The competitors would have a field day with this as would most media.

2272x1280 (double the current resolution). 5" That's what Apple has to hit to get a bigger iphone. That's the magic "kill em all" button for Apple to press. That's the major thing hardware wise that Apple, with all their billions in the bank, should be aiming towards given how important the iphone is to them overall. The "we got a bigger screen" argument for android makers ends with that. I'd be surprised if Apple is not headed in this direction. It's overkill perhaps, but no other product Apple makes deserves it more.

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