Why must I be accused of drinking the Apple Kool-Aid for being satisfied with an iPhone?


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Why is it okay for people to prefer a Windows mobile device or an Android device, but not okay for those who prefer an iPhone? Why must I be considered brainwashed or be accused of drinking the Apple kool-aid for simply being satisfied with my iPhone?
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Feb 6, 2012
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I see the accusations more when Apple fans "pretend" as though Apple is the only or the first to do something. Typically Apple introduces features when they are ready, but you often see people acting amazed or in awe despite similar features and products having been available for a while. I remember having the conversation with someone who stated that had Apple not introduced dual lenses in their camera systems manufacturers would have never started innovating their cameras. Apple didn't "introduce" that feature, nor were they even the first to allow portrait shots and background blurring. To me, that would be an example of someone "drinking the kool aid". We can all love our phones. But once we start disregarding other tech and proclaiming our iPhone's to be the end all be all and the only capable devices...that's where those accusations start.

And it's not even just Apple fans. Brand loyalty is a real thing and it can blind consumers. Apple has seemed to master it though, lol.


Nov 6, 2011
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It’s kinda like it’s ok to be a UNC fan but if you’re a Duke fan you’re a front runner. Never mind UNC has more titles. The world we live in. Lol


Dec 25, 2011
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I see the accusations more when Apple fans "pretend" as though Apple is the only or the first to do something. Typically Apple introduces features when they are ready, but you often see people acting amazed or in awe despite similar features and products having been available for a while. I remember having the conversation with someone who stated that had Apple not introduced dual lenses in their camera systems manufacturers would have never started innovating their cameras. Apple didn't "introduce" that feature, nor were they even the first to allow portrait shots and background blurring. To me, that would be an example of someone "drinking the kool aid". We can all love our phones. But once we start disregarding other tech and proclaiming our iPhone's to be the end all be all and the only capable devices...that's where those accusations start.

And it's not even just Apple fans. Brand loyalty is a real thing and it can blind consumers. Apple has seemed to master it though, lol.

Apple used to be first for a long time, so Android manufactures weren’t getting the customers they wanted, thus Android puts more new features in place first. I’ll never argue that myself, I argue the point that Apple waits until it meets their standards before implementing it. However, Pearl/FaceID is going to be an industry first, using actual 3D mapping at high speed for recognition.

Anyway, on to the topic at hand, I don’t know man. I’m all in on the Apple ecosystem and get trashed about it from a lot of people. I just ignore and tell them it’s what works best for me.


Mar 10, 2013
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Why is it okay for people to prefer a Windows mobile device or an Android device, but not okay for those use who prefer an iPhone? Why must I be considered brainwashed or be accused of drinking the Apple kool-aid for simply being satisfied with my iPhone?

I say let them think what they want, it"s my money and don't need anyones approval on how I spend it. The Apple cool-aid works for me, and as long as it works... I will drink.


Feb 6, 2012
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Apple used to be first for a long time, so Android manufactures weren’t getting the customers they wanted, thus Android puts more new features in place first. I’ll never argue that myself, I argue the point that Apple waits until it meets their standards before implementing it. However, Pearl/FaceID is going to be an industry first, using actual 3D mapping at high speed for recognition.

Anyway, on to the topic at hand, I don’t know man. I’m all in on the Apple ecosystem and get trashed about it from a lot of people. I just ignore and tell them it’s what works best for me.

I've never been trashed by a single person for all the Apple products I have. That's crazy that it affects people so much.


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Feb 20, 2016
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To some of these people, they probably think that you haven't tried the other side(s) so you think iPhones are the best blindly. Also the massive popularity of them (especially in the United States) doesn't help either with their assumptions.

That's my general answer.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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To some of these people, they probably think that you haven't tried the other side(s) so you think iPhones are the best blindly. Also the massive popularity of them (especially in the United States) doesn't help either with their assumptions.

That's my general answer.

I hear ya......Still, I don’t go around claiming the iPhone to be the best smartphone. I say that I’m content with it and it suits “my” needs best. Every now and then somebody will tell me that he or she hates the iPhone as if I’m suppose to get offended or something. I simply tell him or her that it’s not for everyone and to be grateful for the various brands to choose from.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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I see the accusations more when Apple fans "pretend" as though Apple is the only or the first to do something. Typically Apple introduces features when they are ready, but you often see people acting amazed or in awe despite similar features and products having been available for a while. I remember having the conversation with someone who stated that had Apple not introduced dual lenses in their camera systems manufacturers would have never started innovating their cameras. Apple didn't "introduce" that feature, nor were they even the first to allow portrait shots and background blurring. To me, that would be an example of someone "drinking the kool aid". We can all love our phones. But once we start disregarding other tech and proclaiming our iPhone's to be the end all be all and the only capable devices...that's where those accusations start.

And it's not even just Apple fans. Brand loyalty is a real thing and it can blind consumers. Apple has seemed to master it though, lol.

Agreed! I’ve never seen apple come out with anything new. I had a coworker who drank the apple kool-aid and when the 5s came out he was bashing android devices for it having a fingerprint scanner. He completely ignored the fact that the fingerprint scanner was debuted on the Motorola Atrix when it comes to cell phones, and it was on several PDAs before that.
I use both Android and apple, and have a phone and tablet from each as well as a Windows and Mac computer. While I prefer Android by a long shot, I’m not going to bash apple because it’s all about personal preference. Everything I do is in Google, from my contacts and calendar to my work files and maps, and Android just works better with it. I wish there was a way to click an address on my iPhone and have it open in Google Maps instead of having to copy and paste. On Android I can set my default navigation app so this happens every time.
To be perfectly honest iMessage is the only thing that keeps me with apple products. I like that my messages are across my iPhone, iPad, and Mac. On Android I used Messages+ when I had Verizon and when I switched to at&t the at&t messages app wasn’t the greatest so I switched from carrying two Android phones to one Android phone and one iPhone. Then I found out about apps like mySMS and Pulse SMS. Google can come out with a rival for iMessage, but the haven’t yet. When it happens I might go back to two Android phones.
I should reiterate that while I prefer Android by a long shot, I’m not going to bash apple.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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I hear ya......Still, I don’t go around claiming the iPhone to be the best smartphone. I say that I’m content with it and it suits “my” needs best. Every now and then somebody will tell me that he or she hates the iPhone as if I’m suppose to get offended or something. I simply tell him or her that it’s not for everyone and to be grateful for the various brands to choose from.

If only everyone were like that! Working in the wireless industry I see employees bashing each OS to customer’s on a daily basis.


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Mar 9, 2017
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I'm still getting flack 6 months later for trying Apple and now loving it. My BlackBerry peeps are still riding me and act like I've committed the unpardonable sin. Now I just chuckle when they ramble the typical Apple jokes and I say want a drink of my Apple Kool-Aid because it sure is good to me. Pay them no mind because at the end of the day they don't pay your bills or sleep in your bed ;)


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Dec 11, 2016
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Some tech enthusiasts, no matter the brand they carry , can go too far with things sometimes. Some Apple enthusiasts can be just as guilty, at times.

I usually just shrug it off. It's more a reflection of that individual and their hangups more than anything.


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May 13, 2013
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I'm still getting flack 6 months later for trying Apple and now loving it. My BlackBerry peeps are still riding me and act like I've committed the unpardonable sin. Now I just chuckle when they ramble the typical Apple jokes and I say want a drink of my Apple Kool-Aid because it sure is good to me. Pay them no mind because at the end of the day they don't pay your bills or sleep in your bed ;)

When I was with BlackBerry I have to admit I made fun of people using iPhone's however after years of slow updates and lack of support I did switch to Apple and with all my family and friends with Apple it's hard to be criticized and would never use an Android and as you said they don't pay your bills and I spent lots on BlackBerrys, Enjoy your device .


Trusted Member
Oct 4, 2014
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Some tech enthusiasts, no matter the brand they carry , can go too far with things sometimes. Some Apple enthusiasts can be just as guilty, at times.

I usually just shrug it off. It's more a reflection of that individual and their hangups more than anything.

Well said

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