What is everyone’s experience with having dust in the camera lens?

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Warren D

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Dec 4, 2017
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Hello everyone.

I went through 3 iPhone X’s all due to them having dust under the camera lenses. I also checked in my local Apple store and out a approximately 20 handsets there were only 3 that didn’t have dust.

I’ve had a refund and gonna wait a few months for the issue to possibly be resolved before buying again.

What are other people’s experiences with this issue?

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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Re: Dust in cameras

No dust under the lens here and if it were a widespread problem I think we would be hearing about it on this forum as well as from other sources. It definitely happens from time to time but three iPhones in a row? It sounds like your Apple Store got a bad batch of iPhones.
Just go to another store (Best Buy, carrier store, order online, etc.).


Feb 6, 2012
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Re: Dust in cameras

I haven't looked. I don't intend on looking either. Not gonna let you ruin my experience lol. All my pictures look stunning which means if there is even a speck of dust....it isn't affecting me nor the functionality of my device at all. It's unfortunate you've went through three units though. That's crazy. Hopefully you eventually get a dust free phone.


Feb 6, 2012
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Re: Dust in cameras

No dust under the lens here and if it were a widespread problem I think we would be hearing about it on this forum as well as from other sources. It definitely happens from time to time but three iPhones in a row? It sounds like your Apple Store got a bad batch of iPhones.
Just go to another store (Best Buy, carrier store, order online, etc.).

For some reason I doubt this. I sometimes feel these dust stories are severely overblown. No offense to anyone but seriously...how much are you actually affected by this dust and how hard to you have to look to even notice it? Is it preventing use? Day to day are you seeing this dust? Are pictures coming out blurry?

Again...no offense to anyone and I understand everyones expectations vary and I respect that. But it seems like even the smallest things can interfere with people's ability to simply enjoy their device.

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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Re: Dust in cameras

For some reason I doubt this. I sometimes feel these dust stories are severely overblown. No offense to anyone but seriously...how much are you actually affected by this dust and how hard to you have to look to even notice it? Is it preventing use? Day to day are you seeing this dust? Are pictures coming out blurry?

Again...no offense to anyone and I understand everyones expectations vary and I respect that. But it seems like even the smallest things can interfere with people's ability to simply enjoy their device.

I couldn’t agree more. I was trying to keep an open mind.


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Jan 3, 2015
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Re: Dust in cameras

Hello everyone.

I went through 3 iPhone X’s all due to them having dust under the camera lenses. I also checked in my local Apple store and out a approximately 20 handsets there were only 3 that didn’t have dust.

I’ve had a refund and gonna wait a few months for the issue to possibly be resolved before buying again.

What are other people’s experiences with this issue?

I can completely understand your frustration. When a device costs as much as this, faults are inexcusable. I always check for dust in the camera lens on every phone I buy and I have personally owned/handles approximately 5-6 iPhone Xs. The good news is that none of them had any dust in the camera lens housing. I hope that you are able to find a suitable device without this issue. It is possible!


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Jun 13, 2014
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Re: Dust in cameras

How are you determining there is an internal FOD issue?
Dust doesn't make images blurry. Poor focus or motion at slow shutter speeds will.
If the outer lens cover is perfectly clean (use a lens pen, for example), your shots at night of pinpoint bright objects such as car headlights, streetlights, etc. should be pinpoint with no streaking or tails, etc. Seeing these artifacts identifies smear, finger oils, etc. on the outer cover.


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Mar 9, 2009
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Dust in cameras

I did notice dust in my camera lense only when I was out side in the sun. A few small specks. Noticed this a couple of weeks ago. So I decided to shine flash light on wife’s rear camera lense as well and she has the same thing too. A few small specks. Coworker has the X so I asked if I could see her phone. Hers has it as well. So yeah if you look close, you may have it too.

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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Re: Dust in cameras

I did notice dust in my camera lense only when I was out side in the sun. A few small specks. Noticed this a couple of weeks ago. So I decided to shine flash light on wife’s rear camera lense as well and she has the same thing too. A few small specks. Coworker has the X so I asked if I could see her phone. Hers has it as well. So yeah if you look close, you may have it too.

Well now I’m afraid to look at mine.
I’m going to pretend you didn’t just post that unless it starts showing up in photos.


Trusted Member
May 6, 2009
Re: Dust in cameras

I give my phones a good inspection when I get them. If I don't notice anything unusual I generally don't micro inspect again unless a problem arises. I haven't noticed any problems with my photos, so I haven't looked again at the camera housing. There may be dust, there may not.
I do understand your frustration though. These are not inexpensive phones. A certain level of quality should be expected.
I'm hoping you find a device that's up to your standards!:)
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Retired Moderator
Mar 9, 2009
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Re: Dust in cameras

Well now I’m afraid to look at mine.
I’m going to pretend you didn’t just post that unless it starts showing up in photos.

After I first saw it in my camera lense, I googled it. There is a long thread on Mac rumors. People posting pics. Some people have small hairs in their camera lense. This is no made up issue. The good thing is the small specs of dust in no way affect my photos nor my wife’s. So to me it’s no big deal.


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Dec 23, 2017
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Re: Dust in cameras

Hello, my name is Ergun, I live in Turkey and I have a iPhone 8 plus. There are 7 plus, 8 plus , X series in my country and dust particles under the camera of half of the X series. I think this problem is global..


Mar 27, 2015
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Re: Dust in cameras

I haven’t had the dust problem with my X and neither has anyone I know that has one. Could be a bad manufacturing batch of devices. Guess we will have to wait for this one to play out.


Well-known member
May 18, 2016
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Re: Dust in cameras

Hello, my name is Ergun, I live in Turkey and I have a iPhone 8 plus. There are 7 plus, 8 plus , X series in my country and dust particles under the camera of half of the X series. I think this problem is global..

I”m on replacement 1 a couple of weeks using there dust under the lens there not sealing it right at all.
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