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What happens if the iPhone 8 is a flop?


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Aug 17, 2011
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So hear me out before grabbing your pitchforks:

With the rumors of the higher price and shortage of supply, what happens if the iPhone 8 flops?

"Deutsche Bank analysts recently published a report saying that the iPhone 8 will have “disappointing” sales. That might not sound like a big deal, but it’s fighting words leveled against the world’s most valuable company, by a major analyst no less."

Will apple be able to keep up with their crazy high sales figures? Will the rumored delays force people to other products? Or realize they don't really need to spend $1,000+ for a phone?


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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In my opinion, the push for Apple to fail started accelerating when it was announced that it had a cash pile/reserve of around 178 billion dollars a few years back. I don’t have any proof or stats to back up that up. It’s merely my personal opinion. Anyway, if it does flop, it’ll be a turning point for them, for sure....:)
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Aug 9, 2017
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I think too people like to pick on a OS.. Windows never really had a chance much.. People piled on BlackBerry and now they are next to done.. So next in line is apple since android has too many OEMs.

I don't think it will be big deal, media will make it sound worse than it is, but really iPhone 8 will still sell more than most android phones with exception of samsung, maybe LG since they been doing well lately.

My appeal to go back to iPhone from android is the fact that it just works. Android to me is too hit or miss with what phone you decide and they may or may not get updates, and apps may or may not work good depending how it was coded and prioritized for which phone.. I may skip iPhone 8 as I only had my BlackBerry Priv for 2 years by then. But maybe 8s I will get.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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doubt it will be. Especially given the fact that many people believe apple hasn't updated the iPhone in years given it's similar design from iPhone 6-7.

"News" like this has been generated every year about apple, iPhone or something apple oriented failing.


Trusted Member
Sep 2, 2016
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You can almost bet that it won't be a flop. Even if it doesn't do well by Apple's standards (or Apple critics' standards), they will still sell 10s of millions if not 100s of millions. Of course that is assuming they get the supply chain issues worked out, and again, I would be willing to bet that they will.

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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What’s considered disappointing? Projecting 90 million units in the first 30 days and only selling 89.9 million? If anything hampers sales it’s going to be supply constraints.

Yet another “Apple is doomed” story.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2014
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disappointing sales and flops are both terms that can be twisted to fit a story. If the iPhone 8 sells less than 10 million units it will be called a flop, regardless of whether that was to do with supply issues or people not buying due to price. Windows phone makers would have loved to have sold 10 million units.

If there's supply issues that will get corrected over time and the world will keep spinning

If the price proves too high then Apple will cut the price (they've done it before) which will create many headlines but will drive sales and the world will keep spinning

And finally it may be that the price isn't as high as is being predicted or that supply isn't severely constrained (because these stories are rumours from people with motives) and these people will move on to the next made up drama without penalty for being off the mark because the internet is stupid


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2014
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I will go on, adding to my own point above by saying it is worth remembering that all of the people who peddle rumours and try to buy sources within the supply chain are all parasites and yet somehow people hang on their every word and the stories about supply constraints and price have now become accepted "facts" by many people because enough web sites and publications have quoted them. You may think that calling them parasites is a bit strong but they do live off the work of others and they don't bring anything useful to the world; their reports and leaks are entirely self-serving. It could be that these stories this time are true but all of the above still holds true, they're still parasites and I wish we would all stop buying into them


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Dec 2, 2008
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I don't take all that stuff too serious. It's all just someone's opinion, sometimes driven by personal feelings. The electronic version of fortune tellers. Entertaining but not much beyond that.


Trusted Member
Oct 4, 2014
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I don't take all that stuff too serious. It's all just someone's opinion, sometimes driven by personal feelings. The electronic version of fortune tellers. Entertaining but not much beyond that.

Everyone has his or her own opinion.
Just take things lightly


Oct 2, 2013
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If Apple doesn’t break sales records I will find you and go full Liam Neeson on you.

LOL! I have many reasons to wait. I'm still trying to recover from upgrading the ladies phones (two) to the iPhone 7. Plus my son upgraded his {cough} Sammy {cough} to the S8+. My Verizon bill is like a mortgage payment. Also, if I upgrade now, I won't be able to next year. I expect the iPhone 8 Plus next year will be a larger version of this year's so called iPhone 8. Just a guess. I figure this year's iPhone 8 will replace the 4.7" next year.


Trusted Member
Oct 4, 2014
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LOL! I have many reasons to wait. I'm still trying to recover from upgrading the ladies phones (two) to the iPhone 7. Plus my son upgraded his {cough} Sammy {cough} to the S8+. My Verizon bill is like a mortgage payment. Also, if I upgrade now, I won't be able to next year. I expect the iPhone 8 Plus next year will be a larger version of this year's so called iPhone 8. Just a guess. I figure this year's iPhone 8 will replace the 4.7" next year.

That's very nice of you!
I'm sure they appreciate you upgrading their phones

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