What features would make you upgrade if you're on the fence?


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Oct 19, 2012
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I'm a person who loves having the newest iPhone every year, but honestly i'm not sure if I'm going to this year unless they upgraded portrait mode and made Face ID faster.

What about you guys? Is it worth getting into another 18 month lease/paying $1000 again?


Feb 20, 2014
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I upgrade every other year, which means this year I’m gonna get the newest most expensive device. I don’t care much about the features, I already know I want it.
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Apr 6, 2016
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Unless it's compatible with Tmobile's 600MHz band I won't be upgrading.

And even IF it's compatible.....probably not gonna spend a grand.


Feb 6, 2012
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I upgrade every other year, which means this year I’m gonna get the newest most expensive device. I don’t care much about the features, I already know I want it.

This is why they call us sheep, lol. J/k

I'm on the fence. The next release would really have to blow my socks off. As it stands now, I'm content with my X and I can't think of anything they could release that would make me upgrade. I love the size and definitely don't want to go bigger. I've got the 256 GB model and I've still got plenty of space left. Camera is great. Would I love it if they improved upon Face ID? Absolutely. Is that enough to convince me to spend over grand? Probably not.

So I'm not sure. I'm not going to count it out completely because we don't know what will be presented. But I don't think I'll be upgrading this year as of now.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I'm a person who loves having the newest iPhone every year, but honestly i'm not sure if I'm going to this year unless they upgraded portrait mode and made Face ID faster.

What about you guys? Is it worth getting into another 18 month lease/paying $1000 again?

Like you, I typically upgrade annually, but not necessarily on launch day. In addition, I am seriously considering holding onto my iPhone X for an additional year. With that being said, as of right now, there isn’t a hardware-related feature that I crave and therefore, from that perspective, I can’t see them introducing something that’ll make me rush out an upgrade. Besides, I know I don’t ‘need’ another iPhone. In fact, I don’t ‘need’ my current iPhone X......but I’m sure as heck glad I got it.


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Oct 23, 2012
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I have a personal rule to try to upgrade every 2.5 years, and just upgraded in March to the X, so I'm thinking it'll be whatever is top of the line (but closer to the size of the 8 or X than the 8+) in fall 2020. (AppleCare runs out for me in March 2020 obviously, so I'll keep the X until fall 2020 or until my phone breaks after AppleCare runs out, whichever comes first.)

So, there's really nothing that this year's iPhone will have that will make me upgrade.


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Oct 19, 2012
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I wish portrait mode on the camera were a little more accurate and crisp. but i'm sure that can be fixed with a software update. I agree that I'm glad i shelled out for the iPhone X. I love it. I'm not a big AR user so none of that really appeals to me. The only thing I'd jump for is if they make it cheaper. :D


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Sep 12, 2008
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Like you, I typically upgrade annually, but not necessarily on launch day. In addition, I am seriously considering holding onto my iPhone X for an additional year

The next release would really have to blow my socks off. As it stands now, I'm content with my X and I can't think of anything they could release that would make me upgrade. I love the size and definitely don't want to go bigger. I've got the 256 GB model and I've still got plenty of space left. Camera is great. Would I love it if they improved upon Face ID? Absolutely. Is that enough to convince me to spend over grand? Probably not.

I'll see you both in the top of the line iPhone sub-forum this coming Fall when we share stories of how we obtained our newest iPhones.

I've given up on saying I won't upgrade at this point. I always end up buying latest and greatest no matter what.


Feb 6, 2012
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I'll see you both in the top of the line iPhone sub-forum this coming Fall when we share stories of how we obtained our newest iPhones.

I've given up on saying I won't upgrade at this point. I always end up buying latest and greatest no matter what.

Lol. I won't say you're wrong. But I'm honestly not sure this year. I think the X was such a shift in iPhone releases and it set itself apart so much that I'm not sure what the next iPhone could offer that would encourage me to make the switch.

But of course, I'm not going to completely count myself out lol


iPad Champion
Jan 25, 2014
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I'll admit to being one of those who claim they won't upgrade, but then do it anyway. However, I almost didn't get the X; I bought it when it first came out and returned it because of the price, despite loving the phone. Since I had the phone, when I found it in February this year at $200 off, I thought hard about how I wouldn't upgrade in the fall if I bought it again.

The reasons I bought the iPhone X again came down in large part to the "unique" design of this phone, with the beautiful display and the stainless steel body. My guess back then (which I still somewhat feel) is that the stainless steel would be dropped in the next iPhone, that they'll go back to aluminum, to bring the price back down more in line with other flagships.

So, for me, what I thing I'd need is that the new iPhone will still be made out of Stainless Steel and, secondly, that it will need to have a Samsung OLED panel, or look at least as good. I think the fact that the new iPhone will have an LG panel will keep me from buying the new iPhone. I think Apple will do a great job on the color calibration, as they always do, and even making sure they displays have strong quality control. But you have to believe they'll still have a similar "blue shift" when viewing at angles, which LG displays are criticized for; that as good as Apple will make the display, it just won't quite be as good as the iPhone X display.

Not Quite Right

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May 11, 2013
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Sometimes I say I will, Sometimes I say I won't, and then I upgrade every year ...
Eventually I will cutout the middleman, and just start signing my paychecks over to Apple.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I'll see you both in the top of the line iPhone sub-forum this coming Fall when we share stories of how we obtained our newest iPhones.

I've given up on saying I won't upgrade at this point. I always end up buying latest and greatest no matter what.

There is definitely the possibility that I end up getting the next flagship iPhone, but as of right now, i don’t have a craving for a new iPhone. I’m craving a revamped iOS version.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
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Yes. I might be satisfied with the iOS update...we'll see. Last year I updated purely for the X. If they come out with a 5C looking iPhone X (with the cute plastic colors) I will probably "downgrade for that lmao

and wireless charging is neat but not something I can't live without. /shrug


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Jul 3, 2010
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The X works for me, I just don’t like the aspect ratio. If they do deliver a plus version 6.5 inch that gives me an 8 plus dimensions with all screen, I will get it. I want to see SIM free on launch like they with the 8/plus last year. I don’t want to wait for SIM Free and I don’t want an AT&T version. Not that I will go back to Verizon, I just don’t want to be locked in. Besides I pay full price so it should work everywhere.


Jun 2, 2011
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I’m not sure there’s a feature that’ll make me want to upgrade this year. My ultimate reason for getting the X was it not having a home button & to downsize from my Pluses. I’ve hated the home button since I began using an iPhone, so this was the ultimate feature. Right now I’m very content with my X & with my 8. I don’t want the larger form factor...loved my Pluses but they were bricks & after several years carrying them, I’m just over it. I’m sure Apple with have some special feature that’s only available on the newest device, but I doubt I’ll even use it. I think the current X is the iPhone that I’ve always wanted & the features added with iOS 12 have made it even better. We’ll see, but I think this might be the first year I won’t be upgrading.

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