Updating to iOS 4.3 with jailbreak


Jan 10, 2011
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So I'm on greenpoison 4.2.1 and obviously I am going to want update my phone to iOS 4.3 once its released, and also when a jailbreak for iOS 4.3 is released. But I'm scarred to do so. I already downloaded AptBackup and backed up my jailbreak apps, but will I lose my other native settings? ie. CONTACTS, pictures, music, etc. I'm not sure if my contacts are already synced to my computer, but I dont want to have to deal with that if possible.

If someone could walk me through the process, even though I wont be doing it for a week or two, it would be great to know in advance.



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Jul 1, 2009
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Probably should search around these forums as this has been discussed a lot. But basically first you have to wait for a 4.3 jailbreak before you update or you will be on stock Apple iOS. Some people will tell you to do a clean restore to 4.3 and then re-enter all your data, but I always load an iTunes backup after the update and it seems to work fine -- saves all my app data which is important to me.


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Feb 4, 2011
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Probably should search around these forums as this has been discussed a lot. But basically first you have to wait for a 4.3 jailbreak before you update or you will be on stock Apple iOS. Some people will tell you to do a clean restore to 4.3 and then re-enter all your data, but I always load an iTunes backup after the update and it seems to work fine -- saves all my app data which is important to me.

So in your experience, you can upgrade to the new OS (from a jailbroken OS) restore from a back up and then re-jail break with no issues? That would be fantastic, having to re-enter all those damn contacts would be problematic. I would sync it with google sync, however, that ruins all your pictures for contacts....


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Nov 15, 2010
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No. They are saying do a backup. Wait for untethered jailbreak 4.3. Then upgrade to JB only not the stick 4.3. Then restore data backup to get app data back. At no time do you load the stock 4.3 from apple if you want to stay jail broken. If you do you may not be able to re- jailbreak again. If you saved your blobs and original JB version install you may be able to downgrade again and do the upgrade using the correct 4.3jb version but things could happen beyond your control (or because of your mistake) that keep you stuck on stock until someone discovers a new exploit. Hope that helps.


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Feb 4, 2011
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You can go from one jail break directly to another? I thought you had to upgrade to 4.3 first which would remove the 4.2.6 jailbreak and then re jailbreak. How do you upgrade directly to the next jailbreak?


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Jul 21, 2009
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When you do a sync your apps, contacts, etc are backed up in iTunes if you've set it to sync the things. Also when you're ready to do the upgrade you can do a backup manually by right clicking your iPhone on the left column of iTunes and choosing "Backup". Unlike everyone else I would say as long as you're not unlocked, if you've got your JB stuff backed up go to the OEM firmware. This will remove your JB and you wont be able to put your JB apps back on until the JB has been released for 4.3. This also depends on you, if you value your JB then like everyone has said stay JBen until a JB has been released for the new firmware. Me I like to be JBen but when the new firmware is released I like to be on the vanilla firmware for awhile just to change things up for awhile. You can sometimes go from one JB to another like for instance you were able to go from Redsn0w to Greenpois0n. However it depends on the JB tools, but reloading the firmware fresh is not a problem either. Once you've loaded the new firmware it will ask you if you want to restore from your backup which will give you all the things backed up in iTunes. Then you JB the firmware and put your JB apps back on.


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Feb 4, 2011
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Thank you. Didn't realize that I could stay jail broken and then upgrade to the next firmware and jailbreak simultaneously. I thought I had to upgrade through iTunes then rejailbreak.


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Jul 21, 2009
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I'm sorry I was typing before I actually thought(Top Gears fault) as far as I can remember maybe someone will correct me but I believe you wont be able to upgrade firmware versions JB to JB. When you upgrade to the stock firmware it should upgrade removing your JB but keeping your Apple settings, media, etc. Then when the JB tool is released you can JB and put all your stuff back on. I was wrong because Redsn0w made it a tethered JB and Greenpois0n just untethered the JB. I'm sorry man for the wrong info.


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Feb 4, 2011
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No worries. That's how I thought it needed to be done. The previous guy seemed to imply though it would be best going direct from jb to jb which I didn't think was possible. So, in summary, full restore, upgrade firmware, jb, and then restore from back up to get contacts back, does that look right?

Thanks for all the help. Brand new from blackberry. Loving every second. Jailbreaking let me do everything I would miss an don't want to upgrade until I can put the packages I need back on.


Jan 10, 2011
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This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks ipheuria.

I know I gotta wait for an untethered 4.3, preferably I'm waiting for greenp0isen to come out with one.

So just to clarify, the process is:

(I have Cydia apps backed up with AptBackup)

1. Back up everything in iTunes.

2. Option+Restore to a downloaded version of 4.3

3. Once done, "restore from back-up"

4. Once done, jailbreak with greenp0isen 4.3 (once available)

5. Download Cydia and AptBackup to restore cydia apps

6. Good to go.
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Jul 21, 2009
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Everything is correct except you don't need to option+restore to 4.3 you can just click upgrade in iTunes so that iTunes will upgrade your firmware. You will lose the JB but all Apple data, settings, etc. will be retained. Then you will skip restoring because there will be no need. Then when a JB tool becomes available you JB. Then depending on whether the JB requires you to reload the firmware yes you'll restore from backup. Then yes you put all your apps and tweaks back.

I just wanted to clarify what iRandom meant was to not upgrade until a JB was available so that you wouldn't have to live without JB apps and tweaks. He didn't mean you could go from JB to JB without reloading the firmware.

Rocky why do you feel iTunes only holds one backup? If you go into the prefences of iTunes and go to "Devices" you will see a list of backups along with dates. Unfortunately iTunes only uses the latest backup you don't get a choice. So if you wanted to restore to a specific time you would have to delete, or if you know where on the computer the files are stored, move them to another location. Then when the backup you want to restore is the latest one it will be used.
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Feb 4, 2011
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Everything is correct except you don't need to option+restore to 4.3 you can just click upgrade in iTunes so that iTunes will upgrade your firmware. You will lose the JB but all Apple data, settings, etc. will be retained. Then you will skip restoring because there will be no need. Then when a JB tool becomes available you JB. Then depending on whether the JB requires you to reload the firmware yes you'll restore from backup. Then yes you put all your apps and tweaks back.

I just wanted to clarify what iRandom meant was to not upgrade until a JB was available so that you wouldn't have to live without JB apps and tweaks. He didn't mean you could go from JB to JB without reloading the firmware.

Rocky why do you feel iTunes only holds one backup? If you go into the prefences of iTunes and go to "Devices" you will see a list of backups along with dates. Unfortunately iTunes only uses the latest backup you don't get a choice. So if you wanted to restore to a specific time you would have to delete, or if you know where on the computer the files are stored, move them to another location. Then when the backup you want to restore is the latest one it will be used.

When I go to devices it only shows one back up. It keeps overwriting the same one and changing the date it was done vs listing all individually....


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Jul 21, 2009
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Oh really, I have never experienced that I wonder if it's one of your settings? I will look at my available settings but perhaps someone else will post up.


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Aug 10, 2010
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Just wanted to thank you guys for the question and answers. I was wondering the same thing and couldn't find a direct answer like this on the site.



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Mar 11, 2011
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When I go to devices it only shows one back up. It keeps overwriting the same one and changing the date it was done vs listing all individually....

I hope this helps. This is how I've been doing it for years. The forum won't let me post a link to my original post on the subject, so I pasted the instructions below.

This is how I do my multiple backups.
1. Locate the Backup folder. For XP it should be c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup. If you have been doing any backups, you should see at least one folder with a very long name. Mine is "4b157b...3a0a2". You may also see some other folders that contain a date time stamp in the name. For example "4b157b...3a0a2-
". These other folders get generated by
if during a download and upgrade of your firmware, you choose to do a backup. This is how I determined how to make my own backups.
2. Make a copy of your backup folder, "4b157b...3a0a2".
3. Change the copied folder from "Copy of 4b157b...3a0a2" to "4b157b...3a0a2-yyyymmdd-HHmmss". Obviously without the quotes and put your own date time stamp in there.
4. Open up your newly created backup folder and locate the "Info.plist" file.
5. Open your "Info.plist" file with your favorite text editor. You will see that it is just an XML file.
6. Locate the string tag just below the key tag for Display Name.
Here is a copy of mine, modified of course to protect my identity.
<key>Device Name</key>
<string>My Name’s iPhone</string>
<key>Display Name</key>
<string>My Name’s iPhone</string>
7. Change the info in between the string tags for Display Name, NOT Device Name.
<key>Device Name</key>
<string>My Name’s iPhone</string>
<key>Display Name</key>
<string>My Name’s iPhone - Nov 25, 2008 8:52 PM</string>

8. Save the file and you are done.

Note: I always make a copy of the original backup from iTunes and don't just change the name of the folder. We all know how long it takes for iTunes to create a full backup, so I won't even go there.

Now how do you restore your backup?
1. Open iTunes and attached your iPhone.
2. Right click on your iPhone and select "Restore from Backup..."
3. Select the back up you want from the drop down box. If you did not modify your Info.plist file, all of your drop down selection options would have just the name of your iPhone and not include the date time stamp. Therefore, you would not know which backup was which.

I know that this requires you to create your multiple backups manually, but it is not that difficult.
Again, I hope this is helpful.
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