Tank Domination Review: Fight for the flag on iOS


Nov 15, 2013
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Game Insight is one of the largest mobile software publishers in Russia, where it organizes the Live Mobile! European Mobile Congress. The publisher ? historically known for its casual titles like the My Country series, made its first foray into more serious games with an MMORPG called Dragon Eternity earlier this year.
Now Game Insight returns with their most hardcore title yet: Tank Domination. Similar to Tanktastic and World of Tanks, Tank Domination is a large-scale competitive online game. With 10-against-10 online battles, a large array of realistic tanks, and even the celebrity voice talent of Michael Ironside, Tank Domination aims to be a serious contender in the tank combat genre.

  • Free ? [URL="https://itunes.apple.com/app/tank-domination-hd/id663784112?at=10l3Vy]Download Now[/URL]

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