[Sample code/ Know-how] Summary on my recent game (first one)


Active member
Apr 25, 2011
I have just finished my first game(really easy one), and
I learned a lot during the developing and now I kinda sorted
out some sample codes and know-how (some are original and some
are from the net).

And I want to share them with all you guys.

Here gose the list:

Sample project (all in cocos2d v0.99.5):

UITextField Demo:
UITextField Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Shake Detect Demo:
Shake Detect Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Save&&Load data Demo:
Save&&Load data Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

RateApp Demo:
RateApp Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

NSSort Demo:
NSSort Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

MicBlow Detect Demo:
MicBlow Detect Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Scroll Layer Demo:
Scroll Layer Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Send E-Mail Demo:
Send E-Mail Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Font Demo:
Font Demo | SuperSuRaccoon's World

And some know-how:

Popup dialog in cocoa:
Popup dialog in cocoa | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Pause/Resume actions/schedulers of CCLayer and its children:
Pause/Resume actions/schedulers of CCLayer and its children | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Run actions with different targets in sequence (cocos2d):
Run actions with different targets in sequence (cocos2d) | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Get current locale of the device:
Get current locale of the device | SuperSuRaccoon's World

Save and load structure to NSMutableArray:
Save and load structure to NSMutableArray | SuperSuRaccoon's World

I tried my best to post all the stuff in both english and japanese.
I hope there's not too much errors there(-_-)

I hope these stuffs are useful to somebody ^_^