Returned iPhone 5

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Apr 19, 2011
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I am a little ticked about this myself. As someone who had a cable for the iphone 4 at home, in the car, at work and then a spare just in case, I will go broke trying that now. I bought an extra cable for the $19. But it was nice when I had a cable wear out on my 4 to be able to go on and get a new one for $3.00. I heard the new cable cost about $4.00 to make, so factor in a little for profit and what not I would think $10.00 would be the sweet spot. Charging $20 for the cable and $30 just for an adapter speaks volumes about the greed involved here. I will not be returning my iphone 5 as I love it to death. However I may shoot them an e-mail as well about lack of third party vendors being able to make them and their outragious price tag for the ones they sell.


Sep 7, 2010
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When I found out about the encription chip in the cable, I returned the phone. They are just getting too greedy. Te following is the letter I sent to apple. I am saddened by this as it ends me buying Apples products. They just want too much control.

Good evening,

I purchased the iPhone 5 the day it was released. I paid the non contract price of $750. I like the new connector, however, when I found out you put a chip in it so I would no longer be able to buy cheap cables, I returned it. There is a point when a company gets too greedy and the consumer will reject the company. As much as I love the iOS, I will be switching to the android OS with my next phones. The wireless industry adopted a standard charging port, the micro USB. Unless you change your philosophy on this, many like me will go over to other fine products like the Samsung Galaxy SIII or HTC One series.



Cool story i guess that means you're leaving soon? Don't let the door hit ya.

Also, just to put it out there, and this isn't directed at any one person at all, but if you're buying an Apple product, whether it be an iPhone or a iMac, please don't come here to b*tch and complain about an accessory that's $'ve probably spent 4-5 times that on cases you don't uses anymore, why complain? This is a pretty major piece of consumer tech you're dealing with, if a $30 accessory cord is getting you hot and bothered, please don't ever delve into the world of high end home theaters...where you'll WISH a little cord costs $30.


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Oct 26, 2004
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I don't care about the cost as much as the availability. I'd like to see some sooner than later. But I'm not going to abandon ship over it.


Sep 13, 2012
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I purchased 3 extra before the launch of the phone and had them the day my 5 arrived. I guess I don't see the huge issue. There are plenty of people who have opted to stick the a generation 3GS - 4S. Sell your cables from old phones, sell old cases, old phones, etc. I had more than enough money to cover the 3 cables I bought. And even if I hadn't, I would have bought them anyway. Hell I drop $19 in the drivethru of KFC so why not get the cable that I will use everyday.


Sep 7, 2010
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If I bought one cable, that would be fine. I have 4 apple devices, down to the watch on my wrist. I don't plan on leaving this site. As for high end home audio, I used to sell it. It is your option to spend $11,000 on Kimber Cables or $3 from Home Depot. They both will connect to Wilson Audio Watts and Cary amps. That is my option. They will sound different, but both setups will sound incredible.

I think if enough of us complain, they will drop the encription, which I suspect, would be a software update.


It won't make a difference because the people who are bothered by this with you make up such a tiny niche that it's not worth the time.

Also, selling high end things and owning/investing in them are two very different things...people who sell Porsche's haven't a clue what its like to purchase and own one unless they have done both.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
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I purchased 3 extra before the launch of the phone and had them the day my 5 arrived. I guess I don't see the huge issue. There are plenty of people who have opted to stick the a generation 3GS - 4S. Sell your cables from old phones, sell old cases, old phones, etc. I had more than enough money to cover the 3 cables I bought. And even if I hadn't, I would have bought them anyway. Hell I drop $19 in the drivethru of KFC so why not get the cable that I will use everyday.

I completely agree with you. I wish apple would do a trade in program with the older cables. That would make the money spent a little easier to swallow.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2011
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This is way for apple to make sure that these third party products are manufactured properly and to make sure they work the way they are suppose to. Buy the cheap cables from amazon or eBay and watch how long they take to charge your phone and how long the cables last. Those things are crap. I agree with what apple is doing by making sure the third party cables are made the way they are suppose to. And if u spent 750$ on a phone don't cry about spending 30& for a cable. If you don't want to spend that much on a cable the wait till they have third party ones unroll then please stop complaining.


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Jun 4, 2008
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This is way for apple to make sure that these third party products are manufactured properly and to make sure they work the way they are suppose to. Buy the cheap cables from amazon or eBay and watch how long they take to charge your phone and how long the cables last. Those things are crap. I agree with what apple is doing by making sure the third party cables are made the way they are suppose to.

I agree with this. I bought extra cables that looked like they were good quality when I got my iPhone 4. Sometimes they worked sometimes they didn't. Very frustrating. I got my iPhone 5 from my local AT&T store and they didn't have any cables so I went to the apple store and they were sold out (on day of release) I went back a day or two later and was able to buy 5. And they all work all the time. Worth the cost.


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Jun 2, 2009
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There will be cheap ones eventually....Apple will license it out and people will make cheaper ones...will they be the $3 ones that I always had tear on me and had to replace 3 or 4 times? No...they'll be $10 and do the same damn thing...or I can just spend the $20 up front and get one that will last and the Apple store will replace if it tears.



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Oct 28, 2011
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Cool story i guess that means you're leaving soon? Don't let the door hit ya.

Also, just to put it out there, and this isn't directed at any one person at all, but if you're buying an Apple product, whether it be an iPhone or a iMac, please don't come here to b*tch and complain about an accessory that's $'ve probably spent 4-5 times that on cases you don't uses anymore, why complain? This is a pretty major piece of consumer tech you're dealing with, if a $30 accessory cord is getting you hot and bothered, please don't ever delve into the world of high end home theaters...where you'll WISH a little cord costs $30.
Perfectly stated and I couldn't agree more with you. I have been in the a/v industry for a decade and frequently will use just such a comparison in conversation. I have a box of 4/4s cases that retail would be north of $600 that are obviously not being used. It is the price of the game, you buy a high end product knowing that the 'extras' are not going to be cheap. When I was in sales I would often ask a Ferrari owner if he would go to Pep Boys for oil/break/tire work and they would laugh. In the tech(Apple) ecosystem as well as a/v, 20% of the price for accessories is very common.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2010
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When I found out about the encription chip in the cable, I returned the phone. They are just getting too greedy. Te following is the letter I sent to apple. I am saddened by this as it ends me buying Apples products. They just want too much control.

Good evening,

I purchased the iPhone 5 the day it was released. I paid the non contract price of $750. I like the new connector, however, when I found out you put a chip in it so I would no longer be able to buy cheap cables, I returned it. There is a point when a company gets too greedy and the consumer will reject the company. As much as I love the iOS, I will be switching to the android OS with my next phones. The wireless industry adopted a standard charging port, the micro USB. Unless you change your philosophy on this, many like me will go over to other fine products like the Samsung Galaxy SIII or HTC One series.



The chip has nothing to do with encryption. It has to do with the fact that the connector is reversible. The chip ensures that the connector is routing the correct data through the right pin, regardless of how it is inserted.

Also, you can have microUSB. The rest of us will take the far more capable lightning connector.


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2012
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Btw op . . It's 'encryption' . . And have fun with android because we know you certainly won't find any corporate greed or any other such shenanigans over there ;-)


Jun 13, 2012
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Many times when you are a early adopter of new technology it comes at a cost. The original iPhone wouldn't take standard mini plug headphones because of the jack so anyone with that phone had to buy an adapter or just use the Apple earphones. They changed it on the 3G. It's possible the will change this encryption chip on the new cable.

Someone mentioned $600.00 in 4/4S cases? What the hell is that about?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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Apple cables have always been 19 so just cause you want to get a cheap knock off for 3 bucks and you can't because apple got smart and protected there design you gonna leave .. ? If it was my design I wouldn't want company's stealing my stuff so I would say kick rocks .. so the way I look at it they give you a cable with the phone if you want more you pay it's for your convenience if not then suck it up .. The new cable is so much better any ways lol I bought 5 extras ..
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