Really odd issue found on iPhone 7.


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Aug 5, 2016
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I had to shut down my daughter's data since she blew through our monthly allotment in ten days. But when I shutdown her data, it killed her phone! She could not call, text or get on the net. Wifi worked sporadically, but she could not make any phone calls or send text messages. I was on phone support with AT&T over the course of two days trying to get this fixed. Had a new SIM card installed, and it worked for ten minutes before it died again.

Went to level 2 and 3 tech support before the issue was discovered. Apparently there is a glitch in some iPhone 7's and only iPhone 7's where on the AT&T network, if you turn off data, since some of the cellular signal is carried over the internet, it shuts down the phone. The fact that the phone is looking for a cell signal, and it finds one that is "data", it shuts down calls and SMS. It took them a while to find this, and it was a very obscure issue and they had to really dig for it. But apparently it is know to AT&T, but it only happens rarely.

So my daughter was in a panic over no phone service, but we have it back, a little wonky at times, but back. I was very pleased with the level of effort that AT&T went through to help us with this problem, and it was a weird one. Anyone else have this issue? If you do, and are on AT&T, they can fix it.


Oct 2, 2013
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That sounds like some kind of hardware issue. It should still be in warranty. Return it for another phone. If you bought it through AT&T, they should have offered to replace it.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2014
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I had to shut down my daughter's data since she blew through our monthly allotment in ten days. But when I shutdown her data, it killed her phone! She could not call, text or get on the net. Wifi worked sporadically, but she could not make any phone calls or send text messages. I was on phone support with AT&T over the course of two days trying to get this fixed. Had a new SIM card installed, and it worked for ten minutes before it died again.

Went to level 2 and 3 tech support before the issue was discovered. Apparently there is a glitch in some iPhone 7's and only iPhone 7's where on the AT&T network, if you turn off data, since some of the cellular signal is carried over the internet, it shuts down the phone. The fact that the phone is looking for a cell signal, and it finds one that is "data", it shuts down calls and SMS. It took them a while to find this, and it was a very obscure issue and they had to really dig for it. But apparently it is know to AT&T, but it only happens rarely.

So my daughter was in a panic over no phone service, but we have it back, a little wonky at times, but back. I was very pleased with the level of effort that AT&T went through to help us with this problem, and it was a weird one. Anyone else have this issue? If you do, and are on AT&T, they can fix it.

Your phone is under warranty. I would take it to Apple and get it replaced.


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Aug 5, 2016
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I paid full price so it is not on the next pay off plan, so AT&T said to take it to Apple if I needed a replacement. I will turn on her data on the 22nd and see how it goes. It has steadied down again, and seems to be working ok now. The High School wifi is really bad, so that might also have been part of an issue too. Again, AT&T said that it was a rare, but known issue that affects only iPhone 7/7 Plus phones, but it is really rare. I'll let you all know how it goes on the 23rd.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2016
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Doesn't make sense to me. I think this is likely a misunderstanding on the OP and AT&T's behalf. Daughter blows through the data and that is never addressed but instead turned off. Turning off "data" cause phone to stop functioning and resolution left phone "wonky".

More Likely: issue with wifi assist or something else and daughter blows through data. Mother thinking she is turning "data" or actually turns off settings impacting cellular not just data. AT&T can't resolve any first because they are not diagnosing correctly because they are not getting the full story.

Lesson: if you do it yourself, your mileage may vary. Start with the original issue which was the data overage. Probably could have avoided the rest of the issues.

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