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Patent Wars: Apple wins in Germany vs Samsung on 3G patent


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Oct 22, 2010
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Apple wins invalidation of 3G 'standard-essential' Samsung patent in Germany

Long after office hours on Wednesday, Germany's Bundespatentgericht (Federal Patent Court) ruled in Apple's favor and invalidated in its entirety (including any proposed amendments) the German part of Samsung's EP1005726 on a "turbo encoding/decoding device and method for processing frame data according to QoS", a patent Samsung had declared essential to the third-generation wireless standard, UMTS. Dr. Ariane Mittenberger-Huber, the Munich-based court's spokeswoman, confirmed this outcome of the nullity proceeding.

Samsung can appeal this decision to the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice).


In a recent filing with the United States Federal Trade Commission, Apple pointed out that Samsung and Google's Motorola Mobility have lost the vast majority of their SEP cases against Apple. Google has won only one case out of ten, and Samsung approximately one out of eight.
Apple wins most of their patent cases... yet they're the bad-guy...

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