OK people, time to start thinking about gearing up for camping out or waiting for hours


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Jan 20, 2011
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It was quiet last year. However, police and security for the shopping center drove around regularly. News stations started showing up around 6am as well as other business' around the shopping center passing out free samples of their products. Like I said its a fun experience that I actually look forward to after last year.

That sounds quite nice. The Verizon store I go to is a pretty small one, which is part of the strategy in hoping that fewer people will flock there, but I'd love to have a store to go to with all of that!


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Jun 26, 2014
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Camp chair, books, umbrella (it may rain where I am located), iPad with full battery and iPod so I can listen to music:)


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
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So i have an iPhone 6+ 64gb coming in friday and my mom said I can use her upgrade also. Should I buy a gold 64gb iphone 6 and sell it. It would be available for friday delivery?


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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So i have an iPhone 6+ 64gb coming in friday and my mom said I can use her upgrade also. Should I buy a gold 64gb iphone 6 and sell it. It would be available for friday delivery?

Probably not Friday delivery, because the regular 6 models are supposed to start shipping in 7-10 days, so it probably won't be there for at least a week.


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Sep 9, 2014
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My first time camping out, aside from the usual food and water and umbrella I also loaded up my iPad with a couple of TV shows and installed an emulator with N64 Super Smash Bros and two wireless controllers* in case anyone else in the line was also looking forward to the Wii U and 3DS Super Smash Bros and was looking to play the older versions for nostalgia sake.

*If anyone's wondering, the emulator I use is RetroArch, which supports connecting multiple controllers via Bluetooth for multiplayer gaming on an iOS device.


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Sep 14, 2014
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There's gotta be lines forming now all over. C'mon people..pics!

I camped out for the iPhone 4 when it came out and although it was fun and a cool experience and I'm glad I did it...I would never do it again. I arrived around 3 and didn't walk out with iPhone in hand until around 5:00. :shudders: lol Even if Apple wasn't allowing pre orders....I would just order and when it arrives at my doorstep it arrives.


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Jan 20, 2011
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I'll take pictures of the line when I get there, but I'm not going until around midnight. That is, if there is a line at that point. I'm hoping to be first.


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Jun 21, 2011
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I have my store pickup order confirmed for tomorrow but a good buddy of mine is rolling the dice and camping for a 6+ and I'm going to camp with him to keep him company. Planning to get to my local store between 11pm and midnight. Judging by the last two launches I've camped there the line doesnt really start piling up until 4am or so (for the 5S I got there at 2:30am and was 17th in line).

We're bringing folding chairs, some light snacks and reading materials (iPads). I've loaded up with Star Trek comics that I'm going to plow through over the 8ish hours of waiting. Plenty of casual games too. Likely keep a blanket in the car just in case since it's going down into the low 50's here in Jersey tonight. Bathroom facilities are the only issue here since it's a mall and it's closed - literally nothing nearby that's walkable. Either hold it or keep a cup/bottle in the car and try your best :)


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2014
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I have my store pickup order confirmed for tomorrow but a good buddy of mine is rolling the dice and camping for a 6+ and I'm going to camp with him to keep him company. Planning to get to my local store between 11pm and midnight. Judging by the last two launches I've camped there the line doesnt really start piling up until 4am or so (for the 5S I got there at 2:30am and was 17th in line).

We're bringing folding chairs, some light snacks and reading materials (iPads). I've loaded up with Star Trek comics that I'm going to plow through over the 8ish hours of waiting. Plenty of casual games too. Likely keep a blanket in the car just in case since it's going down into the low 50's here in Jersey tonight. Bathroom facilities are the only issue here since it's a mall and it's closed - literally nothing nearby that's walkable. Either hold it or keep a cup/bottle in the car and try your best :)

You'd think they would understand that people will be there regardless and plan accordingly... Try to see if there are an 24 hour stores in the area, you might be able to use their restrooms.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
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Good Luck!

Thank you!

I have my store pickup order confirmed for tomorrow but a good buddy of mine is rolling the dice and camping for a 6+ and I'm going to camp with him to keep him company. Planning to get to my local store between 11pm and midnight. Judging by the last two launches I've camped there the line doesnt really start piling up until 4am or so (for the 5S I got there at 2:30am and was 17th in line).

We're bringing folding chairs, some light snacks and reading materials (iPads). I've loaded up with Star Trek comics that I'm going to plow through over the 8ish hours of waiting. Plenty of casual games too. Likely keep a blanket in the car just in case since it's going down into the low 50's here in Jersey tonight. Bathroom facilities are the only issue here since it's a mall and it's closed - literally nothing nearby that's walkable. Either hold it or keep a cup/bottle in the car and try your best :)

I have the same issue, I don't believe there are any 24 hour stores nearby, so we'd probably just have to hold spots for each other and drive somewhere. The only other option, of course aside from holding it (which is my plan), is an empty bottle - but that's not an option for the ladies.


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2014
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To quote Jerry Rubin, on the topic of businesses who won't allow people to use their restrooms:

"If they're going to treat you like an animal, act like an animal: PEE ON THE FLOOR!!!"

That'll teach'em. ;)

AB Lambert

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2014
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Thank you!

I have the same issue, I don't believe there are any 24 hour stores nearby, so we'd probably just have to hold spots for each other and drive somewhere. The only other option, of course aside from holding it (which is my plan), is an empty bottle - but that's not an option for the ladies.


You want to talk about real innovation check out this poopy bag from japan for travel. You may need to pick this up on your way to the store.

Japanese innovation - shit bag - YouTube


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