New Figure out French iPhone app helps language learners build fluency


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Jul 6, 2010
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At last an app for intermediate to advanced French learners which will help you sound like a native speaker! Figure out French Expressions Volume 1 is fun and educational. You won?t learn this in school!
Lots of apps for language learning concentrate on boring old flash cards, grammar and verb tables. Not this app! It is interactive and fun! Learn up to 500 figurative French expressions and tricky turns of phrases which often trip up learners. Become more confident in the use of expressions on the topics of eating out; alcohol and parties; sex, love and friendship; appearance; sport and games; health and happiness.
Each expression is put into context in a sentence which is translated into English. The illustrations will make the phrases more memorable and will make you smile. You will learn how the expressions are used in films, book titles and songs, and maybe a little about how they came about. Anything that might aid understanding and jog your memory!
When you think you know all the expressions in one of the 18 lessons, go to the multiple choice quiz for that section and test yourself. You get 20 questions and you are allowed only two mistakes or you lose the round. It?s great fun and quite addictive! For the super challenge for the experts, try the random test and see if you know the expressions from every category.
There?s a huge amount of content in this app but it is neatly packaged into 18 short, manageable lessons. You?ll want to use it for a long time!
?A shrewd idea, made particularly user-friendly by the visuals? nicely pitched for an undergraduate market?
Dr Sara Poole, Reading University

?A fun way to learn everyday figurative French expressions, linking culture and memorable visuals to help with the understanding and fluency of the language?
Liliane Shilcock, Curriculum Coordinator, Northamptonshire Adult Education.


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Jan 13, 2012
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Good app for competent language speakers

After having a go with this app, I would say that it is best suited for people with a good grasp of the French language, and who want to further their lingusistic skills.
The fun illustrations make you smile, and the quiz is a great way of testing yourself .... and to check if you are improving.
I found it interesting and informative.


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Jan 17, 2012
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un excellent travail

Je suis enchant?e par cette application qui va r?jouir les anglophones francisant ou les francophone anglicisant ! C'est un excellent travail, et en m?me temps trait? avec un humour tr?s agr?able. Je vous recommande de t?l?charger cette application sans la moindre h?sitation: pour le fun, pour votre travail, pour les ?tudiants en Terminale en France qui sont susceptibles de tomber sur un commentaire d'expressions au Bac, pour les personnes qui ont compris que parler une langue passe par bien des expressions qui ne sont pas "la cerise sur le g?teau" :cool:, pour les profs de langues, pour les passionn?s de Fran?ais et d'Anglais......
Le quiz est r?serv? aux Fran?ais qui apprennent l'Anglais, mais rien n'emp?che de faire le travail dans l'autre sens!
Du travail? Vraiment? Non, ici apprendre est un plaisir, un vrai plaisir, une d?lectation idiomatique.
Alors, n'h?sitez plus, allez-y, vous ne regretterez pas, vous allez vouloir apprendre de plus en plus. Learning is fun indeed!
Merci ? la formidable personne qui a donn? de son temps et de sa passion pour cette application, c'est vraiment une oeuvre qui m?rite qu'on s'y arr?te, qu'on en parle autour de soi, et nous esp?rons qu'une suite viendra en son temps et en son heure! ;)


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Jan 19, 2012
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I'm studying French at university and bought this app so I could do something useful while on the train or during my lunch break.You never know when one of these phrases might come in handy! The expressions are the type of thing I would actually want to say in real-life situations, rather than the stilted and out-of-date idioms often found in text books or dictionaries. I love the information about the origins of the phrases and the quiz option is great for when you've got a spare 10 minutes. Brilliant app!


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
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So how much were you guys paid to create forum accounts and write recommendations? Or are you just friends of the dev? I'd actually considered purchasing the app, since it interests me as a French teacher. But I don't want to touch an app where they stoop this low.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
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Unfair comment

No,I haven't paid a penny to anyone who has been kind enough to write a comment about my app. I wouldn't dream of doing so. I did put a posting on my Facebook page and Twitter account asking anyone who had bought the app to write an honest review here. I don't think that's underhand. I know who wrote the French review but not the other reviews. The French person works in Adult Education in France teaching English and you can trust her views. If people wrote a review, it was because they liked the app.

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