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Maps ARE bad !


Active member
Sep 16, 2012
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This is bad.

My Contacts has a "Home" address. It is correct in contacts as well as on the iCloud. It's written as "Home".

I'm on the road today in Astoria, Queens, NYC and asked Siri to "Navigate, Home"

She found the correct contact in my list and opened the map app to start a navigate to the address.

She then sent me to the correct street and house number, except a nearby town 5 miles away.

I then tried to force the correct navigation by clearing the route, starting a new navigation and manually typing in the correct address.

Maps then navigated to the same incorrect town, ignoring the manual data entry.

So totally useless.

Hope they throw some folks at this cause it's bad.


John Yester

Moderator Team Leader
May 23, 2012
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When I was out, I said " Take me Home" not just home.

Home can mean anything. establishing "My Home" it links that relationship and mine worked with out issue.

Driving 5 miles out of the way, did you check the route ahead of time. I do that even with normal direction before my car moves any where.


Jun 13, 2012
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I've had this happen on a Garmin Nuvi quite a few times. Also the Navtec app which is my go to Nav app. They all have issues.


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Sep 16, 2012
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To be clear, this was a test of the navigate function in Apple maps. I knew the route home and did not follow the incorrect directions. I was merely finding out if Maps knew the route home and could Siri make the correct link.

She could not. The Siri prompt I got showed on screen that Siri had found the correct address and town, but then had Maps navigate to a wrong town, yet correct address.

Just for giggles I just deleted my Home contact and re-entered. While in Contacts and viewing that address, pressing the address launches Maps, which then shows me in the wrong town, correct address, so obviously there's a disconnect between what address it sees in Contacts, and where Maps will show it.

OK, so then I deleted that Home contact again, re-booted the friggin phone, went into Maps, found myself on Maps via a GPS fix, added the location as a new contact called Home. Typed in the correct address and saved. So in contacts, my Home address is correct. I press on the address and it thinks that address is 5 miles away.

Not happy

Last edited:


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2004
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This isn't news that there are issues.... Check all the press on this (including Tim Cooks apology).

What's the point here?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
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Sorry but I have used Maps several times in the past few days while I was traveling for business. It was perfect every time I used it. Now I did not access it by Siri but through my address book, but very time it took me exactly where I was going. YMMV of course and obviously has.:eek:


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
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Also as a side note I added my address to my contacts in the address field. Now I just speak normally to Siri and say "take me home" and she follows instructions. Like the previous poster I've not been having problems with maps lately at all, even the POI database seems worlds better. I'm sure it will come around if people haven't already written it off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Sep 16, 2012
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The point is that the minute you do a navigate that is wrong, you never trust the device to attempt it again, especially to a location you are not familiar with.

Thus while what you say is true, that it's been documented that there are problems, I assumed that I could probably get away with using it in the NYC area, where there might be fewer issues. I think part of my brain was assuming that the problems would be with the maps and database as provided by TomTom, that would have errors in more remote area's. I assumed this because I am aware that all the map manufacturers have folks that field check and generate the mapping data and that in the fringes. the data might not always be correct. But a large urban area such as NYC ?. That surprised me.

As well, the problem runs deeper then potential errors in the TomTom data base. I did a GPS fix and used the Apple software to add that location to contacts. Once saved, the software could not connect to that GPS location to find it again. That's troubling and points to deeper issue with the map app., in my opinion, that may well be harder to get fixed. Not sure though.

I will use maps again, but not for a while and not until after they've issued a lot of fixes.



Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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I mapped out a grocery store. It navigated me to a new one. I figured it would be much closer than the location I knew of 10 mins away. 30 minutes later, I knew I should have just gone to the location I knew of. I found two new restaurants which made me happy. (only ate at one;)


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
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Was in upstate NY this weekend on a fishing trip and had to get to a Walmart. Apple Nav told me I reached destination while I was on the interstate. WTF. Luckily it was one exit down. Looks like I will still be using my Garmin on trips.

John Yester

Moderator Team Leader
May 23, 2012
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Over pass maybe. I have had that happen with all GPS. As my location was below me.... But did not exit yet.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
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When I was out, I said " Take me Home" not just home.

Home can mean anything. establishing "My Home" it links that relationship and mine worked with out issue.

Driving 5 miles out of the way, did you check the route ahead of time. I do that even with normal direction before my car moves any where.
This is true that you have to establish that "LINK" to your home and not just use one word. I also check the route as well.
+1....I do the exact same thing, just in case...;)

If you are not checking the route in advance as I do with a 3rd party be it Mapquest or something else especially a long route, then if you are goingto far our of direction, Who do you blame for that? In other words I agree with my 2 fellow posters here.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
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If you read the verbage that Tim Cook the CEO of Apple has now put on Apple to let everyone know and this is true, The more you use Maps and the more you look up as well as take advantage of reporting bugs, The more that the NEW MAPS will improve and that Apple can work on it. I would gurantee that on the next update if it is IOS 6.1 we will alll see maps improve drstically just because this is Apple and the way it works.

When the CEO apologizes and recognizes problems that says alot about a company in my book.

EDIT: This post answer in mainly for the OP!


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
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This is bad.

My Contacts has a "Home" address. It is correct in contacts as well as on the iCloud. It's written as "Home".

I'm on the road today in Astoria, Queens, NYC and asked Siri to "Navigate, Home"

She found the correct contact in my list and opened the map app to start a navigate to the address.

She then sent me to the correct street and house number, except a nearby town 5 miles away.

I then tried to force the correct navigation by clearing the route, starting a new navigation and manually typing in the correct address.

Maps then navigated to the same incorrect town, ignoring the manual data entry.

So totally useless.

Hope they throw some folks at this cause it's bad.


This is the difference between what Apple is doing about their new Mapping App that everyone is complaining about and being Proactive about a solution as opposed to other companies that would not go this far:

Please read this link to the story just posted on the front of iMore:

Apple retail employees reportedly taking to the streets to help fix iOS 6 Maps | iMore.com

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