mac mini as stock options trading station 2 to 3 monitors


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Jul 8, 2018
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Hi Everybody, I want to set up an apple workstation to trade stock options using thinkorswim trading platform by tdameritrade. I am currently using linux mint, but, there is no support for linux from tdameritrade. So I am going to switch to apple. I had windows before and I'm not going back. How would the mac mini work for my purposes. and would 1.4 ghz and 4gigs ram be enough? Also would it be easy to run 2 or possibly 3 monitors with my setup?
thanks anybody who takes time to respond.


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Jun 16, 2009
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I really don't know, but I have passed your question on to friends whom may be more knowledgeable on this topic.


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Oct 11, 2011
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I'm not sure whether you can drive multiple monitors, as I never tried that with my Mac Mini. Otherwise, the specs sound fine for what you'd like to do. Which 1.4 GHz processor is it running?


Dec 29, 2016
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I can't really speak to that specific application or dual monitors but I highly suggest making sure you get an SSD rather than the platter drive. I have a 2012 Mini and adding the SSD in place of the platter drive was a HUGE improvement. You might need to do that after purchase as all I see on the site are Fusion (combo SSD and platter) and platter drives.

8 GB of RAM is also a good idea, 4 GB just isn't enough anymore IMO, but on the 2014 Mini you have to get the upgrade at the time of purchase as it's soldered to the board.


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Jul 8, 2018
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I'm not sure whether you can drive multiple monitors, as I never tried that with my Mac Mini. Otherwise, the specs sound fine for what you'd like to do. Which 1.4 GHz processor is it running?

I havn't bought it yet. I'm researching right now on which mac mini to buy. I'm just gathering some info because I'm not familiar with the product. Thanks:yes:


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Jul 8, 2018
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Thanks everybody, I'm going to look for ssd instead of hdd and at least 8gb ram. Very helpful. How about the processor? what would be the minimum where I can get good performance. Rember it is for trading. I won't be editing video or pictures. thanks again


Dec 29, 2016
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The 1.4 should be fine for what you're doing with the caveat that I don't know how graphically-intensive that application is. However, both the 1.4 has the Intel HD 5000 graphics and 2.6 have the Intel Iris graphics (presumably better). With a little work/effort, it'd be possible to swap out a platter drive to an SSD but Apple hasn't made the 2014 super easy to open/service as was possible with my 2012 (I added an SSD in the "upper" drive bay where your platter drive will be, this requires full disassembly of the unit).

I don't know what your budget is but Apple has a 2.6 with 8 GB of RAM and a 1TB Fusion drive on the refurb store for $759 ($140 off list for a new unit). That should last you for a while, the refurb are just as good a new and carry the full 1 year warranty while qualifying for the AppleCare upgrade as well.


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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The 1.4 should be fine for what you're doing with the caveat that I don't know how graphically-intensive that application is.

I would not think very much. Mostly it's probably just rendering graphs, charts, and such, and of course a stock ticker, but how much graphic muscle could that need? Number crunching power is probably the bigger concern.


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Jul 8, 2018
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The 1.4 should be fine for what you're doing with the caveat that I don't know how graphically-intensive that application is. However, both the 1.4 has the Intel HD 5000 graphics and 2.6 have the Intel Iris graphics (presumably better). With a little work/effort, it'd be possible to swap out a platter drive to an SSD but Apple hasn't made the 2014 super easy to open/service as was possible with my 2012 (I added an SSD in the "upper" drive bay where your platter drive will be, this requires full disassembly of the unit).

I don't know what your budget is but Apple has a 2.6 with 8 GB of RAM and a 1TB Fusion drive on the refurb store for $759 ($140 off list for a new unit). That should last you for a while, the refurb are just as good a new and carry the full 1 year warranty while qualifying for the AppleCare upgrade as well.

thanks Hallux and Pckable. Actually number crunching shouldn't wear too much on the processor. Mostly looking for good entrys and exits on positions building scenarios for trades. As far as what the graphics has to deal with, it looks like this

My budget was originally 200 bucks for a used mac mini, but that would be for the most basic model used. I will have to spend more because I also need keyboard with numberpad, and 2 adapters for now for 2 monitors. Also as I research on here I think it is better to go with your guys suggestions so I'll spend quite a lot more than the 200. I'm on the apple refurbished site now. Maybe that is the way I will go.
Thanks again


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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@pkcable, those are the keyboards we use in one of our labs at work (minus illumination). They're excellent!

Logitech is an excellent option, there stuff is often (almost ALWAYS) cheaper than Apple branded, and it works just as well. IF you are old school, like me, you'll remember Logitech from back in the day, they have made accessories for a LONG time. I think they invented the trackball mouse! Remember those?

UPDATE: Ok so I just HAD to know. It was actually Kensington that invented the trackball mouse, BUT Logitech WAS around in those days too! lol


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Apr 26, 2011
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Everything about Mini and Air models are great but at this point I would only buy M versions. In my circle of tech pros, multiple displays support comes up for Macs and Windows where the cold reality is some people need the pro tier models and/or well vetted docks for good performance and compatibility.

For high speed trading and professional use you need to pay attention to your network quality too. There I'm a big fan of Ubiquiti Amplifi SOHO brand over much of the craptacular stuff people buy ad department stores and online if you don't get professional or top tier such as Cisco Meraki.

Lily Acer1

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