Looking to get a Mac...(MobileMe related)


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Jul 7, 2008
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Hi, folks,

For a few weeks now, I've been using MobileMe (syncing my iphone 3G to MobileMe.com to Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 on my Compaq PC laptop - Windows Vista) - and I love it. Along with Toodledo--which allows me to sync notes/memos and To-dos--I can now sync OTA "the four pillars of PIM."

Anyways getting to my questions. I'm thinking about getting a Mac laptop (or Macbook or whatever they're called). Never owned or used a Mac before.

1) If/when I try to sync my MobileMe account with the Mac, what interface will the Mac be using to do this? For example, my PC laptop uses Outlook to sync with MobileMe. What does the standard Mac use? In other words, what is the "Outlook equivelent" for a Mac?

2) And does this "Outlook equivelent" come pre-loaded out of the box with a Mac? I know I had to install Outlook '07 on my PC laptop.

3) Does anyone here sync their iphone (via MobileMe) with *both* a PC (Outlook) AND a Mac (Outlook equivelent)? How has it worked for you? Does the data sync and stay pretty consistent and non-buggy?

Thanks in advance,
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Rene Ritchie

Old Man Ritchie
Jan 12, 2007
1) The Mac has core sync services built in to the OS, as well as centralized OS databases for addresses, calendaring, passwords, etc. so theoretically any apps that play nicely with the ecosystem only have to access that central store. For Outlook functionality, you have the built in Mail, Address Book, and iCal apps.

2) You can get Office 2008 for Mac which comes with Entourage, an "outlooky" program that some people really like but I avoid, not sure if it leverages the core sync stuff MobileMe would take care of.

3) I have in the past without problem, but my Windows have all now been reborn as virtual machines I no longer sync :)

One nice thing about MobileMe on Mac is that when you first set up your new Mac, it'll let you log on to MobileMe and then just set up all your info (like it does on an iPhone). If you get a second Mac, and are syncing preferences as well, it'll almost set the little fella up for you!

Multi-Mac setups also get the benefit of much more syncing (I leave my iMac, pick up my MacBook, and just keep working right where I left off with syncing preferences, rss feeds, dock state, documents on iDisk, etc.) and you can Back to My Mac to screen share or file share anything you might have missed.

I'm really happy with MobileMe (knock wood!)


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2008
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Thanks for your help. If the Mac has core/native apps already built-in to it's OS that will sync/back-up my MobileMe Calendar and Contacts (ala Outlook), that'd be ideal. If I don't have to, I'd rather not buy and install another app (like Outlook '08) on top of buying a new Mac.

Speaking of which, I'm looking for a smallish laptop/notebook type of Mac. One that's not too expensive yet will do all the basic things I'm asking (ie: sync with MobileMe), and it has to be wi-fi equipped. It would basically be a back-up to my PC laptop. Any suggestions on a particular type of Macbook (?) or Mac? What kind of price range are we looking at?

Rene Ritchie

Old Man Ritchie
Jan 12, 2007

The good/bad thing about Mac's is that there are no low end versions, so they all pretty much do everything and the only real differentiator is CPU speed within models, and things like discreet graphics cards and FireWire between models (regular vs. Pro). Imagine cars -- Mac is like Acura or Lexus.

So, all the MacBooks will do what you want. They all have super fast bus speeds, RAM, Core 2 procs, 802.11n WiFi, etc.

Apple really doesn't know how to make skimpy machines.

Bad news is the lowest price point is the "old" white plastic MacBook at $999.

The "new" Unibody aluminum MacBooks are much nicer, however. Faster bus speeds, DDR3 memory, really amazing build quality, etc.

You can also install Windows on it and either dual boot via BootCamp, or run Windows in VM via parallels or VMware. The hardware is awesome enough that even some well known Windows pundits buy MacBooks and install Vista ;)

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