Just got my mini


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Nov 4, 2011
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After I sold my iPad 2 on eBay, I picked myself up an iPad mini and red SmartCover. Absolutely loving the size! iMore forums looks perfect on it!


Jun 10, 2012
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Good choice. I would much rather have the Mini, for portability and ease of use.

Sent from my Nexus 7 running Android 4.2.1 using Tapatalk 2


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Oct 22, 2011
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Good Call... I Still Have My iPad 3 But Fined Myself Taking The Mini Everywhere With Me Now... With The 3 It Was Strictly Home Use For The Most Part....

iPhone 5 32gb, iPad 3 32gb, iPad Mini LTE 32gb, Apple TV3 x2..... Love The Ecosystem... 😜


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Jun 24, 2012
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Had the Mini but returned at Best Buy to get a good value on a TV now have the Nexus 7 cause I was basically able to get it for free but I hate it!! Really want my mini back :'( figured I'd wait now to see what the next iteration will be.

Beamed from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2012
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After I sold my iPad 2 on eBay, I picked myself up an iPad mini and red SmartCover. Absolutely loving the size! iMore forums looks perfect on it!

Congrats on your mini! But you should have waited for the second generation.. Oh well.

Have fun with it ;)


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Nov 18, 2011
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Had the Mini but returned at Best Buy to get a good value on a TV now have the Nexus 7 cause I was basically able to get it for free but I hate it!! Really want my mini back :'( figured I'd wait now to see what the next iteration will be.

Beamed from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

Can I ask what things you hate about the Nexus and why you like the mini better? I am thinking of trading my n7 for a mini possibly.


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Aug 17, 2011
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Can I ask what things you hate about the Nexus and why you like the mini better? I am thinking of trading my n7 for a mini possibly.

I had a nexus 7 and sold it and got a mini. The screen IMO you can't tell a difference between the two, and the last few weeks I had my nexus it started to lag and have problems that really made the tablet almost unusable. The mini has performed flawlessly for me and have had no issues. Plus the mini feels so much more solid built. Yes it doesn't have a retina display or top of the line processor but I have not have any slowdown or lag at all and am very happy with my purchase.


Jan 2, 2012
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Great little device, hope you enjoy it. I've always wanted a smaller Apple tablet, its the Apps! In my opinion, you're holding the best tablet computer available for size, functionality and fun factor! My fiance inherited my old iPad 1G and she loves looking up recipes and using it in the kitchen, looking at Facebook in bed, etc... But when we leave the house, my mini gets slipped into my jacket pocket and the Apple iPad experience continues with us wherever we go.


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Oct 28, 2011
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Just bought my iPad Mini and I am in LOVE! This is my first tablet and coming from using my iPod touch for 2yrs it is a step up in the right direction! Apple made a great device! Still a Blackberry user though! :)

Sent from my iPad Mini 32GB using Tapatalk
Nov 12, 2012
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I had a nexus 7 and sold it and got a mini. The screen IMO you can't tell a difference between the two, and the last few weeks I had my nexus it started to lag and have problems that really made the tablet almost unusable. The mini has performed flawlessly for me and have had no issues. Plus the mini feels so much more solid built. Yes it doesn't have a retina display or top of the line processor but I have not have any slowdown or lag at all and am very happy with my purchase.

Pretty much the reason I preferred a mini over a Nexus 7. Android and its accompanying lags are a menace.


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Oct 27, 2012
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Just picked up my iPad mini today at Walmart for 299. I sold my iPhone 5 and got this instead with a little extra cash in my pocket. I know it's a bit of a downgrade and you're probably thinking I should have waited for the next.. I've been using google voice for phone and didn't have a data plan attached to the iPhone because I was unemployed up until yesterday. Anyway, still using google voice on the iPad and I really like it! I figure I might buy the 5s when it comes out and actually use that as a phone. This is a whole other type of apple addiction! I feel like I've been missing out on the iPad experience this whole time.

From my iPad mini


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Mar 31, 2013
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Must admit I had a 4s which broke due to some gravity assisted damage and I swapped it for a blackberry (it was cheap and I quite like physical keyboards) and since getting the mini I've been having a lot of iPhone thoughts. I was holding out for the new q10 but I think I might be waiting slightly longer for a 5s now :)


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2013
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I had a nexus 7 and sold it and got a mini. The screen IMO you can't tell a difference between the two, and the last few weeks I had my nexus it started to lag and have problems that really made the tablet almost unusable. The mini has performed flawlessly for me and have had no issues. Plus the mini feels so much more solid built. Yes it doesn't have a retina display or top of the line processor but I have not have any slowdown or lag at all and am very happy with my purchase.

I had the same problem with my Nexus, although mine was laggy out of the box. It was also freezing and rebooting a lot. Although I kept it in a case the I never liked the way the back felt in my hands. Living in the UK I was also disappointed by the lack of content available for it (TV shows, quality of apps/lack of tablet apps). I think generally I was underwhelmed by it. I bought an iPad mini in January and sold my nexus 7. I haven't regretted it at all. I love my ipad mini, so much that I want to buy another so I can get more storage. It does everything I want in a tablet and looks gorgeous to boot.

Sent from my iPod touch

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