Just Curious What Everyone Has Used


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Apr 28, 2016
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I know we have a mix here. Some people have been using Mac since the 80s. Other more recently. I'm just curious what people have now and have owned in the past.

Me, I (my dad really) had an Apple IIc and we used Apple (pre Macintosh) in school. After that, it was all DOS and Windows for years, in terms of ownership. (And a Texas Instruments computer with a tape drive and cartridges hooked up to an old black and white TV.)

I did get a chance to use one of the original Macintosh computers. It was just for a chemistry class to run a certain program, but I was amazed at how easy it was to use and how well it worked. It was over a decade old by then, yet felt strangely modern.

They actually had original iMacs at one of the schools I was at. Crazy thing is they had games on them. It was a computer lab, and the Macs were always free, so I used them. It was better than waiting for a PC to free up. I never understood why people hated them and refused to use them.

Fast forward and I got an iPad mini… and returned it. Didn't like it. Strange this is I got the Mini 2 next year and really liked it. Still have it and use it. That led to getting a 5C and later a 6S Plus.

I switched to Mac just after getting the 5C. I tried it out on other peoples computers and liked it. Better than Windows 7 and way better than 8. The MacBook Air is my first and only Mac. I plan on hanging on to it.

As for the future, I plan on getting the new iPad recently released. I also am hoping for a nice Mac Mini upgrade. The last one, I mean, you can't replace the HDD and it only has one. :\ At some point I'll upgrade my MacBook Air, but not for quite some time.

So how about everyone else? What have you guys used? What do you use now? What's collecting dust? What are you thinking about getting or hoping Apple comes out with?


Jun 7, 2010
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My first Mac was a Powermac G4 Cube in 2000.


After that, I got a Mac Mini, which was the new "cube":


When that was ready to be replaced, I got an updated Mini:


Now I've got a 15" MBP (2015) for portable, and a 13" MBP that replaced the Mini when it died unexpectedly.


Dec 25, 2011
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I grew up in a Windows family. MS-DOS, yeah, that's what I started on. Then Windows 95 on and. Used a Mac in school for a graphic illustration class which started my hatred of Apple because no right click.

As far as phones, starting in 2009 I got my first smartphone which was a Blackberry. I switched between Blackberry and Android for roughly 18 months. I still hadn't found a phone I really liked for everything. Blackberry wasn't good for media consumption on BB7.

So fast forward to 2010, Steve Jobs passed and I decided I owed it to him to at least try his phone. Turns out iPhone was the best phone for me and I've used an iPhone mostly ever since. I did have a stint with an HTC One M8. And in 2014 I bought my late 2013 MacBook Pro 13" with Retina display and I've been using it ever since. Currently using the iPhone 7 Plus as my daily driver with a Moto G5 Plus as a wifi device and backup phone.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Now: iPad Pro
Recently: 2009 model MacBook
Back in the day: Commodore 64 and numerous Windows machines starting with Windows 3/3.1 & the associated DOS version and ending with Windows Vista or Windows 7 - I can't recall exactly which. It's been a while...:)


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Apr 6, 2017
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I started with two soup cans attached with a string . . . . :cool:

All seriousness aside, I've spent most of my smartphone years with Blackberry and owned a lot of BB devices. I was a Moderator and contributed tech articles at Pinstack, which used to be the largest Blackberry community on the web. My favorite BB was the Bold 9780 - boy oh boy what an awesome keyboard! I think I owned probably 15 different BB phones through a decade or so, starting with the venerable old relic 6230.

When Android caught up with RIM in the areas of email push and security, and also with the demise of the Pinstack website/forums, I branched out into Android. I owned a Samsung Galaxy S3 for almost 3 years, followed by a Note 4 for two years until about 1-1/2 months ago. I accidentally destroyed my Note 4 and thought I might as well give iPhone a try -- so I got a 64gb iPhone SE on March 19, 2017 and have been thoroughly enjoying the learning curve since then.

As far as computers go, I've always been on either Windows or Ubuntu -- except for my earliest computers in around 1990 or so, using PC-DOS or MS-DOS.

Currently I use three devices: my iPhone SE, a Toshiba Satellite Notebook running Windows 10, and a wonderful little Nexus 7 tablet on Android 6.0.1.

I'm well enough impressed with the SE that I'll probably be an Apple user for a long, long time. When I upgrade the computer and/or the tab, they will likely become iSomethings lol.


Dec 25, 2011
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I actually have a whole post about this. I started with some dumb phones on Virgin Mobile before moving to Cricket (pre AT&T), then on to T-Mobile where I killed my first phone in a week. Killed it dead. Amazing. From there I went Blackberry, Blackberry, Android>Blackberry>Android>Blackberry>Android>Blackberry>Android>Blackberry>and so on, until iPhone, iPhone, iPhone, Android, iPhone, iPhone. The Blackberry to Android switching happened in 18 months and as many phones before ending on iPhone because I was trying to find the right device and OS for myself. Been happy on iOS ever since.

EDIT: Strange, this pulled up as a slightly different topic with no responses. I used Tapatalk to browse unanswered threads. Well, a second reply is here, may as well leave it ha ha.
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Apr 6, 2016
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I started with stone tablet, moved to carrier pigeon, then Commodore 64 then Windows. I was also an Android user since day one and now I'm on iOS with iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV. My wife is iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and iMac.


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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My first computer was a Commodore Vic 20! Then I had an Apple IIc. Then back to Commodore with the 64. Then it was all PC, DOS at first then on to Windows, I even tried it BEFORE Windows 3.0. Anyone remember Windows 286? It was named after the Intel chip at the time. ;). First smart phone was a work issued BlackBerry 7290! First one I bought myself was the infamous BlackBerry Storm! I also owned an original iPad! My ex's parent's MAY still have it. Her dad bought it from me, many moons ago. I have owned SO many Android iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows, phones, tablets and computers over the last 10 years that I could probably stock a Best Buy myself! Lol

BlackBerry Guy

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Mar 4, 2011
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I was a PC user from the MS-DOS days of the early 90's up until 2013, when I bought a MacBook Air, which I still use to this day. For a while I was into PC games and building my own machines. But as I got older, the appeal of the cost and ease of use of consoles grew and I no longer needed a hardcore rig.

My first smartphone was a BlackBerry 8130. From there I've also had the 8730, 8330, 9630, 9800, and Z10. In 2014 I started using a Nexus 5 as my personal phone. Got the Nexus 5x after that, and am currently on a Google Pixel. I'm also using an iPhone 5s which I've had the last few years as my work phone.

Tablet wise, my first was the BlackBerry PlayBook. After that, I've owned an iPad 3, both generations of the Nexus 7, and the iPad mini 2. Last week I replaced the mini 2 with the 2017 iPad.

I enjoy using Android and iOS equally - both have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it's hard to settle on one :)


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May 24, 2014
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So how about everyone else? What have you guys used? What do you use now? What's collecting dust? What are you thinking about getting or hoping Apple comes out with?

I used to use Windows laptops for years. Was always a Dell Laptop. My favourite was from 2007 (Inspiron 1520). I think it all changed when my school bought about 10 iMac computers. I think it was in 2009. It just looked so premium and was super quick. So i decided to have a look at the Macbook Pros. Back then having a graphics card with 512MB of memory was insane haha (Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT) (Late 2008).

I currently own a Macbook Pro Late 2011 and looking to upgrade to the Late 2017 Macbook Pro. :) Just a tough decision about which one to get 13 vs 15. At the moment, nothing is collecting dust. Ive sold all my previous laptops before i purchase a new one. Helps reduce the cost a little. :)


Nov 6, 2011
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Sadly, I've always used Windows save a for time when my Windows laptop died and my iPad Air 2 became my knockoff MacBook.


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Apr 28, 2016
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… my Windows laptop died …

You know, I had a Windows laptop with a discrete graphics card… dead. Also had a netbook… zombie (works, but slow). :/ Figures, right?

A lot if my Windows machines died on me and were resurrected as Linux boxes.

That's part of why I switched to Mac. No resurrection required. >:]


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Apr 28, 2016
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At the moment, nothing is collecting dust. Ive sold all my previous laptops before i purchase a new one. Helps reduce the cost a little. :)

I usually give mine away. Wait, they usually die. :p

I'm hoping to get a few more years out of my MacBook Air. This is my first Mac, so we'll see what happens.

And yes, selling is a great way to control costs. Macs may cist more, but used Windows laptops are pretty much worthless. I see Mac Minis going for over $100 that cost $600 six years ago (or ~$500 refurbished five years ago). The fact that you can anything for it amazes me.


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Apr 28, 2016
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I enjoy using Android and iOS equally - both have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it's hard to settle on one :)

That is a quite a mix you have going on there. There definitely are tuings that one can do that the ither cannot. What is sometimes more interesting is what both can do. For example, ever play Transistor? That works pretty well anywhere (haven't tried console though). You really have to be specific when saying what one can or can't do.

(I'm tempted to make some Android security jokes, but I'll spare you. Heh)


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Apr 28, 2016
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I was also an Android user since day one and now I'm on iOS with iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV. My wife is iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and iMac.

That's kind of funny because I have an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Mac; my wife has iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac, and Apple Watch. :p I tease her that she like Apple products even more than I do now. :D


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Jun 18, 2014
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I so far have owned a iPhone 5S, 6S Plus, and now a 7. Those are the only Apple products I personally have owned. All of my computers have been Windows machines. First computer was an Acer with Windows 95 on it. I have used every version of Windows since, aside from ME.

My current machines are a self-built desktop and a Dell Precision Mobile Workstation.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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I have a 15 year old Dell Desktop which still runs (barely), but I'm currently using my first MacBook (2015 Pro version). As far as smartphones go, I've had every Blackberry starting with the 8330 until the Z10 (skipped the Torch), the Samsung SG3 and Note3, the Apple iPhones 5s thru 7 Plus, Watch, AirPods and iPad Air2. I'm pretty much invested in the Apple ecosystem at the moment, and I'm content for now. I'm happy with Apple.

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