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Dec 1, 2004
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Obviously, it depends on what you want to use it for. It is better at multimedia, music, videos, etc. It has a better browser. It is sexy. But, if you want to add all kinds of programs, have good email, faster broadband speeds, better PIM (calender, to-do, etc), better document handling (like Word, Excel, etc), the Treo wins.


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Oct 27, 2006
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It depends on what you want it for.

If you want it for business uses, I say no. There is no MSword or excel creating or editing.

If you want it just for cool looking features, like flipping notebook pages, scrolling album covers, zooming in and out on web pages, opening multiple browser windows, maybe.


Feb 20, 2005
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iPhone has the absolute BEST browser on any smartphone, and, I feel, has among the best personal email solutions (you can get folders, and push-ish email).

It doesn't have a great calendar or memo program (although they are there), and I don't love the keyboard. The phone looks and feels nice in your hand and pocket. For me, the Treos are too thick to keep in your pocket.

You can't edit word, excel, etc. documents (which after years of owning a Treo, I have realized that I have never actually done or needed to do on a Treo).

iPhone has Wifi and the slow AT&T dial up.

I would wait until the next iPhone version before even considering it seriously.

The iPhone is really an mp3 player and webbrowser/email reader first. If you need to do alot of anything else, it may be more difficult.


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Sep 10, 2007
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iphone will be absolutely better if it comes with qwerty keyboard. if you want productivity, BB and Treo are much better.

Then it will lose what it really has going for it: A big screen. Without that big display, the Iphone would be a major loser.

I see the Iphone vs Treo like this. The Iphone is a great mobile media device. It excels in this regard tremendiously. However, as a "Smartphone/PDA" it falls short in many regards. What it boils down to is what you want to use your phone for. If it is more important that your phone act like a PDA, then get a Treo. If it is more important to you to watch videos, listen to music, and visit with friends (and you don't mind AT&T), then get an Iphone.


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Oct 27, 2006
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iPhone has the absolute BEST browser on any smartphone, and, I feel, has among the best personal email solutions (you can get folders, and push-ish email).

It doesn't have a great calendar or memo program (although they are there), and I don't love the keyboard. The phone looks and feels nice in your hand and pocket. For me, the Treos are too thick to keep in your pocket.

You can't edit word, excel, etc. documents (which after years of owning a Treo, I have realized that I have never actually done or needed to do on a Treo).

iPhone has Wifi and the slow AT&T dial up.

I would wait until the next iPhone version before even considering it seriously.

The iPhone is really an mp3 player and webbrowser/email reader first. If you need to do alot of anything else, it may be more difficult.

I have always wondered why a person would want to keep a phone in their pocket.

I use documents to go on an almost daily basis. I have my server list and other docs on it which I have to edit regularly for work and I have my workout sheet.

I don't miss the wifi because I have an unlimited data plan. Wifi won't help me at work, when taking long rides in the car, or at the home of friends/family with no wireless access.


Mar 15, 2005
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Its all looks and very lil function. I rather search contacts by inputting the initals instead of flicking through the contacs screen.


Well-known member
May 16, 2006
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I call troll post.

If you ask this question on Treocentral the answer is no.
If you ask this question on the iphone forum the answer is yes.

The real question is the one you have not answered--what do you want your phone to do for you?

Mike Overbo

TC / Phone Different
Aug 21, 2006
One vote for the iPhone here. AT&T has drastically better customer service than Sprint, and Sprint isn't doing so well as a carrier, their CEO just resigned. That translates as "things aren't going so well around here." That generally means that things aren't likely to get better for you as a potential sprint customer.

The iPhone does a lot of things that the 755 won't do. Web browsing is the biggest moneymaker for me, and it opens up a wide swath of possibility that just isn't there on the WM or PalmOS platforms. Music playing, video watching, iTune song buying, podcasts, etc -- the iPhone is better hands down. If you want business class email, the 755 will probably be better. If you're looking for personal email (gmail, yahoo, AOL, etc), the iPhone will be easier to setup and use, though not as powerful as the 755. Actually, that last phrase translates well to the entire experience of both phones.

The iPhone is likely to see software updates come fast and furious and the software experience will get better over time; the 755 is not. This is offset in many regards by the ability to install many 3rd party applications on the 755, an ability that the iPhone currently lacks.

There are programs you can put on the 755 that you can't do on the iPhone (yet, or unless you're willing to hack the iPhone a bit), such as instant messaging, and the aforementioned office editing. The iPhone cannot do GPS at the moment, though hacked iPhones are able to do cell phone tower triangulation with the purchase of additional software.

The form factor of the iPhone is better, as is the battery life, as well as the screen. You don't have to worry about obsolescence of SD card formats either, which becomes a hassle if you're a phone collector. No one is likely to call you an 'Apple fanboi' or the like if you go with the 755.

Full Disclosure: I run Phone Different, TreoCentral's sibling iPhone site and am obviously biased. :p


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Dec 22, 2003
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iPhone has the absolute BEST browser on any smartphone, and, I feel, has among the best personal email solutions (you can get folders, and push-ish email).

Just wondering, do you actually own, or have you really used, the browser and email on the iPhone? Because I disagree with you on both counts.

The browser sounds great on paper, but in reality you spend more time zooming in and out, and scrolling around from left to right, than it's worth. Sure, you can see the entire page at once, but you can't read it. So you zoom in to read it, but then you have to scroll left & right to read it. The reformatted page on a Treo is actually easier to work with in many cases.

Email? Sure, if you don't need to worry about attachments. The lack of a true file system is a major flaw. Just try replying to an email, and attaching a file to the reply. Oh, you can't? Surprise.

Sorry, but the iPhone, in spite of Apple's truly excellent marketing, is NOT a smartphone. It's a feature phone with a great multi-media experience, but not a smartphone.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2006
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The iPhone does a lot of things that the 755 won't do.

Really? Like what? I'll give you visual voicemail - other than that name one thing an iPhone can do that can't be done on a Treo.

People make lists like this:
~Q~ said:
What it boils down to is what you want to use your phone for. If it is more important that your phone act like a PDA, then get a Treo. If it is more important to you to watch videos, listen to music, and visit with friends (and you don't mind AT&T), then get an Iphone.

...but fail to mention that while the iPhone can't do the extra things such as acting like a PDA and running native 3rd party apps, the Treo can play video, music, IM/SMS/etc just fine, if not better than the iPhone. The only thing the iPhone's got on the Treo as far as video goes is screen real estate - the Treo on the other hand can play any video type imaginable thanks to Kinoma and TCPMP. Add a 4 or 8 GB SD card (or several) and you have much more storage space than the iPhone, and you don't have to use iTunes to put it on (goodbye DRM)!

The bottom line is this: if you want to severely limit yourself to what your phone can do, but make it do those few things really pretty-like, get an iPhone. If you want a versatile phone that can do anything pretty darned well, get a Treo.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2004
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anyone who thinks that any Treo can offer the same multi-media experience is out of their mind. lets just start with screen size and resolution, the Treo doesn't come close. surfing the internet and having the entire web page available (along with its finger gesture capability) is another huge plus. iTunes service (via wi-fi) is another great feature on top of the entire iTunes/iPod offering. enough said.

if you're looking for a phone that is pocketable, offers sms/email, a basic calendar and notes, and an incredible multimedia experience, then try out an iPhone.

what do you use your device for? that should help you decide.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2004
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Treo: video isn't really that watchable because of the screen. It's a pain to put video on it anyways. Kinoma, while doing what it says to do is often not watchable either.

Music, however, is fine on the Treo. I don't see a big advantage of the iphone in this regard. Album art? Who cares.. Internet radio is a plus too. Palm is finally realizing it needs to put pockettunes deluxe on its phones and make getting songs on there simple.

Browser. The Treo's is crap compared to the iphone. Even with EVDO speeds, it still won't load pages quicker than the iphone on EDGE. And even then, Opera Mini (buggy as hell, limited) or Blazer are both pretty horrible.

Iphone: You can view office docs. Good enough. And much better on the iphone.

You can actually browse the web. A double tap sizes the text nicely on the screen. Really, this shouldn't even be a debate. The iphone is second to none browsing the net. You actually find yourself doing it. I hardly ever browsed the net on the Treo.

The email is full html on the iphone. True, you can't send files. So what? I can't name the last time i wanted to do this on the Treo. If i'm manipulating files where i need to send them, i'm using the laptop with data card.

I'm sorry, but right now there's no comparison between these two phones. Unless you have very specific business needs or palm programs needs, the iphone wins hands down. You can't even gripe about EDGE. The iphone still loads pages faster.

Apple will roll out updates. Palm won't til a year later and even then it's a clusterfvck. Apple's software is just much better at this point. And the iphone's specs are as well.

Palm will go down the toilet unless they address their many issues with their next Treo. The Centro is a joke and just another packaged 700p with a few updated software apps. Palm better be thinking widescreen and a keyboardless version as well as altogether new software (browser, email app, sync, etc) to compete with.

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