iPhone Beta Testers wanted!


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Oct 19, 2009
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Insightful feedback wanted!

Currently, Rummble, a location based service platform available on the web - Rummble - for people and places you love - and via an iPhone app is looking for willing bloggers in the industry to test our newest beta version before submission.

A quick overview: Rummble makes it easier to share & discover places and points of interest nearby you love. Rummble is a service and platform all about the long tail of points of interest ? the useful nuggets of info about the physical world we all have in our heads: not just the best pubs and restaurants, but the best picnic site, dog walk, kite surfing beach, vista of a city?

As users interact with the service to share & discover content, Rummble understands the context of their search including real-time data from Twitter and other sources. We have combined the technologies of local search and social discovery into one service to provide personalised recommendations.

We've been consistently working to upgrade our services and have loads of new functionality on our most updated beta version that we would love some feedback on!

Any insight is appreciated as we are a small team based in London working long hours! To be included in the next beta version update just reply to this thread or send me a direct message on with your twitter name, email (if you'd like), and iPhone UDID. You can also find me on twitter and @ me there with your information..@cait_tierney.



New member
Oct 19, 2009
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Thanks for the reply!

Rummble is like a travel guide written for you by your friends. It is a location based mobile social network which delivers personalized user generated content based upon recommendations and trust in your friend?s network. Perfect for obtaining timely, trusted and relevant information about people, places & events; at home or on the move. It's a Web 3.0 social network for the Web 2.0 generation. No more search with Rummble, just results!

Does that make sense?

We'd love for you to join our beta testing list.. just click here: Rummble Beta Friends and fill in the apporpriate fields. Thanks!

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