iPhone 5 apps


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Oct 17, 2012
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I don't understand how app developers allow their apps to be below proper resolution, in the future there are going to be bigger iPhones, which require more resolution.
Why don't apps become future proof? Put the resolution to a higher state, and auto adjust to the phone resolution, saves time, keeps users happy. I hate playing games on my iPhone 5 and the resolution state is set for iPhone4S, everyone knew the iPhone 5 was going to be bigger for months, they had time to sort the apps.

Sorry just want to rant!

Leave your feelings and views on the apps in the comments.


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Apr 27, 2011
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It was only speculation on everyone's part that the screen was going to be larger. The 4S was also rumored to have a larger screen but as it turned out it did not, so I am sure the app developers were waiting to see what the actual specs were with the iPhone 5 before any changes or updates were made. More apps are getting updated everyday, so it's all good.... Just my 2?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


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Apr 28, 2009
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Alex, try coding and you'll stop ranting in a heartbeat. You can't set the resolution higher and self-adjust - you have to include multiple resolutions or use expensive vector graphics for most things.

As the others above have pointed out, devs got no more advanced warning than anyone watching/listening to that Apple event as to the actual resolution, so there was no way to have things done ahead of time, and anything graphics intensive takes time - from both the coder and the graphic artist.

Patience is a virtue.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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I don't understand how app developers allow their apps to be below proper resolution, in the future there are going to be bigger iPhones, which require more resolution.
Why don't apps become future proof? Put the resolution to a higher state, and auto adjust to the phone resolution, saves time, keeps users happy. I hate playing games on my iPhone 5 and the resolution state is set for iPhone4S, everyone knew the iPhone 5 was going to be bigger for months, they had time to sort the apps.

Sorry just want to rant!

Leave your feelings and views on the apps in the comments.

You know this how?

As for "future proofing", not sure that's possible,,. no one knows for sure what the future will bring. Give the developers time to catch up and show a little patience...

As for "everyone knowing", I'd say that they didn't have the specifics... until Apple actually announced the iPhone 5... basing all of your development on rumors cannot be good for business, long term.

Daniel Gaming freak

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Sep 25, 2012
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Adapting to the new screen of newly launched device will be fairly a good decision i.e. iPhone 5 for developers, which will in turn encourage developers to update their own running mobile apps.

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