"iPad 4" is just glorified iPad3. Here's why.


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Sep 4, 2012
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1) There's only 3 upgrades
They upgrade the processor, and some stuff and nothing else.
To a normal consumer like me, A5X chip is already fast enough for me to do my browsing and love reading books on it.
So if you take those off the equation, there is nothing different from iPad 3.

2) There are no "distinctive" or key features that are non-existental in iPad 4.
Last year, iPad 3 had retina display. That was enough to draw consumers like me.

lol if it wasn't for my occasional popup on iMore, I didn't even know iPad 4 existed!
iPad Mini had most of the attention.
When I saw the youtube clip for the announcement of the iPad 4. ( I am just not that into Apple's keynote these days as I was when Steve was around)
I was like wtf...... Okay you are releasing just 6 months after iPad 3 and there is NOTHING that is attractive enough.

Who would buy it?
1) Apple fans obviously
2) Those who would take the damn trouble to find a buyer for iPad 3 and then buy iPad 4.
3) Those with paychecks who have nothing else to spend on :)
If I have large paychecks I would save them up, wait for the market to crash, which is soon, and buy up the stocks that are likely to rebound = PROFIT! xD

In summary,
Apple is becoming a company that is stepping down from it's leading innovation role and let Google and Microsoft do it. I'm leaving Apple soon.
Take care and enjoy life everyone!


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Sep 22, 2011
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It is great you are happy with your 3rd generation iPad. However, I think the 4th generation iPad is a bit more than a glorified iPad 3.

• It uses the A6X chip doubling the current CPU and graphics power of the A5Xin the iPad 3.
• It uses a new LTE chipset which will give it more of a global LTE footprint.
• Faster Wi-Fi according to Apple.
• Face Time camera has been updated to a 720p HD.
• Lightning Connector to bring it in line with their other products.

So all in all, I feel it merits the new designation, though it should have received the new cosmetic change like the mini/iPhone 5.
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Jun 25, 2011
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I understand all those that are upset about the upcoming iPad and feel their iPad became old so quick. IMO all that happened with this new announcement is the need to bring the iPad to the 4th quarter. Releasing a product near the holidays might yield higher profits. I've been trying to keep up with technology for a long time, and I decided to focus my devices on functionality rather than focusing on having the latest and best specs. Technology advancement will never stop. I understand the frustrations.


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Jul 3, 2010
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the only thing the ipad 4 has done is caused our ipad 3 values to take huge effing dump....


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Oct 22, 2010
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the only thing the ipad 4 has done is caused our ipad 3 values to take huge effing dump....

Only if you bought it with an eye towards resale... if you bought it to use the thing till it freakin' dies, then you'll gave gotten your money's worth out of it, or more.

Perspective. Those that want to be butt-hurt about this - are. The rest of us are not concerned with such first world problems... smh.


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Jul 3, 2010
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I never buy anything with the primary intent of resale... But at the end of the day, everything is for sale :)

At this point, I'll probably just wait for the iPad '5' and gift my 3 to a family member (which is what I did with my 2)


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Dec 23, 2010
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1) There's only 3 upgrades
They upgrade the processor, and some stuff and nothing else.
To a normal consumer like me, A5X chip is already fast enough for me to do my browsing and love reading books on it.
So if you take those off the equation, there is nothing different from iPad 3.

2) There are no "distinctive" or key features that are non-existental in iPad 4.
Last year, iPad 3 had retina display. That was enough to draw consumers like me.

lol if it wasn't for my occasional popup on iMore, I didn't even know iPad 4 existed!
iPad Mini had most of the attention.
When I saw the youtube clip for the announcement of the iPad 4. ( I am just not that into Apple's keynote these days as I was when Steve was around)
I was like wtf...... Okay you are releasing just 6 months after iPad 3 and there is NOTHING that is attractive enough.

Who would buy it?
1) Apple fans obviously
2) Those who would take the damn trouble to find a buyer for iPad 3 and then buy iPad 4.
3) Those with paychecks who have nothing else to spend on :)
If I have large paychecks I would save them up, wait for the market to crash, which is soon, and buy up the stocks that are likely to rebound = PROFIT! xD

In summary,
Apple is becoming a company that is stepping down from it's leading innovation role and let Google and Microsoft do it. I'm leaving Apple soon.
Take care and enjoy life everyone!

Who would buy it? Me. Lots of other people. People that didn't upgrade to the 3 because it was clear there was NO performance boost and charged like a dog. Again, me. I will pass my iPad 2 down to my wife who will pass the iPad 1 down to my kids (including a mini for them to also use for Christmas) and I'll have an untouched, beautiful iPad 4 just for me and me alone. The speed all on its own, making it faster and more capable than the iPhone 5, is going to be huge for me.

But this is why I didn't upgrade to the 3, pretty screen and all. I've never, ever, ever, ever been so happy to have NOT bought anything ;)


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Jul 3, 2010
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Frankly, the 3 should never have been released... as the 4 is what the 3 should have been... Apple could have pulled a '4S' deal making people wait a few extra months from the ipad 2...

In any case, it is what it is and the ipad 4 with A6X looks like a screamer!


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Oct 26, 2004
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Only if you bought it with an eye towards resale... if you bought it to use the thing till it freakin' dies, then you'll gave gotten your money's worth out of it, or more.

Perspective. Those that want to be butt-hurt about this - are. The rest of us are not concerned with such first world problems... smh.

I bought an LCD tv back in 2008 and was close to 3k. I know when they fell in price (and continue to) it wasn't the best feeling. Or when new ones came out with better features. But it's easy to shrug off because a tv is something I'll have for years or until it stops working. But you think, there's no way I'd ever spend that much again on one.

With these ipads, not many really need them. It's more of a want. And with Apple, you're paying a premium. If I was Apple, i think I'd have declared a dividend for ipad 3 owners. Give em a credit in the itunes store for 50. It's a simple acknowledgement and keeps them planted in the ecosystem if they were having second thoughts. And good PR.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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With these ipads, not many really need them. It's more of a want. And with Apple, you're paying a premium. If I was Apple, i think I'd have declared a dividend for ipad 3 owners. Give em a credit in the itunes store for 50. It's a simple acknowledgement and keeps them planted in the ecosystem if they were having second thoughts. And good PR.

That's an interesting idea... and it would probably help those who are in such anguish today... but it also sets a precedent for whenever people think they've been slighted... and IMHO, helps to instill the "age of entitlement" that already seems so prevalent. But, again, it is an interesting idea.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2010
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Frankly, the 3 should never have been released... as the 4 is what the 3 should have been... Apple could have pulled a '4S' deal making people wait a few extra months from the ipad 2...

In any case, it is what it is and the ipad 4 with A6X looks like a screamer!


But as for the 3, it was abundantly clear that they were creating a device just because they had to. They couldn't go a year and a half without releasing an updated model, the investors, the board, the consumers would lose faith almost immediately and it would have been a huge blow to Apple from a business standpoint.

They couldn't release it with the A6 chip in March either for the clear explanation that it's the iPhone that leads the way, not the iPad. They also couldn't have changed the connector for, again, the same reason. The iPhone was clearly not complete at the time and even if it were, they wouldn't have broken the cycle and done a spring release, not so close after the 4S.

Again, it's clear that the retina iPad wasn't a finished product, it wasn't ready for market and anyone who upgraded to a new device that provided ZERO functional improvements other than the screen sadly made a mistake if they're upset at the situation now. While I upgraded from the 1 to the 2, I did so because of the dramatic performance improvements, the change is why I've had the 2 since it was released and am still quite happy with it. But when the 3 came, the retina display ALMOST pulled me over, but the slow charging combined with the lack of any other improvements made it clear it wasn't a device worth upgrading to. 6 months later that was proven to all of us.

To compress a TL;DR, I'm glad I waited, and I can't wait until Friday.


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Oct 26, 2004
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But as for the 3, it was abundantly clear that they were creating a device just because they had to. They couldn't go a year and a half without releasing an updated model, the investors, the board, the consumers would lose faith almost immediately and it would have been a huge blow to Apple from a business standpoint.

They couldn't release it with the A6 chip in March either for the clear explanation that it's the iPhone that leads the way, not the iPad. They also couldn't have changed the connector for, again, the same reason. The iPhone was clearly not complete at the time and even if it were, they wouldn't have broken the cycle and done a spring release, not so close after the 4S.

Again, it's clear that the retina iPad wasn't a finished product, it wasn't ready for market and anyone who upgraded to a new device that provided ZERO functional improvements other than the screen sadly made a mistake if they're upset at the situation now. While I upgraded from the 1 to the 2, I did so because of the dramatic performance improvements, the change is why I've had the 2 since it was released and am still quite happy with it. But when the 3 came, the retina display ALMOST pulled me over, but the slow charging combined with the lack of any other improvements made it clear it wasn't a device worth upgrading to. 6 months later that was proven to all of us.

To compress a TL;DR, I'm glad I waited, and I can't wait until Friday.

I agree in part. It's obvious Apple knew they were going to release another ipad this year hence the name change and the insider info of what their intent was last fall.

But....the ipad 3 was still a great upgrade even if performance was only raised enough to support the screen. LTE and Retina. LTE changed things especially for verizon customers. And that screen is incredible. There were many skeptical Apple could even get that done. I was skeptical until I heard the announcement. It amazes me there's still folks out there talking about Apple not innovating when they managed to squeeze that much resolution into 9.7" and still have great battery life and performance. That's innovation. Upgrading from an ipad 2 to an ipad 3 was an easy choice.

I'm hearing a lot of "i'll just wait for retina" for the ipad mini. That would be a 7.9" screen with 2048?1536 resolution. It's like they don't even realize what they're saying. There's no way they'll be running that with ipad 2 chips and that thin of a battery. Apple's marketing of retina was a great move but with it comes a cheapened appreciation of what it takes to make that happen. I bet on many reviewers' cons list for the ipad mini, "no retina" will be prominent as if that was somehow possible at this point.


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Oct 21, 2011
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There's only one reason to upgrade... does the upgrade have value? Will you be getting something with a 4 that you're not getting with a 3. For the most part, my iPad 3 has been a stellar performer for what I've needed it do and then some. I see no need to upgrade as the money I would be spending would not be giving me value. If I could sell my 3 and pay about $150 or less on the exchange, I would consider doing it, but otherwise, I don't think so. I guess I'll know for sure as my wife will be getting an iPad 4 for Christmas. Her Xoom is starting to let her down and she wants an upgrade... BTW, please don't tell her about any of this!!! Thanks...

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