Invisible Twitter Follwers


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Aug 10, 2010
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Recently I've been getting notifications from Twitter saying that so-and-so is following me and it increases my follower count but they're not in my list of followers. The names are usually randomly generated names and numbers (such as @Imogene_FF3938), is anybody aware of this or any way to block these people from following me if they're not in my Followers list?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2008
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Never heard of this particular problem but it's not uncommon for new followers to either unfollow you or get suspended (for whatever reason) by the time you get your notification from Twitter.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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i have experienced this as well but my approach is different than yours

i need all the followers i can get! lol


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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Recently I've been getting notifications from Twitter saying that so-and-so is following me and it increases my follower count but they're not in my list of followers. The names are usually randomly generated names and numbers (such as @Imogene_FF3938), is anybody aware of this or any way to block these people from following me if they're not in my Followers list?

Taking your account private is the only way to control who follows you. The crap you describe is just part of the price of admission.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Taking your account private is the only way to control who follows you. The crap you describe is just part of the price of admission.

That is correct. My primary Twitter account is private and once a week or so, I login online and go through the list of people wanting access to my tweets and accept those who share my interest and ideals and decline those who don't as well as those that are sales related and those associated with porn.


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Nov 27, 2003
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What happens if you receive an email request for someone who wants to follow you and you take no action?
Does that request just stay in limbo?


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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What happens if you receive an email request for someone who wants to follow you and you take no action?
Does that request just stay in limbo?

I've never had an email follow request, but when I login to check the follow requests, the ones I deny simply are denied. I doubt there is a notification to them indicating the denial because a majority are randomly generated requests based on people who are following both themselves and you. It should also be noted that some of the people I grant access to are expected. In other words, some are "personally" recommended.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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I've never had an email follow request, but when I login to check the follow requests, the ones I deny simply are denied. I doubt there is a notification to them indicating the denial because a majority are randomly generated requests based on people who are following both themselves and you. It should also be noted that some of the people I grant access to are expected. In other words, some are "personally" recommended.

You don?t get an email requesting to follow you, per se, but it?s one of the categories of emails that you can subscribe to/unsubscribe from, within the Twitter app... it?s within Twitter under Settings / Email Notifications...


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
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Could be spam followers. There are still an awful lot of those. I remember a few years ago Twitter cleared out the spam accounts and all of a sudden people were missing hundreds of followers. lol


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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You don?t get an email requesting to follow you, per se, but it?s one of the categories of emails that you can subscribe to/unsubscribe from, within the Twitter app... it?s within Twitter under Settings / Email Notifications...

Oh okay. I've been tweeting for a few years now and I really haven't paid any attention to that particular setting. I mean, I check the settings from time to time to make sure nothing has change from my specifications, and thankfully, they haven't. Also, I rarely tweet from the website. Anyway, thank you for your reply. I appreciate it...:)


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
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Thanks for all the replies, I agree it must be spammers that are getting blocked as my follower numbers keep going up and down. I just found it odd that my count would go up yet the new "follower" was not in the list. Not a biggy but just curious.


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Jan 6, 2016
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I can't tell you how happy I am to find this thread. This happened to me yesterday. The account is invisible, but has not been suspended. It's named 1 and when I searched for that name, I blocked the account that came up. That usually removes the notification from my list, but not this time. This time it only hid the notification until I got another follower. At no time will it let me click on the 1 notification so I can go directly to the account and block it. It's insidious!!! The reason it's freaking me out and I'm desperate to get rid of it is that I've been cyberstalked since July 2014. Twitter has done nothing to help me. Please, if anyone knows of a way to see an invisible account and/or remove it, share your knowledge. I took screenshots of each time it's appeared in my notifications. It reappeared just hours ago. Please, help. Thank you.


Oct 2, 2013
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I can't tell you how happy I am to find this thread. This happened to me yesterday. The account is invisible, but has not been suspended. It's named 1 and when I searched for that name, I blocked the account that came up. That usually removes the notification from my list, but not this time. This time it only hid the notification until I got another follower. At no time will it let me click on the 1 notification so I can go directly to the account and block it. It's insidious!!! The reason it's freaking me out and I'm desperate to get rid of it is that I've been cyberstalked since July 2014. Twitter has done nothing to help me. Please, if anyone knows of a way to see an invisible account and/or remove it, share your knowledge. I took screenshots of each time it's appeared in my notifications. It reappeared just hours ago. Please, help. Thank you.

I've had accounts I added to a list by mistake like that. I could not delete it. After researching it, I found it's timed according to your actions. You wait a while, then try again. Give it 24 hours. Then it should delete.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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That is correct. My primary Twitter account is private and once a week or so, I login online and go through the list of people wanting access to my tweets and accept those who share my interest and ideals and decline those who don't as well as those that are sales related and those associated with porn.

My account is public and unfortunately it needs to stay that way so people can find me as it's my business account.

If I didn't need Twitter and Facebook for work, I would eschew them both completely. I loathe them with a passion the likes of which even god has not seen...


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May 22, 2018
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I can't tell you how happy I am to find this thread. This happened to me yesterday. The account is invisible, but has not been suspended. It's named 1 and when I searched for that name, I blocked the account that came up. That usually removes the notification from my list, but not this time. This time it only hid the notification until I got another follower. At no time will it let me click on the 1 notification so I can go directly to the account and block it. It's insidious!!! The reason it's freaking me out and I'm desperate to get rid of it is that I've been cyberstalked since July 2014. Twitter has done nothing to help me. Please, if anyone knows of a way to see an invisible account and/or remove it, share your knowledge. I took screenshots of each time it's appeared in my notifications. It reappeared just hours ago. Please, help. Thank you.

Hi there, I was having a problem with a stalker who was using a spam account to follow me. I could see there was a follower and couldn't see a username or account but only a tiny message that said I couldn't see spam accounts listed here. If you go into "Notifications" there's a "Quality" filter, if you uncheck it it will allow you to see all who are following. I did notice I could follow someone through SMS and the tiny message would alert that person to it being an SMS follower (obviously if they already have many followers they'll never see it) and I haven't researched it to see if you can expose the phone number to see who it is but I'll bet you can! I hope this helps!


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Hi there, I was having a problem with a stalker who was using a spam account to follow me. I could see there was a follower and couldn't see a username or account but only a tiny message that said I couldn't see spam accounts listed here. If you go into "Notifications" there's a "Quality" filter, if you uncheck it it will allow you to see all who are following. I did notice I could follow someone through SMS and the tiny message would alert that person to it being an SMS follower (obviously if they already have many followers they'll never see it) and I haven't researched it to see if you can expose the phone number to see who it is but I'll bet you can! I hope this helps!

Thank you for your response and I'm sure it will be helpful. With that being said, please be mindful of the thread date. In this instance, the thread you replied in is 5 years old. Just FYI. Take care...:cool:

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