I'm a tad worried now.


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2008
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I was syncing my iPhone the other day and it rebooted. It had never done that during a sync before, and I didn't think much of it, but it never came back up. It stuck at the Apple logo.

I tried to reset it and all of that, and finally determined I had to restore it. Restoring it to factory defaults worked, then I tried to restore my last backup, it finished the restore, but when I tried to sync the next time, it only gave me the option to restore from my backup or set it up as a new iPhone. Hmm... I selected to restore it from my backup again. This time it hung up at about halfway and wouldn't continue. Finally I had to restore to factory default and resync everything...losing calendar events, game scores, etc. I was mad, but at least my phone was working.

2 days later...the phone was going really slow. I tried to reboot it, and it hung on the apple logo again. Same thing happened again as last time, with the syncing. Do I have to get an exchange on the phone? It's working now, but I'm kinda wary of it now.

Sorry this is so long, but I love my iPhone and am not sure what to do now.


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Aug 26, 2008
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Nevermind. It bricked again tonight. I'm going to the Apple Store tomorrow and try to get them to replace it.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2008
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a fresh restore will generally fix this problem.. do not use a "backup restore"...

sounds like corrupted data somewhere.. i've had this experience with incomplete installs on applicaitons..


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Jul 5, 2008
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This happened to me a LOT last week. I did a restore, and it would seemingly fix it (not a backup restore), and then it would happen again.

I think the problem (at least in my case) was when I would try installing multiple applications at once via iTunes. Even if I just installed three or four at a time, it seemed to lead to a problem. It also would happen if an application install via the app store got interupted.

When I started doing one at a time, I haven't had the problem. Although I HAVE had a problem where the phone simply stops synching when reinstalling my music. I start the sync over (reattach the iPhone to the cable) and it resumes where it left off.



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Jun 10, 2008
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couple of things with itunes... i used to link my iphone to the computer via a USB hub, that caused problems... also, i turned the phone into airplane mode, so i wont receive phone calls during sync, tried to eliminate every possibility of a disruption.


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Aug 8, 2008
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This happened to me too. I used the backup the first time and it screwed me over, then I just restored from defaults and it has worked great ever since.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2008
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I'm reading this as I am doing a restore from back up, but its to late because its already going. Very sloooooow.

I have the opposite problem everyone else seems to have. Very, very limited 3G in my local county, but I get a weak signal at home. I get a strong 4-5 bars Edge signal at the house and had no problem with data, internet, email etc. Once I updated to 2.0.2, I can no longer get Edge at my house, only 3G. 3G only comes in at 1-2 bars and then it tries to revert back to Edge but it won't allow it, so it just hangs or say no data network.

This only happens at my house where the Edge is strong and the 3G is weak, once I am out of the 3G coverage the 'E' comes back and I get data as usual. I also haven't had any problems where the 3G signal is strong, everything works well.

I called Apple Support and he recommended trying a restore from back-up. Hope it works. Looks like a late night for me though, I've been restoring for almost an hour and its only 25% finished.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
I'm reading this as I am doing a restore from back up, but its to late because its already going. Very sloooooow.

I have the opposite problem everyone else seems to have. Very, very limited 3G in my local county, but I get a weak signal at home. I get a strong 4-5 bars Edge signal at the house and had no problem with data, internet, email etc. Once I updated to 2.0.2, I can no longer get Edge at my house, only 3G. 3G only comes in at 1-2 bars and then it tries to revert back to Edge but it won't allow it, so it just hangs or say no data network.

This only happens at my house where the Edge is strong and the 3G is weak, once I am out of the 3G coverage the 'E' comes back and I get data as usual. I also haven't had any problems where the 3G signal is strong, everything works well.

I called Apple Support and he recommended trying a restore from back-up. Hope it works. Looks like a late night for me though, I've been restoring for almost an hour and its only 25% finished.

Skip the whole restore from backup and then put apps on 1 at a time or in small groups, then you should be ok. But avoid using a backup... think of it this way. You use a backup ~ what if that backup file has something corrupt on it or plain and simple does not play well with the fresh install... you are asking for trouble. I can't believe Apple does not warn people of this up front. Same thing a Windows Mobile user will tell you... never... never restore a backup file on a fresh install.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2008
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Thank-You for the help.

I have a few more questions if you don't mind.

The Apple rep did have me remove all of software updates I have downloaded, 2.0.1 & 2.0.2. So when I did the restore, it re-downloaded 2.0.2 and then I did the restore from backup to put all of my personal data back on the phone, notes, home screen shortcuts, etc.

Do you recommend that I remove the 2.0.2 update from my computer, re-download it and then do a fresh restore? I select the first option when it asks me if I want to restore, right? I thinks it's the restore as new phone.

I have emailed myself all of my notes and homescreen options, but is there another way to back them up or do I just need re-enter everything?

Since Apple doesn't allow third party apps to run in the background, wouldn't only the iPhone software itself be the root of any connection problems? I was just wondering that since I re-downloaded the 2.0.2, any conflicts would have been replaced.

Thanks again for your help. I'm a former Crackberry user and I relied on the forum for help and hints all the time. My iPhone seems to be quite a bit more user friendly and I haven't had all the, "I didn't know you could do that", revelations I had with the Crackberry.

PS-Not having to worry about running out of device memory and the related crashes is sooooo great!!!!!


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
Thank-You for the help.

I have a few more questions if you don't mind.

The Apple rep did have me remove all of software updates I have downloaded, 2.0.1 & 2.0.2. So when I did the restore, it re-downloaded 2.0.2 and then I did the restore from backup to put all of my personal data back on the phone, notes, home screen shortcuts, etc.

Do you recommend that I remove the 2.0.2 update from my computer, re-download it and then do a fresh restore? I select the first option when it asks me if I want to restore, right? I thinks it's the restore as new phone.

I have emailed myself all of my notes and homescreen options, but is there another way to back them up or do I just need re-enter everything?

Since Apple doesn't allow third party apps to run in the background, wouldn't only the iPhone software itself be the root of any connection problems? I was just wondering that since I re-downloaded the 2.0.2, any conflicts would have been replaced.

Thanks again for your help. I'm a former Crackberry user and I relied on the forum for help and hints all the time. My iPhone seems to be quite a bit more user friendly and I haven't had all the, "I didn't know you could do that", revelations I had with the Crackberry.

PS-Not having to worry about running out of device memory and the related crashes is sooooo great!!!!!

You want to restore 2.0.2 which it will do automatically. Don't worry about deleting any firmware file off your computer. When it is done and asks if you want to use a backup file or set up as a new iPhone, set it up as a new phone. Unfortunately you can not back up any of the information you asked about. You will have a phone that is set up like it is at the factory.

More and more reports are surfacing regarding 3g issues and the finger is slowly pointing back to At&t. Which is what I have said all along. For the most part people have shady 3g coverage in their area, it is that simple. Hope this helps you out a bit.

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