How often does Apple update iOS?


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Aug 5, 2012
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Please forgive this newbie question, however I am a new iPhone 5 users, after jumping ship from BB. :) I was just wondering how often Apple typically updates iOS? Can we expect updates rather often or are they few and far between?



Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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Please forgive this newbie question, however I am a new iPhone 5 users, after jumping ship from BB. :) I was just wondering how often Apple typically updates iOS? Can we expect updates rather often or are they few and far between?


It depends on how often it "needs" updates. Bugs are always inherent in an operating system, and iOS is no exception... Apple will typically release an update within a month or two of the major release (5.0, 5.1, 6.0) to fix a flaw or two... and then often not again until the next point release (5.0 -> 5.1)... unless someone discovers a major flaw (pretty unlikely at this point), I'd say beyond the 6.0.1 patch within the next month or so, probably not for a while again.

Then there's the major update each year that coincides with the release of the new iPhone hardware.

Do you have a specific issue that is driving the question?


Retired Moderator
Mar 9, 2009
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Bug updates when needed. Example would be a 6.0.1 update.

I'm sure we'll see a 6.1 and maybe a 6.2 adding a few new features during these next 12 months.

Next major update would be a 7.0 and major updates comes once a year.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2009
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iOS version history, all the releases, dates and what the updates contained. Just count the amount of updates and roughly devide them over one year, since they've often released a new iPhone once a year.


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Jun 23, 2010
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What is your source for this 6.0.1 release information? I just ask because I can't wait for the bugs to be worked out!

What bugs? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just curious.

---------- Post Merged at 09:38 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 09:38 AM ----------

What is your source for this 6.0.1 release information? I just ask because I can't wait for the bugs to be worked out!

What bugs? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just curious.


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Oct 13, 2011
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I feel that the battery life is not as good as iOS 5 was after all the updates. Also, the data connections seems to be laggy as where iOS 5 was pretty stable. The apps, even though they have been updated for iOS 6 seem to be laggy and crash randomly. I didn't have any of these issues before upgrading to iOS 6. iOS 5 was so smooth in the couple of months before iOS 6 was released.

I can't really put my finger on any one thing but this OS just feels like like it isn't at it's best yet or at least even close to it. iOS 5 felt the same way, and after updates, it got better and better.


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Oct 7, 2009
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i almost have to believe these "issues" that some people are having may be a small group..?

it seems Apple would have released 6.0.1 by now if it were a more widespread problem

---------- Post Merged at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:44 PM ----------

i almost have to believe these "issues" that some people are having may be a small group..?

it seems Apple would have released 6.0.1 by now if it were a more widespread problem


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Oct 13, 2011
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It could be that what I'm describing is more of a personal observation than a quantifiable problem. It's more of a subjective thing and I could be completely wrong. The phone just doesn't feel as responsive as it did before. Whether I'm on wifi or on cellular, sometimes the phone just goes batty and doesn't connect. I will then have to close the app down and relaunch the app. And then it starts working again. Stuff like that has been happening a lot after I upgraded to iOS 6.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2011
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It could be that what I'm describing is more of a personal observation than a quantifiable problem. It's more of a subjective thing and I could be completely wrong. The phone just doesn't feel as responsive as it did before. Whether I'm on wifi or on cellular, sometimes the phone just goes batty and doesn't connect. I will then have to close the app down and relaunch the app. And then it starts working again. Stuff like that has been happening a lot after I upgraded to iOS 6.

If your iPhone seemed ok before and suddenly started giving you issues like what you described, I think you should make an appt. with a Genius rep and get it looked at. I've had my iP5 for 3 weeks now and I honestly can't see one thing that an update could make any better than it already is. I am still getting 8 hours of battery life and only need to charge it every other day. If you are in a fringe area of LTE where the signal is going back and forth between 3/4G and LTE, this will in fact decrease your battery life. Also, as far as apps go, I haven't had any of mine crash, if they are doing this a lot for you, try resetting your iPhone and see if it helps. Good luck, hopefully your iPhone 5 will improve, or you can get it swapped out for a better one.....

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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I feel that the battery life is not as good as iOS 5 was after all the updates. Also, the data connections seems to be laggy as where iOS 5 was pretty stable. The apps, even though they have been updated for iOS 6 seem to be laggy and crash randomly. I didn't have any of these issues before upgrading to iOS 6. iOS 5 was so smooth in the couple of months before iOS 6 was released.

I can't really put my finger on any one thing but this OS just feels like like it isn't at it's best yet or at least even close to it. iOS 5 felt the same way, and after updates, it got better and better.

Interesting... beyond minor battery issues, I am not seeing any of this...

i almost have to believe these "issues" that some people are having may be a small group..?

it seems Apple would have released 6.0.1 by now if it were a more widespread problem

---------- Post Merged at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:44 PM ----------

i almost have to believe these "issues" that some people are having may be a small group..?

it seems Apple would have released 6.0.1 by now if it were a more widespread problem

I would totally agree...


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
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Sure could use 6.1 already... Between the poor wifi connectivity (seems to drop wifi connections too easily) and laggy keyboard... My 2 biggest complaints about iOS 6 so far... We could certainly could use a significant point update

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