How is the user experience with the iPhone?


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Aug 25, 2014
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Greetings !

Let me start by saying, I am a Nokia Lumia 520 user, never had an iOS device and I'm curious about the upcoming iPhone 6. That means I have some questions and some issues that bother me.

First of all, the Lumia 520 is a great phone for the price but the lack of apps is extremely bad. The app store or the ''Marketplace'' is laughable compared to iOS and Android, most of them are 3rd party apps and the ones that we have like Facebook and Viber are sooo far behind. Laggy, they crash and functionality of them is nerve breaking. There isn't even a official YouTube app, I have to use a 3rd party YouTube app to watch videos. WHAT THE HELL?!
That's just the apps, don't get me started with other issues that Windows Phone has...

Now, I've been doing some research about the new iPhone 6, alot of hype for that phone and I found out they get everything first. Perfect for me. The only thing that puts me off is the price, that might change in next few months, when the iPhone 6 is released.
My question to you fellow iOS users, how is the experience with iPhone's? Is there that I should know before getting one? And lastly, do apps lagg like in other devices? I want a super smooth experience in every possible way.
Cheers !


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Jan 8, 2012
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User experience depends on the user. I can tell you that the iPhone works well for me and I enjoy using it. At the same time, I can also tell you that I've enjoyed every phone I've ever owned...:)...Having said that, if you appreciate ease of use, tons of apps to choose from, a well-supported device and operating system, great customer service and a place to go for additional assistance like iMore then I think you will enjoy the iPhone experience...:)

Information via the following link may be useful to you.

iPhone buyers guide | iMore


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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User experience depends on the user. I can tell you that the iPhone works well for me and I enjoy using it. At the same time, I can also tell you that I've enjoyed every phone I've ever owned...:)...Having said that, if you appreciate ease of use, tons of apps to choose from, a well-supported device and operating system, great customer service and a place to go for additional assistance like iMore then I think you will enjoy the iPhone experience...:)

Information via the following link may be useful to you.

iPhone buyers guide | iMore

Yes, this in a nutshell.

I have both an HTC One M7 and an iPhone 5s and the iPhone is just leaps and bounds better than the HTC, in my opinion. Whilst the HTC is a phenomenal device, I feel the iPhone 5S I have just performs better.

You're correct that a lot of apps seem to come out on iOS first and I think I have a reason for that. On iOS, there are a very small number of screen sizes; currently only two different phone resolutions compared to the tens, if not hundreds, of Android screen differences. For that reason, devs need to do less work to code their apps to fit different devices.

When I use one app on iOS and then the same app on Android, the differences are immediate to me. The iOS app just seems to me to be more polished, faster and better put together. I'm not saying the Android apps are bad, just in comparison I feel they come off in second place pretty much every single time.

I love both my phones but if I had to pick one platform to use forever, I would pick iOS every single time, without question. In my opinion, it is slicker, faster, more secure and just generally better put together.

Of course, others can and do have different experiences between platforms but I can only answer for myself.

Haseeb Rehman

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May 5, 2013
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I can assure you that iOS is a lot better than WP OS. I recently bought a brand new Lumia 720 in black. Used it for one day and gave it back to get an iPhone 4S unlocked and believe me, it was the best decision that I ever made. The quality, smoothness and overall experience of iOS is so much better than WP 8. The only feature that I miss is that Double tap to wake option from the lumia 720. Otherwise, I'm really happy and satisfied with my beautiful iPhone 4S. :)


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Jun 26, 2014
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The whole Apple ecosystem is great, and the user experience on the iPhone is hands-down the best I have ever used on a phone. The apps rarely ever have lag, and if they do, it's often the lack of the developer optimizing it for the devices. System-wide though, there is absolutely no lag whatsoever. Scrolling through home screens, switching between apps, using Notification Center, and any other tasks are very smooth and you'll almost never experience any lag. :)


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Aug 25, 2014
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This is all fine and dandy but do you guys think they will maybe release a cheaper version of iPhone this year? I really wanna switch the OS but the price is really not consumer friendly in my opinion.
Let me give you a perspective here in Croatia;
Unlocked iPhone 5s 16gb - $1178
Unlocked iPhone 5s 64gb - $1247
Unlocked iPhone 5c 16gb - $1386
Unlocked iPhone 5c 32gb - $1438
The prices are really funky, there are some plans and deals you can take, for an example: Let's say I wanna take an iPhone 5s 16gb, you pay $138 right away and the monthly price is $65 with unlimited calls, texts and internet, which is a great deal, but I prefer unlocked. There are multiple plans but this is the best or ''recommended'' by the website.
What do you guys think?


Mar 10, 2013
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Hi, prices may come down some after the iPhone 6, but don't think it drop by much.
Curious, about your prices, the 5c 32g is more than the 5s 64g.


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Dec 19, 2012
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Hi, I have been very pleased with my iOS devices so far. It has been over 3 years I am using and I am content with it.

I have iPhone 5, iPad Mini 1st gen and MBA 13'' so I am totally immersed in Apple ecosystem which I like it. Needless to say iOS is very stable and there are plethora of apps in App store and it will work like a charm on the devices(until and unless you have a legacy iPhone, lol)

If price is a concern for you, then I would say to wait until iPhone 6 comes out and then pick up a iPhone 5c or 5s depending on your budget.

Good luck!


Dec 3, 2012
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User experience depends on the user, their wants, needs and expectations. My experience has been wonderful. You can't beat it for dependability, ease of use, build quality, customer service and apps. I don't even think about it, it just works for me.
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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
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User experience is the best of any phone I've ever used and currently use. Nothing else compares with the dependability, "it just works", always there iPhones I've owned.

If I had to give up my phones and was forced to keep only one, it would be my iPhone.

No lag, no drama, excellent battery life, no reboots, no bricking, always works, fantastic quality apps, stellar support. Can't ask for anything more.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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User experience is the best of any phone I've ever used and currently use. Nothing else compares with the dependability, "it just works", always there iPhones I've owned.

If I had to give up my phones and was forced to keep only one, it would be my iPhone.

No lag, no drama, excellent battery life, no reboots, no bricking, always works, fantastic quality apps, stellar support. Can't ask for anything more.

I agree, no lag.. No drama!