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How is Siri?


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Jul 8, 2011
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I agree. I have 4 that range between 7 and 5 months so unless they are sleeping Siri is pretty useless to me due to all the background noise :(. Which sucks because I love Siri

trust me it doesnt get any quieter as they get older, My house ALWAYS has something happening:)
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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2011
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Does anyone have a problem with her giving two different weather reports? I asked her if it was going to rain tomorrow and she said yes. Later that night, I asked her what the low temp would be and it appeared she was giving me a forecast from last week due to the temps she said. I asked her twice in a row what the high for tomorrow was and she gave me two different answers.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2012
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I dunno. The more I try to use it, the more I find myself a little disappointed. I have a Ford Fusion, and I get a ton of work out of the voice recognition system in that car, which is Ford SYNC by Microsoft. Now, that system's far from perfect, but I find it to be better at basic speech recognition and reliability than Siri is.

And I think the bigger problem is just the lack of functionality. I don't know why they allow Siri to do basic things like check the weather or do an internet search that you can do quickly already on the phone, but NOT things like turning your Bluetooth off or adjust the brightness of the screen.

Q: How much memory do I have left?
A: I'm on it...would you like me to search the web?

Q: Show me my pictures...
A: If you like, I can search the web for "my pictures"

Siri doesn't understand what I want because Apple didn't want to program her to be a true utility assistant on the device. I want Siri to make simple the things that are more complicated on iOS, not just offer a "cooler" way of doing things that are already easy. Of course, all of these things are possible for the future, but I really wouldn't recommend Siri as a device selling point to anyone because there isn't much new here that I've found a use for. Even BlackBerry devices can do things like audio Google searches, or voice dialing.
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Jan 22, 2012
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As many others have said, I would find it more useful if it could do simple things like cut on/off wifi, bluetooth, airplane mode, etc.

From my personal experience, more than half the time Siri says it can not help me and to try later or it completely doesn't understand what I said.


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Dec 24, 2011
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I would actually like to know stories about your Siri experience. From people that I've met, they simply adore her. I don't know what it is, but she's very helpful and useful and people actually like her!
I use to like Siri a lot. However she doesn't seem to be working lately. Yesterday, I asked her at least 15 times to provide directions. Each time, she would either say she did not understand, or she would say that she found several hotel near my location. I finally gave up and looked for my own directions:(


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Nov 28, 2010
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I appreciate that I can speak to Siri in 24 hour clock speak "set up an appointment at 1630". But I would appreciate it more if Siri spoke back in 24 hour talk when I have the phone set to 24 hour mode.

"Siri, make an app. For 1630"
"your appointment has been scheduled for 4:30pm"

To me it matters cause I do everything in 24 hour talk and NEVER talk in 12 hour. It forces me to stop and think, and a personal assistant shouldn't be trying to make me think more.
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Trusted Member
Jul 3, 2010
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I pretty much used Siri to call specific people or phone #'s and a few times to locate businesses. I will say it was pretty beneficial and much better than the alternatives on the market.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2011
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I get in arguments with Siri. I'll ask her to find a supermarket or gas station. She then lists a bunch that are miles from where I am, bypassing several much closer ones. I'll try a few variations, and eventually I tell her she's useless, to which she replies "I'm sorry you feel that way." I suspect she will eventually reply, "Whatever."

And why does she understand "Open the pod bay doors", and, "What is the meaning of life', but not "Beam me up."?


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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Its weird, i just bought the iPhone 4s today, and siri is awesome. At first it was having a hard time trying to figure out what I had said, but by the end of the day it was answering all kinds of questions. My wife on the other hand has had her 4s since day one, and has a horrible time with Siri. She also told siri "your worthless." Then Siri replied "I am." It's weird, I felt bad.


Feb 8, 2012
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I'm happy with Siri. I use her a lot in the car to call people or compose texts for me.

I also recently installed Hands Free Voice Control and a couple other apps from Cydia to make her more useful. Now without even touching my iPhone, I can ask her to open an app for me, power off, or enable wifi.


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2010
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I'm happy with Siri. I use her a lot in the car to call people or compose texts for me.

I also recently installed Hands Free Voice Control and a couple other apps from Cydia to make her more useful. Now without even touching my iPhone, I can ask her to open an app for me, power off, or enable wifi.

Since when does siri open apps?


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Feb 19, 2012
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When asked to read the last text, sometimes it does just fine. Then the next time you ask, it keeps saying "read or reply". Never know if it will read it or not.

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