How can I get WhatsApp verified on my iPhone 5s?


iMore Question

I cannot get WhatsApp verified on my iPhone 5s

I downloaded and installed WhatsApp from the iStore. Everything went by the book until the verification step. I was informed an SMS would arrive to complete the verification. This SMS is now more than 24 hours late. I then then tried the "Call Me" feature. But this doesn't even try to make a call. It just returns a message that ?Recent verification attempted. Please wait 2 hour 5 minutes before trying again.? Even after waiting out that period makes no difference at all.

(PS: I went through the process on an Andriod phone - Galaxy Note 3 and the process was very smooth albeit a very late SMS - I only waited an one hour for that SMS. PPS: The "Call Me" feature did not work on the Galaxy either.)

Thus, is this a problem that only occurs on the iPhone s5?

Things I have done:

1. I checked to see that I can make international calls - yes.
2. I checked to see if I can send and receive international SMSes - yes.
3. I have gone through and done all the steps on the WhatsApp FAQ - everything is correct on my end.
4. I have sent an email to WhatsApp support. They didn't read my email and just responded with an email to read the FAQ which had already read.

So. What do I do now?

a) Is there a way to send another request to get a new SMS sent. There is nothing on the app to show that this can be done or on the FAQ from WhatsApp?
b) Do I have to go to my service provider (in this case MTN in South Africa) and see if they can help?
c) Do I need to uninstall WhatsApp and re-install again and keep doing that until it works?
d) Should I try and get WhatsApp outside of iStore and install that - maybe the iStore version is a bad version?

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