How can I get my Airport card working on my Macbook Pro?


iMore Question

Airport card not working

I have a Macbook pro mid 2010. A time ago I replaced my superdrive with an extra hard drive. All works fine. But I replaced the second hard drive, and managed to damage the Airport connector (a tiny piece of plastic got stuck when I tried to reconnect it).

I've searched google for my options. I found out that the airport card is for wifi and bluetooth. Bluetooth works fine to my surprise. But the ethernet cable drives me insane!

I tried an external wifi adapter, it doesn't work in yosemite (but it works in bootcamp). Sure I've seen all the hacks and programs to get it to work in Mac. But this doesn't work in Yosemite.

So I want to know my options:
- Is the motherboard damaged (the connector on the motherboard, bluetooth still works though)? Replacement not an option in this case?
- Is the cable damaged and can I simply order a new cable, attach it to the existing airport card and insert it?
- Do I need to order a whole new airport card with connector cable?
- Do I need to give up hope and try to live with my ethernet cable?

Thanks guys!

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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Re: Airport card not working

You questions would be best answered by the folks at an Apple Genius Bar or Authorized Service center...


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Re: Airport card not working

Although I can't say for certain, but if the airport card is detachable (not soldered onto the motherboard) then buying a replacement would probably be the best option. Again, I'm just going by what I'm reading. Maybe others will offer in-depth opinions and suggestions soon.

Jeffrey Vrancken

New member
Mar 11, 2013
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Re: Airport card not working

You questions would be best answered by the folks at an Apple Genius Bar or Authorized Service center...

Although I can't say for certain, but if the airport card is detachable (not soldered onto the motherboard) then buying a replacement would probably be the best option. Again, I'm just going by what I'm reading. Maybe others will offer in-depth opinions and suggestions soon.

I'm from Belgium, the first Apple Store is opening is September. And the authorized seller doesn't look at products not buyed in their stores that are out of warranty.

The airport card is placed in my screen and there is a cable from the motherboard to that card. The connector on the motherboard and/or the cable is damaged. The pins where misaligned, but I managed to align them again. I can't see any damage at this point and Bluetooth still works (Bluetooth is embedded in the airport card so it uses the same cable and connector) so a part of the connector still works, just not the wifi part.

What I try to figure out is if I can just buy a new cable, connect it and it will work again. Or that the problem is the connector on the motherboard, which I can't replace. I know this is a little guessing, but maybe someone over here has had this problem before or can give me a hint to what is likely to be the problem.

Jeffrey Vrancken

New member
Mar 11, 2013
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Re: Airport card not working

I know how to repair it, I just want to know if the cable is the problem. Because otherwise I don't need to repair it since it is impossible.

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