Here's why 9.3.1 is killing the iPhone 6S Plus battery (in my case)


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May 15, 2016
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As per title, this is - I'm convinced - the reason for the dwindling battery life on 9.3.1. I'd be very interested to see if it is the same for you..

Just to give you some context - I had the original 6 Plus and then migrated to the 6S Plus back in September. Been using both with Apple Watch. Both had outstanding battery life compared to any phone I'd ever had before. I'm just explaining this so that you can see I am familiar with the great battery on this model prior to the issues that appeared. Back in April, I took the maddening decision to switch to a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. It didn't last long. The battery couldn't hold a candle to the iPhone. I sold it and bought a new 6S Plus. An expensive mistake, but we'll gloss over that..

So I went back and with the updated 9.3.1, pretty much straightaway noticed the battery wasn't as great as it had been. Standby usage still exemplary. Don't touch it, and it will sit on 100% for three hours. Don't touch it all day, the battery will barely move. Great.

But use it, then the battery drops quite quickly. At one point, in just two mins of using the camera to take photos, it dropped 5%. And the battery would often drop in 2% increments at a time.

First thing I did was an over the phone diagnostics and Apple told me there were some apps drawing more power than they should be but they couldn't see which over the phone and advised a Genius appointment. The girl in store ran a check and showed me that there were issues with a large number of apps - they were crashing in the background, then (I assume) automatically reopening and crashing again in a never ending cycle.. She said it was this 'constant behaviour' that was draining the battery. Important to point out here, they were both third party apps (Addison Lee, Checkmark 2, British Airways, Instagram) and stock apps (Weather, Reminders, Stocks etc - I don't EVER use Stocks, FYI!). Also worth noting that these apps were not showing up anywhere in the battery usage section in settings. Nothing odd showing up there.

Suggestion was that I could do a backup and restore but that could bring the software glitch back. Or just cut my losses and do a brand new setup. I opted for the latter - and in the process, lost 18 months of messages etc.

Setup as new iPhone without restoring from iCloud. Problems persisted.

So I decided to go nuclear. Removing the iOS source file from my Mac so that iTunes would have to download a fresh copy, wiped my iCloud compeletely so I had NOTHING in there, stopped apps from backing up to iCloud, then wiped it again. Then set up the phone as new again from scratch. This was, to all effects, a virgin phone.

And still, when I took it back to the Genius Bar a few days later, the problem was manifesting itself. Apple were adamant it was a software issue, nothing to do with the battery, but as we had exhausted all possibilities, they gave me a brand new iPhone. And once again, I did a full nuclear-level install as a new phone.

And what do you know? The battery is still below par!! And when I took it in, the Genius ran a diagnostics test and it is still the same issue (some of the same apps, some others - a real selection!).

The battery no longer drops in 2% increments, but what it does is sit on one number for a while d then goes down several percent very quickly. It is no longer the reliable phone I had. And it is driving me crazy. Had I not spent 18 months using this device and being awed by its battery, I wouldn't have noticed. But I do because I know it is so much better

I thought it was just me but a friend with the same phone reported the same thing although he hasn't been to the Genuus bar so doesn't know if it is apps crashing causing it as it is with me. Without going to the Genius Bar, it's a problem you could all be having and not realising because it is not manifesting itself in the Battery Usage settings area. So you would never know.

I am no expert on operating systems, but I had a root through the Diagnostics and Usage area of my settings and I can see that apps are still crashing as of now.

Be interested to see if this is an issue with you guys too?

Couple of footnotes - I'm not jailbroken, I'm not using my phone any differently to before and I'm not downloading tonnes of new apps.

Have a great day.



Well-known member
Jun 29, 2013
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If I read your post correctly you believe that 9.3.1 is causing battery issues or causing bad behaviour with some apps and not the apps causing problems with the iOS? Did you reload those 3rd party apps?

I use a 6s plus on 9.3.1 and my battery life fluctuates from day to day even though I use it the same way with the same apps. This is consistent with previous iOS builds. I have an almost stock app collection with only a couple of trusted 3rd party apps.

What caught my attention was that you lost 18 months of messages. This tip can't help you now but you could have printed iMessages out to a .pdf file or files before you began the diagnosis, and or moved your camera files to a removable disk.

A brand new phone is a pretty decent olive branch. It seems that Apple tried everything within their mandate to help you, the customer.

Best of luck getting things sorted out.


New member
May 15, 2016
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If I read your post correctly you believe that 9.3.1 is causing battery issues or causing bad behaviour with some apps and not the apps causing problems with the iOS? Did you reload those 3rd party apps?

I use a 6s plus on 9.3.1 and my battery life fluctuates from day to day even though I use it the same way with the same apps. This is consistent with previous iOS builds. I have an almost stock app collection with only a couple of trusted 3rd party apps.

What caught my attention was that you lost 18 months of messages. This tip can't help you now but you could have printed iMessages out to a .pdf file or files before you began the diagnosis, and or moved your camera files to a removable disk.

A brand new phone is a pretty decent olive branch. It seems that Apple tried everything within their mandate to help you, the customer.

Best of luck getting things sorted out.

Hi there.

Yeah, I logged it all in the post. Not only did I reload the apps, I wiped everything and downloaded them from scratch.

I totally appreciate Apple giving me a replacement phone. I'm not angry or anything like that - just trying to get to the bottom of what the but is.


Oct 2, 2013
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Turn your screen brightness down as much as possible.
Turn off as much location services as you can. If it's not necessary, turn it off. Also in system services.
Turn off any push notifications in Settings that are not necessary.
Do a hard reset:
Hold the top or side power/sleep button and the home button at the same time until the Apple logo appears, then release.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2015
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Do a hard reset:
Hold the top or side power/sleep button and the home button at the same time until the Apple logo appears, then release.

Don't you mean, "force restart"? :rotfl:

Sorry...I couldn't resist.

Back to live action:

I noticed after going to 9.3 that my day-to-day battery life was less. For me though 9.3.1 seemed to clear it up. We'll see how 9.3.2 goes.

I have my screen brightness set to "auto."
Location services turned on.
Push notifications on (but not for everything).
I also keep WiFi and BT turned on.

By the time I put it on a charger at night. It's still at 60ish%. Even after increased photo/video recording, posting to Instagram or Facebook, and game playing, I rarely get below 40%.

Right now I'm at 82% and my phone has been off the charger for over 6 hours.

P.S. During which I upgraded to 9.3.2.