Has anyone left only to come right back ?


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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When I initially purchased an iPhone 3G, I was too much of a Blackberry guy to really enjoy it at that time and therefore, when it fell off the coast of South Carolina, I didn't even get angry. I simply went to an AT&T store and purchased a Blackberry Bold 9000. After my Blackberry stint, I went to Android. Why? I was interested in trying out the Droid Incredible. After rooting it and the HTC EVO 4G a gazillion times trying to make it perfect, I decided to return to the iPhone. The iPhone 4S had just been released. After buying it and using it, that was it. I've never looked back. I'm at peace with the iPhone and iOS for the foreseeable future...


Jan 4, 2012
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I did. I had an iPhone 6s Plus before the 7 was released. When the Note 7 was released, I got the phone. Even after that whole debacle and I finally got a "fixed" Note 7. But, I was done. I went back to my iPhone. I really can't explain why. I guess it was just easier to deal with. And I was a purely Android woman for years... Up until the 6 Plus was released. I've been in love with iPhones ever since. Now, I have an iPhone 7 Plus and loving it.


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Jan 17, 2016
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Yes, cause my son wanted my 6s so much, I made the mistake buying a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. Even when one of the best Android phones, It was too large and battery performance was poor. Bought and iPhone SE 64Gb. I don't like phablets.


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Apr 13, 2012
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Not "right back", but I did return. And my leaving iPhone in the first place was not really a choice but a necessity.

I had the 3G, which was an AT&T exclusive. Less than a year later, AT&T service in my area had degraded to the point I could not even successfully call 911 (I tried...) so I had to switch carriers.

On Verizon, I had a WinMobile 6.5 phone for about 36 hours, then the Blackberry Storm 2. I went through SEVEN of those in less than 16 months (one replacement arrived dead) before I could convince VZW it was a piece of crap and get an early upgrade. iPhone was not yet on VZW, so I got an Android, the original Moto Droid X, running Gingerbread (2.2). Had that for about 2 1/2 years, then my next phone was the iPhone 5.

One thing brought me back to the iPhone: Media Management. I had spent the prior four years looking for something that would work like iTunes with anything like iTunes does with the iPhone. I absolutely rely on the live updating smart playlists and two-way sync in order to manage the music on my device.


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Nov 23, 2012
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I started my love of iPhone with the 5s, had the 5 and not sure why I did not like it but when I got the 5s, I was hooked. Then the 6 plus and then 6s plus. I traded my 6s plus in for the Note 7 and regretted it that night, but I was stuck, I could not turn back time. I wont lie, the Note 7 was the only Samsung I actually liked, but just missed the Apple ecosystem and the way apps worked. Then the recall came and I ordered the iPhone 7 plus, turned the Note in and here I am. I cant say I wont ever leave but I do not have any interest in anything else at the moment.


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Jan 19, 2013
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Yes back in 2012 my iPhone 4 was stolen. I bought a cheap android phone and my intention was to use it for a month until I could upgrade to the 4S. Well I didn't upgrade to the 4S. I got the original galaxy note. I was curious to use a high end android phone and see what it could do. Over the next 2 years I had various Samsung flagship phones, mainly buying the latest flagship in the hope that it would fix some Issues I was having.

I came back to the iPhone in 2014 with the 6 plus and I've stayed. I don't think I will leave the iPhone again. I'm too entrenched in the Apple ecosystem now (iPhone, iPad, MacBook, Apple Watch, Apple TV). It all works perfectly for me. I have no need to change.


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Aug 20, 2013
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I run both systems and apple has the better system hands down. I have the 7 plus and a galaxy 7 edge and there is no comparison between the two apple just works!


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Apr 14, 2016
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I think that most of us on this site are tech people and I think that it is totally natural to wonder how the "other side" lives. I have dabbled in all the other OS's and they all have their pluses and minuses. I have strayed to each of them at some time or another. Having said that, IOS is just soooo stable and user friendly that once you start to use something else it reminds you of how good you had it and you return.

I do not think that you can overstate the value of having retail stores to help you handle any problem that you run into. During the time that I was away from Apple, I would always think "What if this thing breaks tonight?"... Having the safety net of the retail Apple stores makes leaving the OS impossible for me


Jul 2, 2015
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It took me almost three years to come back from Android. I had the iPhone 6, jumped into the Android pool, got wore down customizing and waiting...and waiting for updates, then the Note 7 came out and that whole garbage pail of crap made me come back to iOS. I wanted a phone about comparable to the Note 7, and got the 6S Plus and exchanged for a 7 Plus as soon as Verizon had it in stock.


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Sep 3, 2016
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I've been a Verizon customer forever so I was originally an Android user. Tried the iPhone 4 and hated it for the first few days but came to like it. There were definitely things I missed, like google navigator (now integrated into google maps) but I stuck with it. Tried a galaxy s5 a few years ago. Got a faulty one that locked up completely on me on day 2 so I went back to the iPhone. A year later, I tried a Note 4. Day 12 it locked up. Had to take the battery out to get it to restart and it took 20 minutes (no exaggeration) to come back on. Took it back, paid the restocking fee and got my iPhone back.
Then I decided one more time to try to leave and got the Note 7. Nicest display I've ever seen on any device. Loved the look and feel of it. Didn't care for the edges though. More palm reading than a 3$ psychic. Wasn't super pleased with it though. I had become accustomed to using my fingerprint to access my bank and work payroll apps, etc... and Android didn't offer me that. Also hated saying "Ok google." Wish they'd come up with something better. Fantastic call quality. Poor battery life compared to iPhone. Was going to stick it out anyway, but when the recall happened I went back to my iPhone and stayed.
Always feel tempted by Android, but I'm done with Samsung after my experience with them. I like the Pixel, but until Android runs as efficiently as iOS, I'll be sticking with the iPhone.

Not Quite Right

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May 11, 2013
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I leave, and comeback every year ... I pretty much consider myself a Mac guy so it's about a 75/25 % split between iOS & Android. This years migration to Android will most likely take place when a Pixel XL can be had in the $300/$400 dollar range ...


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2016
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I always leave and come back, kind of like what @Not Quite Right does lol. I enjoy how reliable iOS is and the size and power of my SE. The lack of customization gets to me after a while though so I switch. I'm pleased but then that annoys me so I switch to Windows Phone or Android.


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Mar 23, 2011
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Have I left and come back? lol Oh, my...way too many times to count. I am getting better though. I have had my 7 Plus since October and every time I get the itch to switch, I remember all the things that I love about my iPhone and how I always come back. As much as I hate the saying, "the iPhone just works". It just does. I don't have any issues. There are apps that I use daily that are just better on iOS and I even the Google apps that I use so much are just as good, if not better. I will leave again, when there is a real reason to leave. Until then I am not jumping for the next hot Android phone just because I think it's cool.


Nov 6, 2011
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Haven't switched in a little over a year but every time I'd previously switched I ended up right back with iPhone and iOS !


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Jan 12, 2014
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After my iPhone 6 I switched to the 7edge for about 6 months. Just wanted to give it a try. Came to be a love/hate relationship.


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Nov 19, 2013
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I've left twice in the past year or so. The first time, I left for a 6P. I used it for 2 days and went back to my 6S Plus. When the Note 7 came out, I pre-ordered and used for about 4 hours. I stopped using it quickly after I tried to send a text and was presented with 3 different apps that could accomplish that task. I popped my SIM right back in by 6S+, returned the N7 (before the battery fiasco was an issue), and later upgraded the 7+.

I've learned my lesson, and will stick with iOS for the foreseeable future.

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