[GUIDE] Exporting iWork For iCloud files For Microsoft Office Compatibility


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Jan 14, 2011
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This is especially important for users of Windows PCs where there is no option to run native iWork files.

[INFO]For most desktop computing, whether you need to create Word Documents, Spreadsheets, or high end presentations for work or for yourself, the 'Gold Standard' has long been Microsoft Office. PCs have outnumbered Apple desktops as what businesses use as their choice for their employees (for mainly compatibility reasons).

Let's face it, Depending on the company size and what kind of business, Windows is usually the way to go. Up until recently, certain applications were available ONLY for the PC, and for the most part this still holds true. A staple software program or suite which was a must have was the above mentioned Microsoft Office, which comes in a number of different versions from standard, to Professional, and even a student version.

With the advent of businesses starting to using Apple products, the need came about for companies and individuals to share documents with each other. But when one company or individual is using a PC and the other an Apple OS X product, that can present sharing issues. How does one settle this problem once and for all? Simple with Apple's own program, iWorks. This Microsoft compatible suite consists of Pages, Numbers and Keynote (comparable to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).

The bottom line is that the document must be able to be read and editable so that a document created on a PC can be read by the Apple operating system. This is the purpose of this guide, to teach and show you how simple and easy it is to make this conversion happen.[/INFO]

Let's get started WITH A FEW CLICKS...


With many iCloud apps, the files you are working on will automatically be saved as you work with them. So what, you ask? You can switch over to any iOS device you have, and pick up where you stopped working. Now you might want an office copy compatible with others though, and in order to do this you have to export the document. You are going to have to right click on that file and choose to first download it to your computer.​


Once you do this you are going to be asked how you want to to download it (what format): PDF, Pages/Numbers/Keynote or Word. Once the option has been chosen your document will be prepared in the manner chosen and downloaded to your computer.


So now if you need to shoot a copy to someone, no matter what he is using, you have a choice. You can do it right from the editing window. Look for the share button at the top of the window and the same box will appear once again asking you how you wish to share it so you can first choose and then email it. In a nutshell, that is really all there is. How simple is it to convert documents to share with friends or colleagues!

[NOTE]To learn more and even be able to try this for free with full access, simply go to your iCloud account on the web and sign in using your iTunes personal ID and password. The suite of iWorks will appear as a beta program for now with full functionality for you to perfect the program and even try and swap documents with friends or co-workers if you wish. If you have never had this suite before and own iOS devices at home or use them at work, this is the perfect time to be able to try this out.

I tried it with my limited knowledge of Apple computers and it was a breeze for me. This is something I would consider if and when I make the move to an Apple computer. Good luck, and I hope you find this useful if not now, but (like me), when you decide to purchase an Apple computer. Please leave a comment good or bad and let us know if you were able to make use of this and how easy it was to learn.
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