From Android to iPhone


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Jun 24, 2011
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HDR takes 3 pictures, and melds them into one - one exposure to cover bright areas - one for dark areas, and one "normal" exposure... you can elect to save a "normal" version of a picture & the HDR.. when HDR is on, it only saves the HDR version unless you elect to save the "normal" version as well... keeping HDR on & saving the normal gives you the best of both worlds... you can later keep the version(s) you like.

So how do I elect to save the HDR version only? Where in the settings do I do this?


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Dec 10, 2011
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Welcome. I jump back and forth between iOS and android. Android has come a long way and there are things that I miss once I get back on to iOS from android, but in the long run, iOS is more polished. It works, it works well, and it's overall better than android. I think that's why I always end up back on iOS.


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Jun 24, 2012
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100% agree OP Android is an awesome OS and I've used it for the last 2 years after coming from the OG iPhone then moving to Blackberry but same as you mentioned I rooted every Android device I owned and flashed rom after rom and kernel after kernel, after owning my last device a Samsung Galaxy Nexus I was done because the battery life was terrible and the apps were't up to par like the iOS counterparts. Now I'm happily back on iOS loving my iPhone 5 and glad you gave Apple a shot!


May 10, 2013
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My first phone was a blackberry then I went to android and have been with them since version 1.5 cupcake. I absolutely loved everything about google's OS and still do. I just recently got the iPhone 5 like 2 days ago and I really like it. It's even more awesome because its jailbroken. I don't know why I ever gave iPhone owners so much crap lol


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May 12, 2013
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For me I have never owned an android phone but I do sometimes play around with my bro Samsung galaxy 3 and it is a good phone but it's to complicating for me.. Even tho iPhone layouts has always been almost the same ever since the first iPhone.. I just find it to be more simple to use and I have an iPhone 5 now and I am comfortable with the size it's not to big it's not to small the galaxy 3 seem to big for my comfort


Apr 24, 2011
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When I read all of the reviews of users enjoying their iPhone, sometimes I feel compelled to switch over from Android. I purchased an iPad 3, Apple TV, and MacBook Pro. I use them daily, and enjoy using them. All of the Android devices I've had in the past would suffer from serious lag issues and poor battery life. The Razr Maxx had the best battery life out of any phone I've ever used, but it would lag sometimes. When rumors of the new iPhone 5 with a larger screen was rumored, I was all set and ready to grab one. When it finally came out, I was disappointed to see that they only made it taller and not wider. I knew this would be an issue because I read excel spreadsheets on my phone a lot, and I knew I would have to scroll left and right a lot. While not sure if I should still get it, the Samsung Galaxy Note II came out. It had almost the same size battery as my Razr Maxx, and it had a ton of features. The only downsize was the screen size. I felt it was just too big for me. I like using iCloud for iOS, but it seems limited. Therfore, I use Dropbox, because with Dropbox I can import and I export any type of file I wish. iOS is limited when it comes to the Dropbox app in comparison to Android. Android also has more app features for Google Drive as well. The Note 2 was my last attempt at Android. If I didn't like it, I was going to return it and get the iPhone 5. It turned out to be a much better device than I thought. It runs so much better than all of the Android phones I've previously owned. The screen size doesn't seem so big as I get used to it. I'm loving the Note 2, but at times I still get the urge to grab an iPhone to see what it has to offer.

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Jan 6, 2013
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Welcome to the forums. I know exactly what you mean.Android is an excellent platform but in a effort to be "open", google has lost control. Receiving updates takes around 6months to a year and support is dropped from a phone quick.

Sent from my iPhone using iMore Forums mobile app

Richard Nieves

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Jan 22, 2013
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After a 9 months I have enjoyed my phone. I did recently get an upgrade from sprint and was happy to buy an iphone 5s! I even was able to sell my iphone 5 and buy a 64gig iphone 5s! Man these things retain value!! Anyway I don't see me switching anytime soon. I haven't been this satisfied with a phone possibly ever. I will say with ios 7 (and a tad bit more after getting a 5s I have noticed some bugs, some of which I had with android. These include

- freezing apps
- random reboots
- Siri not always working when she should (says phrases like sorry about this... Or just hangs
- more app crashes

However I also know this update was huge and 64 but processors caused its fair share of problems even on the pc so I am not too concerned yet. When ios 7.1 comes out though I do hope it fixes these issues. (Non apple app crashes are likely just caused by newly updated or not updates apps however apple apps shouldn't crash yet they crash for me the most.

Another small complaint I've noticed is that the spellchecker is pretty lacking. Sometimes if I spell something wrong it won't give me the write choices or auto correct it even though it is sometimes only two letters mixed up. Not a huge issue at all but I've noticed this is just an apple thing as pages for iCloud works the same.

I'm glad I made the switch! Ios seems to get better and better and in the time I've owned an iPhone I have gotten several updates (even if only minor) whereas with an android phone your lucky if you get an update within mine months.

For android, these things need to change.

- updates: sorry it's a smartphone world now and phones need to stay updated. When I read the next update kit-Kay was going to make the update available across more phones I though that was great! However google also mentioned way back their phones should be updatable for at least a year and a half and that's not exactly panning out. Main problem is google doesn't put its foot down with carriers

- spam/security: this actually became a real issue towards the end of having android. Some apps would look like legit apps in the AppStore and then be crap and download tons of spam apps to my phone. Others would just spam me with notification adds with no way of turning them off. Did anyone see the ridiculous blackberry messenger scams??? What's the point of having a market like that if it's going to just let anything in! Google needs to be stricter.

- quality standards my phones quality was alright I don't think it was anywhere near the quality of the equivalent iphone at the time but it wasn't the worst either. However something that needs to be done by google is have better quality standards. I know people who have had android phones that barely work and aren't really usable for much outside of calling because of lag. Cheaper phones should still be functional for basics!! The new Moto G is a prime example of what a cheap android phone should be. Also they need to push manufacturers to optimize better. There should be no android phones that lag considering the specs they have! Some of which are better than some laptops!!!

- app quality needs to improve some... Big names get nice updates but everyone else doesn't seem to care.

- don't force me to use crappy skins!!! For the love of god don't make people use the skins that manufacturers add! Personally if I ever did go back to android I would go to Motorola whom seems to be doing right by android. However I think the skins can really kill the experience of any phone. Let skins be an option that can be turned on or off...

What it a really comes down to is android needs to back the OS more. Be tough on manufacturers, app developers, and carriers. Not in an overbearing way but in a way that promotes an awesome os experience that android could be capable of if google would just back it more. Windows phone has proved that having multiple manufacturers doesn't have to ruin the os experience and apple has shown updates can come out universally. Motorola is a step in the right direction but there needs to be more. Also android doesn't seem to have hardware like the iphone. Most of the top phones are plastic. I know that previous Moto razors were metal and kevlar which was cool but I'm not sure if it's metal anymore. Honestly I don't care if a phone is plastic because I always case them but I know many people do care.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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Over the last 10 months I've had three different brands of smartphones; Android (SG3), Blackberry (Z10) and of course Apple (5s). I liked all three for what that phone(s) can do, however I like (love) my iphone the best. I don't have a long drawn out story about why I switched and what each platform can or can not do. All....I repeat "ALL" phones have pro's and con's, especially when it comes to how each individual uses a particular device. I gave up the Android in lieu of the 5s and decided to keep the Z10 for it's communications ability and other reasons. The bottom line for ME is what makes ME happy today and hopefully in the days to follow and I know the iphone 5s is the ONE.


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Jan 27, 2013
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Over the last 10 months I've had three different brands of smartphones; Android (SG3), Blackberry (Z10) and of course Apple (5s). I liked all three for what that phone(s) can do, however I like (love) my iphone the best. I don't have a long drawn out story about why I switched and what each platform can or can not do. All....I repeat "ALL" phones have pro's and con's, especially when it comes to how each individual uses a particular device. I gave up the Android in lieu of the 5s and decided to keep the Z10 for it's communications ability and other reasons. The bottom line for ME is what makes ME happy today and hopefully in the days to follow and I know the iphone 5s is the ONE.

Hi Derrick welcome again to the iPhone family. You are right that every platform has its own specialty. I think that the iPhone has the best combination of all.

Eduardo Diaz1

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Oct 5, 2013
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I used to hate iphones because size screens but i had so many android phones that never got an update that i get dissapoint. So I change with a friend my s4 for his Iphone 5 and cant be happier with the desition.

I miss a couple of things like launchers. swipe, led notifications and the big screen size but my experience during these two weeks had been amazing.


Dec 11, 2013
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I just transferred over to iOS after using android for many years. It took a little while to get used to the screen size difference but I have to say I really enjoying using this phone. The iOS 7 update gave it a lot of the features I had on android and the fluidity of the apps and phone are great. I can't believe how much better a lot of the apps are, espn for wxple works soooooo much better on iOS than it did on android.
I hadn't used an iPhone since the 4 and I have to say I'm looking forward to the next iteration.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2013
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I just transferred over to iOS after using android for many years. It took a little while to get used to the screen size difference but I have to say I really enjoying using this phone. The iOS 7 update gave it a lot of the features I had on android and the fluidity of the apps and phone are great. I can't believe how much better a lot of the apps are, espn for wxple works soooooo much better on iOS than it did on android.
I hadn't used an iPhone since the 4 and I have to say I'm looking forward to the next iteration.

Welcome back jcash!!


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Dec 18, 2013
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I've had a great number of Android phones, some BlackBerry models, a BB10 phone, a Palm Pre 2 and before this iPhone 5c I am currently using, I had a iPhone 5/ipad mini combo and can say definitively that iOS has been my favorite OS to use and for some reason the ipad mini has been my favorite piece of tech I've ever held. Apple is beautiful and it's devices just WORK. If Google started now it would take them years to appear even a fraction as streamlined, though they have gotten better in that regard.


Dec 31, 2013
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I've had my phones in the following order: IPhone 5, Lumia 920, Lumia 928, HTC One, SGS4, IPhone 5 again. This happened in a matter of 2 months and a half maximum 3.
Concerning Windows Phone, it's a nice platform but it lacks features that are basic in other platforms for so long: eg. VPN
Android on the other hand is nice looking if you look at the OS, it's the most customizable, no words for this one but what made me return to IPhone are a couple of things:
1.) Iphone does not LAG even with several apps in background like Android does because of the way better resource handling
2.) Applications on IOS are simply beautiful, created to deserve to be bought.
3.) On IOS everything works fine, no need for flashing roms, flashing custom recoveries etc.
4.) The whole customizations possibilities in Android come at a very high cost: Battery life! What is the use of a platform that is customizable in such a manner but it drains the hell out of the battery even with a live wallpaper or water ripple effects.
5.) on Android resource handling: memory and CPU mainly, is a total mess! Leaving several apps in background will kill you battery because the OS simply doesn't do a good job handling them. more than just a couple of reasons but I have found these as most important. For me is no use of having a bigger screen and multiple customization options for the UI and user experience if the above problems occur.

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