Connect iPad to Media Server


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Nov 27, 2012
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I have an iPad 2 and am looking to be able to access my media (pictures/video/music) that is stored on my computer. I have the option of choosing Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 Essentials and Windows Home Server 2011. I am hoping to use one of those because I access my media from all my computers as well. So is there any way I can access the items on my media server from my iPad while still accessing it from my computers? If somebody knows a way to do it using one of the operating systems I listed excellent, but if you know any other ways I am open to them as well.



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Nov 27, 2012
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Easiest thing to do (regardless of the OS you pick) and assuming that this media server you are working on is a desktop, always-on, PC, is just to run iTunes and set up home sharing (its somewhere in the menu and easy to do you just log into it with you iTunes id). Then as long as you are on the same network, you can log into home sharing on the iOS device or apple tv using the same iTunes account and any music or video media will be available. Same goes for other PCs-they can also connect to the same iTunes account for home sharing and see whatever media is available. I think PCs on home sharing are limited to 5. Not sure if there is a limit on iOS devices but I currently have 2 iPad minis, one iPad 4, a MacBook Pro, a Win 7 PC, my iPhone and 2 apple TVs connected to the same home sharing setup. I run my main media server off of a Mac Mini but it will work the same if its on a Windows flavor. And all of those devices can see all the music and video on the Mac Mini. Of course those are not all in use at the same time.

I have tried setting up home sharing before just to play around with it but I could never get it to successfully work. How do I connect to it from other computers including my iOS devices?


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Nov 27, 2012
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In the most recent incarnation of iTunes, you turn on Home Sharing in the menu under File -> Home Sharing -> Turn on Home Sharing. All PCs/Macs must be on the same network and use the same iTunes id and password to sign into Home Sharing. Then on the second PC, you'll have the option to view local media or media on one of the Home Shares.

On iOS devices, you log into Home Sharing under Settings -> Music and Settings -> Video, again making sure you use the same iTunes id and password. The device must be on the same network as the computers. Then in the Music and Video apps you'll have the option to view the locally stored media or the media on the Home Shares.

I have gotten the iPhone to work. On my iPad when I go to videos or music there is no share option there like on the iPhone. I am signed in with the same Home Sharing account.


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Nov 27, 2012
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It is really weird how this is working for me. Right after I restart the computer iTunes is running on everything works just fine. Shortly after it stops working and I get either an error message saying the request timed out or I do not have permission to play the content. I have no password on my home sharing.

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