Cingular Data Plans


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Apr 26, 2005
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So does anyone know if the iPhone is considered a smartphone or a PDA? Im guessing it owuld be a smartphone since its a little more multimedia than business oriented. So would it qualify for cingulars $20 unlimited data? $40 is just rediculous concidering sprint (current provider) gives it to for just $20 at a higher speed.

Also, does cingular offer unlimited text messaging? Sucks that the #1 provider in america with so many PDA/smartphones doesnt seem to have an unlimited rate.

I love the iPhone as it does more of what i need than my current Treo 650/PPC 6700. I just hope the data plans and text messaging fees dont keep me away from buying it.


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Mar 13, 2005
How would we know that? The phone won't be out for another 6 months. I'd bank on the 40/month plan, but I reiterate my 1st sentence.


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Apr 26, 2005
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Wow Littlepat, what a nice way of answering a simple question. That is why I asked if anyone knew. A simple "nothing is reported yet" or "we are not sure yet". Perhaps even an educated guess by those that may be "in the know" which i know there are several on these boards.

Dont have to be an arse about it. A little compassion towards those you dont even know will go a long way in making your life much more pleasant.


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Apr 4, 2006
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I have a theory about pricing.

There have been reports of specific plans for the iPhone. With the market Apple is going for, data services may become a common thing even for consumers. Having an iPhone without data renders most of those things useless (unless you are connecting with WiFi) even so. I don't think Apple is going to want someone to come to them and say, I can't browse the web like you said I could. I will admit that not everyone buying the iPhone will be playing with a full deck.

Anyhow. I am banking on specific plans that are tiered. With unlimited data (maybe text) at each tier with varying minutes. Starting at $59.99.

It may be more it may be less. But pushing data to the people who are new to that scene is a money maker for Cingular. Plus Apples product model is simplicity, with a one or two different choices. This cuts down on confusion and makes sure the consumer gets what they want/need.

I know the phone will be available at the Apple Store and Cingular/AT&T stores. Having Apple employees deal with the plethora of options would be a waste of resources. Which is why I would expect a few options on a tier. Much like the Sprint Sero plan.

I don't know what Cingular/AT&T stores will be like, but I will getting mine on the Apple Store for sure.

This is just a theory, but knowing Apple I would expect something like this.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2005
Wow Littlepat, what a nice way of answering a simple question. That is why I asked if anyone knew. A simple "nothing is reported yet" or "we are not sure yet". Perhaps even an educated guess by those that may be "in the know" which i know there are several on these boards.

Dont have to be an arse about it. A little compassion towards those you dont even know will go a long way in making your life much more pleasant.

True, my apologies. In case you didn't notice, I did give an "educated guess," so don't go crazy. Just being honest.

And I suggest you do the same. Out of my 1000 posts, how many show compassion? Of course you don't know, so why feel the need to try and insult me? GO read the REAL forums where people need SUPPORT, not SPECUALTION. And bringing up my "life" and how pleasant it is is personal, I merely pointed out that your question was premature (very sarcastically, granted), being that all we know about the phone is a 90 minute presentation and a few interviews, none of which with Cingular.

So if you want to take the high road, do it. But if you're going to try and "trade shots" with me to make me look stupider than your question was, I will have none of it.


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Nov 19, 2003
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as with Sidekick and T-Mobile. I am sure there will be exlusive I phone plans that have not yet been released. It would be pure speculation to try to guess what they are.


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Apr 26, 2005
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True, my apologies. In case you didn't notice, I did give an "educated guess," so don't go crazy. Just being honest.

And I suggest you do the same. Out of my 1000 posts, how many show compassion? Of course you don't know, so why feel the need to try and insult me? GO read the REAL forums where people need SUPPORT, not SPECUALTION. And bringing up my "life" and how pleasant it is is personal, I merely pointed out that your question was premature (very sarcastically, granted), being that all we know about the phone is a 90 minute presentation and a few interviews, none of which with Cingular.

So if you want to take the high road, do it. But if you're going to try and "trade shots" with me to make me look stupider than your question was, I will have none of it.

Trade shots? I dont recall ever trading a shot and insulting your intelligence. As for sarcasm? Its typicaly difficult to determine sarcasm over a message board unless you throw in a ;) :p :D or some sort j/k or whatever goes a long way to show how you feel.

As for your "1000" posts, that is irrelevant. If I go to church and live the life of god for 50 years, is it then ok to touch young boys? I think not. And judging by your 2nd post, you just reaffirm that you are indeed a jerk. I care not to point out any further your hipocrisies.

Now back to the point of this post. I to agree that Cingular and Apple should have a lower cost (yet of course competitively priced) plan for iPhone. I think the plans they offer for iPhone will have more to do with the iPhones success than just the phone itself.

Also I have a question about Cingulars insurance plan. I saw on their webpage that it seems most PDA/smartphones arent covered under ther geenral insurance plan. Is there a seperate rate for these more expensive phones? That would almost be a killer for me if I cant have my phone insured and Apple's limited warranty only lasts for so long.

I appreaciate any "helpful" replies.

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