Cannot Update Apps on iPhone 4 After OS Update


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May 5, 2013
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First of all, I am using an iPhone 4 with iTunes 11.0.2

I am having an odd issue where I am unable to update my apps, and my iPhone is acting strangely. First, let me tell you what I did to cause this, and then I will explain the symptoms. Thankyou so much in advance, I really could use the help and I appreciate it immensely.

I am using a PC, and was previously using a 32 bit version of Windows 7. I simply upgraded to a 64 bit version of Win7, wiped hard drives, and re installed a lot of things. On the iTunes side of things, I imported two files for playlists, and then patched the holes from the backed up music library I have. I did not back up anything else iTunes related.

After plugging in my iPhone 4, probably without thinking about it just to charge the phone, the phone has been acting strangely. The biggest issue the phone itself has, is that many apps can no longer connect to the servers they use. Weather apps (including the stock one) cannot connect to display weather, and any other program that needs to connect to something simply does not.

As for iTunes, everything seems to work alright, but I notice that there is no way for me to view apps that I've downloaded. I've authenticated this new OS (which is an entire other issue), and logged in, but I cannot see apps to update them. I can only see apps that are already on the iPhone by going to the iPhone tab. If I look at my playlists and click 'music' in the top left, I can only select Music Movies and TV Shows; Apps does not appear here.

Can anyone please give me some troubleshooting on this? I'd very very much appreciate it!


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Oct 22, 2010
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Both on the computer and the phone... log out of iTunes - reboot the devices, relaunch iTunes on the computer and log-in... and log in to the iTunes & app store on the phone making sure you're using the same AppleID.


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May 5, 2013
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Hello again,

I really appreciate the advice, but it did not seem to do anything. I could not connect to the store on my phone, so I reset all settings and then it worked. So now both devices are logged in, but I still see no indication of how to update the apps. As for the other apps on the iPhone acting oddly, resetting the settings did seem to help.

But how about the apps on iTunes?

Thanks again!


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May 5, 2013
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Hello again. Things have not improved at all, and have just gotten worse. No app that connects to the internet will function now. Even trying to start the app store on the iPhone gives the error "Cannot connect to iTunes store".

What could be causing the iPhone to not connect to anything? Everything phone-wise works completely fine, and I still get e-mail, text messages, etc.


New member
May 16, 2013
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I've got the same problem! I even wrote to Apple Support. Guess what? the y told me to reinstall all the software all over, did that. Still having the issue. and apple no longer reply to my emails. :mad:

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