Can anyone help with some issues I am having with Yosemite?


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
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2 Issues with Yosemite

1. Apple is failing royally with this full screen mode nonsense when using multiple monitors. Now, I can't even maximize a window with the green button anymore because it sends the system into "full screen mode" which blacks out all my other monitors. Why can't they just do it like Windows. Just maximize it within the screen. Very easy! So now, there is now way (without using 3rd party addons) to maximize a window without using full-screen-mode. Does anyone know how to revert this to the way it used to work with Mavericks? It wasn't great either, but definitely better than this.

2. The fan on my rMBP hasn't stopped spinning loudly since I installed Yosemite. Granted I am using 4 external monitors and it taxes the CPU/GPU, but yesterday with Mavericks the fan was quiet. Today with Yosemite, it is waking the dead. Any ideas?


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
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Re: 2 Issues with Yosemite

Hi, thanks for the quick reply.

1. Yeah, I saw that with a google search. However, that is EXTREMELY annoying. I would much rather have the option key make the fullscreen mode instead. Any way to change this that you know of?

2. Good call. So far it seems to have worked.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
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Re: 2 Issues with Yosemite

It is annoying because if you want to just maximize the window within the screen, you cannot do so, because it blacks out all the other screens and renders them unusable while it is in full screen mode. I use 4 external monitors. I want each of them to have a maximized window. Apple has always done a horrible job for people using multiple monitors. Just another example, there is no way to shut off the built in monitor of the laptop without using a refrigerator magnet on the left speaker. Sure I can close the lid, but I would like it to stay a little cooler. Also, with the refrigerator magnet, the camera is turned off, because the computer thinks the lid is closed.

Microsoft has done this better dating all the way back to Windows 3.1. Simple. Just click the maximize button, and the window is maximized without hiding the status bar, or the dock, etc.

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